Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 702: Abner's plan

The essence of "prophecy" is to peep into the river of destiny. Although the "destiny" of prying includes the past, present, and future, Abner's current "prophecy" ability relying on the "pure white eye" can only get one side.

If there is no special designation, "Pure White Eye" defaults to "Fate of the Future".

Therefore, the "position of Mr. Surrey" he just predicted is essentially to know "where Mr. Surrey will appear in the future".

"But the 'prophecy' failed... There are roughly two possibilities:

"One is that the higher the personality and level involved in this 'prophecy', the more serious the problem is. It exceeds the upper limit of the ability of this version of 'prophecy' that I can experience in advance, and it will naturally fail.

"Secondly, it may be that Mr. Surrey has no 'future' and he will die now or in the near future...

"Judging from the effects of my previous 'prophecies', at least the level of angels is required to interfere with this experience version of 'prophecies'.

"Mr Surrey involved an angel? That seems unlikely...

"It's more likely that he's dead or about to die than that."

While his thoughts were changing, Abner hesitated for a while, and then made a "prophecy" again:

"The location of the Extraordinary characteristics that Mr. Surrey precipitated."

If this can be predicted, it means that Mr. Surrey is indeed dead... Abner hopes in his heart that it will fail again.

However, things backfired, and he soon got a revelation in his mind:


Tosk? I remember that it was a port city at the junction of Intis and Loen... I will definitely pass by when I go to Trier in the future... Mr. Surrey's characteristics will go there in the future... Is this the intersection of fate?

However, the urban area of ​​Tosk is similar in size to Tingen, and there must be hundreds of thousands of people... This revelation is also a little narrower, but to find it in a city of hundreds of thousands of people is also like finding a needle in a haystack!

Abner also thought that if he could get Mr. Surrey's legacy and use it as a medium, he might be able to get a more accurate prediction and understand what the conspiracy of Secretary Johansson and even the special envoy Owen was...

Now it seems that 80% is hopeless.


At the same time, the one with the hood in the gathering of destiny hermits in the hidden space of Babur Valley. After the man who covered his face with a mask and only exposed his eyes, released a reward for the characteristics of "Decryption Scholar", he took out another "Astronomer" Extraordinary characteristic and marked a high price of 12,000 pounds.

Eventually, the feature was bought by a woman with a distinctly foreign accent.

"It seems that Mr. Sarri is dead." Leonard, who was watching from the sidelines, made a judgment.

From the beginning, he suspected that the man with only his eyes was from the Intis embassy, ​​and now he was even more convinced that his speculation was correct.

"Old man, what do you think?" Leonard asked in a low voice with a smug expression on his face.

"The water in this matter is probably deeper than I expected... You'd better not have anything to do with it." Pallez warned again after being silent for a while.

The tone is much more solemn than last time!


In the dining room of the villa at 28 Kinster Street.

After finishing the "prophecy", Abnero thought about it and decided not to tell Fanny the content of the "prophecy" for the time being.

After all, this result is a bit cruel to her, so it is better to make some necessary preparations and reveal it to her little by little, so that she will gradually be mentally prepared...

Abner didn't spend much time "prophesying" just now, and no visions were revealed. Except for Xio, who knew him very well, everyone else just thought he was thinking.

Looking at Fanny, who tried her best to hide her worries and hesitations, and kept her cheerful appearance, Abner sighed secretly, skipped the topic, and turned to the film and television company's preparations and the shooting of the first "film". look away.

At this time, Xio recounted what Her Royal Highness Vera wanted to inject.

A stake in the Daily Observer? Abner was overjoyed when he heard the words, knowing that the popularity of film and television works depends to some extent on publicity... And if there is a print media with good sales in hand, it will have an immeasurable effect on the development of his own company.

Abner originally wanted to buy an entertainment newspaper in Intis to promote his company, and he could also complete the agreement with "Lion" Leon by the way.

In his plan, the headquarters of the future film and television company should be placed in a more open atmosphere. Trier, the capital of Intis with the least local loss in the future war, and Loen, Fenepot, Feysac, Renburg, etc. Each country has a branch to distribute films.

But now that we have the shares of the Daily Observer and the theater chain provided by Xiu, if we can persuade the board of directors to issue a single film review magazine or special issue, we can consider developing the Backlund branch first...

"If the first filming of the "Becklund Impressions" series can be successful, I think I can convince my father to join in the investment... At least I can make him agree to renovate the equipment of the two theaters." Hazel pondered. After a while, he also opened his mouth.

Today, she planned the shooting sequence of some of Backlund's "attractions" with Elaine, who took the initiative to come to the door. She also saw the "occult camera" and was very interested in the idea of ​​"film and television company".

It is worth mentioning that since the patients admitted by Harvest Church will not be healed for two days, Emlyn will not be able to finish his "pharmacy" until Friday and officially start his "anchor" work... and Fanny, who is a "lawyer" He has also drawn up a contract that he can grudgingly accept.

After summarizing the words of the four women, Abner has a general understanding of the "film and television company" and the preparations for the first film. It is expected that the first version of the film should be released by the weekend...

"At that time, the bishops and council members of the three major churches will be invited to watch the movie, and at the end they will include the 'image' of me when I was a teacher of the 'free school'...

"Let the church realize that As long as this equipment can be popularized, the problem of lack of teachers in 'free schools' can be greatly alleviated...

"If free schools all over the country use my 'instructional videos', the feedback from acting will definitely not be small..."

In Abner's view, "secret techniques" in life and study are everywhere. The "Nine-Nine Multiplication Table", the ingenious application of the commutative law and the law of associativity in the four operations, the spelling rules of words, etc. Can be regarded as "secret".

And once these "secret techniques" are popularized to every free school student with the "teaching video", so that they can master it, it will truly achieve the goal of "making 'secret techniques' not 'secret'"!


On Thursday afternoon, Fors finally got the potion formula of "Spirit Witch" from her teacher Dorian, and informed "Tower" through Mr. Fool.

And Abner also visited the great inventor Raypad, and entrusted him to realize the "no mystery version" camera and projector, and immediately boarded the carriage and rushed to the house rented by Dunn on River Street in St. George's District. Dilapidated houses.

——Reppard is the inventor who cooperated with Klein to realize the bicycle. Abner was just a backup. After all, he couldn't put all "eggs" in Melissa's "basket" .

However, when he changed into "Doctor Strange", he was shocked when he saw Dunn who heard the bell to open the door:

How did Dunn become so weak in just two or three days? Is it because of the recurrence of mental problems, what trauma did you suffer?

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