The air inside is getting more and more open!

But the further you go inside, the worse the air is, and there is a strange odor from time to time.

After walking for a distance of tens of meters, there was a detour in front, at the corner, and then you can turn again.

Then I saw two passages where I turned, and one of the two passages came, a faint light.

When Gu Feng saw this light, Gu Feng seemed to see hope in his heart. Generally speaking, where there is light, it must be able to communicate with the outside world, which means there is an exit.

Gu Feng did not rush in the direction of the light. Gu Feng was very calm, afraid that something unusual would happen suddenly.

Of course, the most worrying thing is the sudden appearance of the headless snake.

Gu Feng first paused, pricked up his ears, and listened to see if there was any movement in front of him, and if there was any abnormal sound of "September 17". After listening for a while, everything was normal and nothing out of the ordinary.

Gu Feng was a little relieved, and then slowly walked over like that light. The deeper you go, the more you go inside, the stronger the smell of the monster.

The strong taste should not make Gu Feng worry again.

The heart gradually hangs up.

Gu Feng smelled this smell, very strong, and it seemed that the smell had some familiar, corpse smell.

Gu Feng suddenly remembered the familiar smell, the incomplete corpses he had met with Jiao Snake before.

That is to prove that there are the same corpses nearby, otherwise how could there be a corpse smell?

Gu Feng thought about it. Gu Feng decided to keep walking forward. I didn't encounter anything along the way, and probably walked a few dozen meters.

Wow, what an amazing place, what an eye opener, with a very shocking scene ahead.

"What is this?" Gu Feng was very surprised!

Gu Feng was surprised and surprised. more frightened. Frightened by this sight, he retreated step by step. A stone under his feet accidentally tripped over and fell to the ground.

In front of Gu Feng is a very super huge stone, there are things placed on the stone, it feels like it should be an altar.

There is something on this altar. How to describe this, there is a huge serpent's head in it. Could it be that Gu Feng cut off the serpent's head?

The snake head was stabbed in the middle of the altar by the sword. Around this altar, there are many, many complex symbols, characters, which are incomprehensible, and the fonts of these symbols still glow.

Presumably the light I saw before should be emitted by these characters.

Gu Feng's emotions are one after another, if the general psychological quality is not good, it is really unbearable!

Gu Feng stabilized his mood. Allow yourself to calm down. He stood up and looked at the head of the huge serpent in the middle of the altar.

The head of this serpent is really big, and Gu Feng stands below it like an elephant and an ant.

Gu Feng looked at the huge snake head in front of him and felt pressured. I really don't know what to do.

"Is this really the head of a snake? How can it be so big? Maybe he is the head of another monster? Not the head of a snake?"

Gu Feng shook his head, his head was big and confused. I really can't believe my eyes.

As far as Gu Feng is concerned, he has never seen such a thing. I have never seen such a monster.

Gu Feng walked along this altar, watching and looking around. I smelled that corpse stench again! It turned out that the stench that was getting stronger and stronger was the smell of the head of this serpent.

Gu Feng thought to himself, if the head of this dragon is placed here alone, there should be no breath of life, right?

Before this, the head of the huge serpent was cut off, but the body of the serpent was still torn with him, and now seeing this head again, Gu Feng felt a little trembling in his heart.

After these experiences, Gu Feng didn't dare to think about this giant snake with normal people's thinking.

Looking at the head of this serpent, there should be no life breath.

Its features are like long dead.

His eyes were tightly closed, and there was no trace of blood in them. The blood must have been drained. dried up.

In addition, this smell is the same as the smell of the dead corpses before, and most people will believe that it is lifeless after seeing it.

Just when Gu Feng looked at the head carefully, a voice suddenly appeared, someone was talking, a very cold voice suddenly came from the back of Gu Feng's head.

Not only was the voice heard, but a cool breeze was blowing slowly.

"Hey, I said, you've been watching for so long, should I take you on your way?"

Gu Feng was also surprised, but he turned his head carefully and looked around, but there was no one figure. This was too weird.

The voice appeared in Gu Feng's mind.

Gu Feng said hurriedly: "Who is it? Who are you? Who are you? Come out and talk to me face to face! Gu Feng looked around as he spoke.

"You don't have to look around, just look forward, I'm right in front of you.

Gu Feng immediately looked ahead, but he didn't see anyone at all, and no figure appeared.

Only the head of the Jiaolong, whose blood has dried up, is in front of him.

"It can't be it? A dry head? Talking? How is that possible?" Gu Feng said to himself.

But at this moment, the head of the serpent whose blood had dried up opened its eyes. There is light in the eyes.

Gu Feng was also frightened and ran away. No matter what direction you are in, no matter what direction you are, run away when you see the way.

The head of the snake said: "Want to run?

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Feng's head was very painful, it was the kind of huge pain, Gu Feng slipped. He fell heavily to the ground.

The head of the huge serpent opened its bloody mouth, my God, several serpents came out of its mouth. One of them has no brain.

Undoubtedly, it must be the giant serpent that Gu Feng cut off before.

The previous one could be called a giant Flood Serpent, and there are so many in this one. It can be seen how much bigger this head is compared to the previous one, and it is invincible.

0.6 After Gu Feng regained consciousness, he was already entangled by one of the snakes, and there were other snakes beside him.

The eyes of every serpent are covetous. And then there's the headless serpent.

"Presumably you wouldn't think that you would have today too?" At this moment, a voice came from Gu Feng's mind again.

"Should I be sealed again, I can't release my strength. If I can't use the strength of my whole body, how can you hurt me in the slightest! 35

In this way, the head of the snake that Gu Feng cut off before should not be a head, but a tongue in the mouth of this huge snake.

"It doesn't matter, looking at you, you should also be a cultivator, and your inner mana can also be used. After I drain you, help me to cultivate. I'll end you!

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