Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 683: The discovery of the moon

"The Fool" Klein heard Miss Justice's question and also manipulated "World" to adjust his posture. He also wanted to know how Mr. Tower got out of trouble—maybe the goddess and the goddess broke out in a battle?

"Tower" was "erased" by the strong of the Dark Night Church? "Erase"... This term is very interesting... Generally speaking, shouldn't it be equated with "kill"? Did Mr. Fool rescue him? "The Hanged Man" Alger turned his head. Look at the "tower" with interest.

Others also watched it at the same time, even Xie was no exception.

——She has been busy with various chores after the heavy smog recently. Although she knows that Abner is back in Backlund, she hasn't found time to meet him.

Seeing that Miss Justice seemed a little guilty, Abner thought for a while, smiled and said: "I am not injured, the angel just sent me into the'Nightland'... I also killed this there. One of the chief culprits of this major smog incident-"Desperate Nightingale" Panadia."

With that said, after obtaining the consent of Mr. Fool, he realized the extraordinary characteristics of Panadia and continued, "If anyone needs it, you can quote me."

That "Desperate Witch" who was seeking promotion was killed by "Tower"? He is indeed a demigod, maybe not an ordinary demigod! "Moon" Emlyn did not connect the words that the "Fool" asked him to preach to Bishop Utravsky at all with this incident. He was simply feeling that he was really special, the savior of the blood race, and he was able to reach the Sequence 7 level. Join such a high-end party.

"The Hanged Man" Alger grasped the key point of Abner's words and asked deliberately: "Night country? The night country on Honakis' main peak? Isn't that abandoned?

"I remember a document saying that there were only ruins left, and the people inside seemed to have evaporated out of thin air."

As for the extraordinary characteristics of the "Desperate Witch", he has no need, even if it is a demigod item.

Is the kingdom of night mentioned in the notes of the Antigonus family? Klein was obviously more interested in this topic than anyone else. It was only because of the identity of the "Fool" that he did not speak. He originally wanted the "world" to ask, but now Mr. "The Hanged Man" took the initiative, but he did not speak. better.

Abner nodded and shook his head again: "It is indeed the Kingdom of Night, but it is not abandoned, but has been ‘secreted’ by the Goddess of Night."

"secret"? When the rest of the people heard this word, they felt that this "hidden" might be an abnormal meaning of the word, and it has a deeper and more specific reference, but they have no way of guessing what it is. They can only base on the "Mother of Hidden" "The honorable name is guessing wildly."

Could it be...this is "authority"? Klein's heart moved, thinking of the vocabulary mentioned in the diary he had just read, and an instant association.

"Mr.'Tower', can you show us the sight of the kingdom of night? I can pay the right remuneration." Miss Justice also forgot her original intention at this time, and asked with curiosity with restraint.

Good question! Klein almost applauded Miss Justice.

But Abner hesitated at this time. After all, other places are forgotten. The Kingdom of Night is the land of the goddess. It doesn't matter if you talk about it. If you expose the "secret" in it, will you be punished by God?

"I'm sorry, Miss Justice... that is the "secret" belonging to the goddess." In the end, Abner was still afraid to show the scenes in the kingdom of night, so as not to disrupt the layout of the goddess... this also stems from Some kind of "hunch" of him.

Although the goddess certainly cannot see inside the source castle, he is staring at Klein...

"Ah...I've lost the word." As a goddess believer, Audrey subconsciously wanted to draw a crimson moon on her chest, but she soon realized that she was in Mr. Fool's kingdom and prayed silently. .

Then, she sincerely said: "Mr. Tower, thank you again for stopping and removing the Desperate Witch, and then preventing the awakening of the Original Witch, so that the pollution of the smog is within a controllable range."

After that, she looked at the "judgment" and the "world" again, and said sincerely: "I also thank you for destroying the conspiracy of the Aurora Society, once again isolating the ‘true creator’ who is trying to come here from the real world."

She wanted to thank the "Tower", "World" and "Trial" in this way before. It was only due to the interruption of Mr. World and the process of the Tarot Society that she temporarily pressed her urgent mood. Now she naturally has to make up for it. superior.

"Original Witch" wants to wake up... "True Creator" is trying to come... What happened to Backlund? This is much more dangerous than I thought! At the same time, Alger "The Hanged Man" and Emlyn "Moon" had the same reaction, but the expressions were different. The former just raised eyelids slightly, pupils contracted, and unconsciously sat a little diagonally, but the latter gave people The illusion of jumping up.

Mother god, no, when the moon is up, when did Backlund become so dangerous? Two evil gods appeared in a big smog! Is that lady a lie? Although Mr. "Fool" is a suspected existence of a god, it is impossible to offend two "He" at the same level at the same time... Could it be said that he is actually the incarnation of a righteous god? Or is there an alliance between gods behind him?

Wait...It seems that just after the Great Smog incident, "The Fool" asked me to bring two words to the priest of Mother Earth... Is it an alliance between "The Fool" and Mother Earth?

And I also asked "The Fool" to help clear the "psychological hints" given to me by the bishop of the Mother Earth Church...'s was the ancestor who asked me to pray to him...could it be that the ancestor and the mother goddess are also allies? So those old guys in the family just sit back and watch me become a believer in the Mother Earth God?

Am I actually the contact person of the three parties? The ancestor really valued me most!

The more Emlyn thought, the faster his heartbeat, and the more excited he was, but he could not be confirmed.

——The nickname of "Vampire" does not mean that they have no heartbeat, but that they are relatively slow. The heart itself is also one of the Achilles' heels.

really! It deserves to be an event that got the attention of Mr. Fool... But what benefit can he gain from the plot to destroy the evil gods? "The Hanged Man" Alger thought and turned his attention to the newly-emerged "Witch" card.

Is it the harvest of the "Fool"?

Hmm... The card of blasphemy may be invaluable to us, but it should not be too precious to a big person like the "Fool" who is close to the gods or just the gods...

Perhaps, he also achieved something deeper with this...For example, to form an alliance with a certain **** who hates the original witch and the true creator...

Contacting Mr. "Tower" and leaving "Night Kingdom" almost unscathed... Will it be the goddess of the night?

Alger thought for a long time.

"Magic" Forsi became scared again. Although Xio had heard a few words, she never expected that there was even more terrifying truth behind the terrifying smog that had taken away tens of thousands of lives.

Abner didn't want to continue this topic at this time, and turned to look at Derrick the Sun, and asked, "Are you free from that cycle?"

Derrick "The Sun" was taken aback for a moment, then he nodded honestly, and turned to the top of the long bronze table to salute:

"Great Mr. Fool, thank you very much for your guidance. This allowed me to find the key point of "Angel of Destiny" from the mural with the words "Rose of Redemption" and helped the chief break the cycle of destiny."

What "angel of destiny"? Is it the "mercury snake" that Mr. "Tower" mentioned? Klein, the half-understanding "Fool", responded with a smile:


After thanking Mr. Fool, Derrick looked at Abner and Alger again, and said with gratitude: "Mr. Tower, Mr. Hanged Man, and thank you for your guidance...

"In addition, Mr. Tower, I asked the little boy about the origin of the gear book."

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