Klein was still struggling with how to provide ‘asylum’, but then he thought about it again: Isn’t it up to me to make enough contributions? Well, as long as I don’t have the ability, I’m ‘not enough contribution’.

   On the other side, Miss Justice heard what Abner said, her emotions rose again, and she asked:

"Mr. Tower, thank you for your suggestion. In the process of accumulating contributions, I can just have ample time to prepare and get in touch with secret gathering circles more naturally... By the way, I have another question, when will I? Can I digest the'audience' potion and end the performance? Is there any criterion for judging? I almost no longer feel irritable, hear babbles, etc."

   "The Hanged Man" Alger glanced at the Fool in the gray mist, and then at Abner on the side. Seeing that he didn't mean to speak this time, he replied deliberately:

"If the'playing method' is not used, the general principle is to wait at least three years, confirm that there is no mania, auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, etc., and use a simple method to judge, that is, let yourself be consumed to the limit. In this state, if you still don’t hear crazy whispers or see strange things, it means you can be promoted."

   "As for the ‘playing method’, I also came into contact with it just now and I feel very good. It shouldn’t take three years.

Seeing Miss Justice seemed a bit disgusted for too long, Klein seized the opportunity and quickly tapped a few long tables, while recalling the knowledge he had just seen in Roselle’s diary, his tone was as usual. General Way:

   "In the low sequence, as long as you play strictly, you can completely digest it within half a year, and it is not impossible for one month."

   "You will understand the signs of thorough digestion, and you don't need to be taught by others."

   After finishing speaking, Klein focused his attention, carefully observing the reaction of the three people present.

   The joy of Miss Justice is beyond words...Mr. "The Hanged Man" seems to have both joy and confusion in his heart, and the latter is more...

   As for "Tower", he doesn't seem to have any particular reaction to it, he has known it a long time ago? It's getting more and more invisible.

   Abner, of course, has long known the digestive standards of acting. The reason why he didn’t rush to answer the question of "justice" was to leave Mr. Fool with some room to "inadvertently reveal his power"? He finally joined the Tarot Club, but he didn't want this party to be disbanded because of Mr. Fool's miserable vest.

   Alger had strong doubts in his heart, wondering why no one in the church could sum up such a practical method.

At this moment, the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of Abner, who was calm and composed. He was very impressed with this gentleman's knowledge just now, so he tentatively asked after thinking about it: "Mr. Tower," You seem to be familiar with acting?"

Abner took a look at him and knew what he wanted to ask, so he laughed and asked directly: "Hehe, I guess what you want to ask... Mr. Hanged Man, you Is it a member of a certain church? See if your costume should be Storm Church?"

   "How do you know?" Alger almost stood up in surprise. Because he was going to participate in the Tarot Club, he deliberately didn't wear the clothes of the Storm Church logo. How could he be guessed so easily?

   Klein and Audrey were also surprised, but they were blocked by the fog and others could not see them.

   "This is reasoning! Ha ha, I am better at this approach. Moreover, I am fairly familiar with Storm Church." Abner explained with a smile. Especially familiar with the real name of the Lord of the Storm...

   is good at ritual, reasoning... reader sequence? No wonder so much intelligence and knowledge have been mastered.

Because the Storm Church itself also mastered part of the potion formula of this sequence, Alger knew about it, and he immediately had a guess in his heart, pretending to ask excitedly: "Mr. Tower, you are also a member of the Storm Church. ?"

Abner did not answer, but turned to the previous question, saying: "The major churches have a relatively consistent attitude towards acting, that is, try to block it. For example, the Storm Church, even if there are middle and low-level punishers to summarize it. , Will immediately be interviewed by the high level of the church, and then asked to make an oath not to spread."

   As for why, you can make up for it yourself. It's not that you don't want to tell you a few laws of Beyonder characteristics, but you are afraid that you have never seen anything about Beyonder characteristics, so let's talk about it later.

   This avoidance attitude made Alger wake up, the other party is not an inexperienced Xiaobai, even if he likes to show off, he won't be hotheaded and say everything, he just pretended to be like a gaffe and asked a question and was seen through by the other party!

   Thinking of this, Alger quickly and sincerely apologized to Abner. At the same time, he also began to think in his heart why the church did this.

   Abner waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

Klein watched the communication between the two of them all the way, and after listening to Abner’s words, he was able to solve his doubts about why the night watcher didn’t know how to act, but another question followed one after another: the purpose of the high-level church. What is it?

   Seeing that several people were thinking, Abner felt that if this went on, he was afraid that the Tarot Club would end directly, and he still had something to disclose to Klein to see if he could change Tingen's story.

   So, he took the initiative to provoke the topic with his own words: "Suspected members of the Alchemy Society broke the ban of the Storm Church on Damir Island and released the monster."

   Audrey came back to her senses after hearing the words, thinking that it turned out that Mr. Tower was tracking the Psychological Alchemy Association. No wonder she was so familiar with this organization.

   "Didn't Aurora do it?" Alger asked in surprise. There was no psychological alchemy in the information he got.

   "Hehe, it was the Aurora Society who did it naturally, but it was the person who instigated them behind the suspected Psychological Alchemy Society." Abner explained with a smile.

   Alger thought for a while after hearing the words, and also took the initiative to speak:

   "I also have a piece of information about the Aurora Society here. Well, I heard that there is a ‘listener’ looking for traces of the true creator, which is the ‘Sanctuary’ they preach."

   At this time, he faintly felt that this matter was related to the situation described by "Tower".

   "The real creator?" Audrey asked suspiciously.

"That is an ancient existence shared by many mysterious organizations and secret sects. They believe that the Creator has not completely died. The core of his remains is the true Creator." Alger roughly explained, "Since the Fifth Epoch, the true creator It has appeared in various images, such as'hanged giant','eyes behind the curtain of shadow'."

   Having said that, he looked at Klein and said:

   "There is no problem with what I said, Mr. Fool?"

   After testing "Tower", come to test me again? Mr. "The Hanged Man" has jumped a bit recently, shouldn't it be beaten? Klein sneered while chuckling:

   "I prefer to call him, the fallen creator."

The name    is also apt. Isn’t there "degenerate" in the real authority!

  Ebner actually wanted to continue to give them a popular science on how the real creator came, but the current pre-knowledge of these future bosses is still too little, and it is too troublesome to explain, so I can only forget it for the time being.

   Seeing that "The Hanged Man" was shocked by Mr. Fool's attitude towards the real creator, Audrey the "Justice" looked at Abner, half sighed and half curiously speaking:

"It sounds terrible, well, Mr. Tower, can you talk about the various mysterious organizations and various secret sects in detail? It is difficult for me to come into contact with these in my daily life. I can only understand it through you. I will Paying, don’t know what you want?"

   Good question! Miss "Justice", you have played the role of a fan to some extent... In this way, with "Tower"'s ostentatious temperament, you will definitely mention the Tantric Order, the Antigonus family, and even half of them. Fool wait for things...

   Klein felt refreshed, but he didn't let his emotions show through his expressions and actions.

   Good question! Miss "Justice". In this way, I can take the opportunity to disclose some of the information to Klein! But still pay? I want the extraordinary features of Sequence 6... or money... Hey, even if "Justice" is willing to pay, I still don't have a reliable way to collect money, so I should wait for Mr. Fool's express delivery function to be developed before charging. Now let’s set up people and grab customers.

Abner laughed at himself a few words in his heart, and then organized the words: "I need the'tree core of the tree of the elderly'. Please help me pay attention. If you encounter it, you can buy it directly, and I will reimburse you afterwards. "This is one of the main materials of the "Polisher" potion he analyzed before.

   The core of the tree of the elders...This is the material of the middle sequence. Is the "tower" sequence 7 or sequence 6? Alger secretly assessed in his heart. He didn't know that he was robbed of a business worth a thousand pounds.

   On the original trajectory, he only used some of the major churches to provide low-level members of the secret group of science and took away 1,000 pounds from Miss Justice.

"The heart of the tree of the elders? Okay, Mr. Tower, I will go to the family treasury to see if there are any!" Miss Audrey happily responded, and decided to go to a friend's house if she didn't have one. Ask.

Good guy~www.novelmt.com~ I think it’s very possible that Mr. Fool’s delivery service hasn’t been launched yet, so you found it for me first... Abner secretly envied Audrey’s treasure house, because he also wanted to have it. One.

Next, Abner popularized several secret organizations from the Quaternary and Fifth Epochs one by one. Most of them were discussed in general, and did not say too many secrets, only in the Morse Ascetic and Spiritual Society. I talked a few more words about the notification, the witch sect, and the Secret Order. It can be regarded as a reminder to Klein.

   "The hidden sage has become a personified evil god? How can this... live?" Audrey heard Abner's description of the gods of the Morse Ascetic, and asked in an unimaginable and incomprehensible tone.

   She left the "audience" state without knowing it.

   is just like a ghost story... and that "ghost" is still a god... Klein's heart also set off a violent storm.

At this time, Abner glanced at Klein secretly, and then said with emotion: "I don't know how he came alive, but his'living' is not so good for many Extraordinaries of the'secret man' sequence. It's a fatal disaster!"

   "Because if you accidentally establish contact with Him, you will be instilled a lot of dangerous knowledge!"

   "However, the sad thing is that the establishment of this connection is actually passive in many cases, and there is no rule at all."

   Klein was shocked when he heard this, and in his mind he couldn't help thinking of the horrible existence behind Old Neil when he first turned on Lingsight.

   "Old Neil is also a'peeper'... wouldn't it be so coincidental?"

   I hope something can change... Abner also sighed in his heart after speaking.

   Although he knows very well, from the moment the low-order Beyonders establish contact with the hidden sage, unless there is a miracle, the outcome is already doomed.

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