Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 392: Stewart in action

"Black Emperor Brand...

"It records all the potion formulas and related rituals from the sequence 9 lawyer to the sequence 0 black emperor...

"No wonder Mr.'Tower' said that the'Card of Blasphemy' hides the mystery of the gods... This is really the mystery of becoming a god!

"However, based on Mr. Tower's understanding of Sequence 0 and the'Card of Blasphemy', will he also hold a similar card in his hand? Which one will it be?

"In addition, the'Black Emperor' can exploit the loopholes in the rules of death. As long as the established order has a certain amount of remnants, even if all the nine mausoleums built by the people are destroyed, it is still possible to resurrect...

"Mr. ‘Tower’ once mentioned in Baron Ramd’s investigation report that Roselle seemed to have forcibly jumped to the ‘Black Emperor’ path at the cost of half-crazy in his later years...

"If... If Russell really got to Sequence 0, does it mean that he didn't really fall?

"Maybe, in which mausoleum he is lying at the moment, waiting for the'resurrection'..."

While his thoughts were tumbling, Klein glanced at Russell on the "Black Emperor" card again. In the portrait, the opponent was sitting on an ancient stone throne, wearing a black crown inlaid with various gems on top of his head, wearing pitch black. His armor, covered with a cloak of the same color, holding a scepter in his hand, and looking forward indifferently.

Then, Klein suddenly laughed and said:

"He didn't really use his own image in every sequence, did he? Really narcissistic...

"So, what will the'Witch's card' look like? Hey, I'm really looking forward to it."

After having fun alone for a while, Klein restrained his various thoughts, then adjusted his sitting posture, and opened the crimson star of Miss Justice with his spiritual "point".

He first answered the other party's previous question in the tone of a "fool", and then pretended to be a "favored one" to thank Miss Justice for her assistance, and relieved the other party's 3,000 pounds of debt.

Of course, this 3,000 pounds is the last issue in January next year. As for the 3,000 pounds this month, the "favored ones" of Mr. Fool still want to wait for the money to arrive and buy the "Sun brooch" of the old "Eye of Wisdom". Woolen cloth.


Queens, home of Earl Hall.

After having breakfast and hearing from her father that the police had targeted the murderer of the serial homicide, Audrey prayed for the witness who kept shouting "Mill" and "Help" in the street. Pray that the other party will not have nightmares in the future, while asking her maid, Anne, to prepare a few invitations for afternoon tea, and send them to Glennte, Cons, Murray, Christine, Emma, ​​and Amour. Xia et al.

Most of them are people who are interested in occultism, and they are certainly not unfamiliar with Roselle's manuscript... Under my guidance, Emma and Amucia have a high probability of buying or collecting them. Request...As long as I get out of hand, I will have an excuse from Fors...At least I don't have to deceive her, after all, I really don't have Roselle's manuscript in my hand!

That's the decision... Audrey just thought of this, and a thick gray mist suddenly filled his sight, and then the "Fool" and the "Blessed One" appeared.

"That bookmark turned out to be a card of blasphemy?! And it succeeded so soon... Just as the witness was panicking and yelling for help, Mr. Fool's favored one did not disturb anyone. The "Card of Blasphemy" has been taken away from the heavily protected museum! It's so handsome!"

Audrey thought in her heart yearningly, but she didn't pay much attention to the debt relief of 3,000 pounds.


In the bridge area, in the house near Iron Gate Street, Stewart, who has changed into Xiaoke, or Kai Shaw, looked at Thomas Corson, who was wearing blue overalls and was physically fit in front of him, and asked in surprise: "You Did you hire a detective to investigate your wife before?"

Hearing this, Thomas suddenly showed a look of guilt on his face, but he nodded and said: "Yes, teacher...I don't worry about her, thinking she was deceived... I didn't expect that she would follow your teaching... My fault."

Since it is possible to "instigate" the wives of workers into divorce, they can naturally also "instigate" their husbands to treat their wives "rationally". After all, for those who like violence, "reasonable" is something they don't usually do. thing.

As for whether this is suitable for the role of "witch"? What about his Stewart, he is not really an "instigator", just simulation ability.

Thinking about this in his heart, Stewart shook his head, and while "charming" with his ability, he said: "You are not wrong. It is the right thing to care about your wife... It's just why you didn't sincerely talk to your wife. Talk about it? Use detectives to find out the truth. In the words of Emperor Roselle, this is a way of turning the roots and the tops of the tree upside down."

"You are right!" Thomas accepted "humbly", "I will go to Detective Moriarty in the afternoon and ask him to end this investigation."

"Very good!" Stewart nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and asked Thomas again, "Tell me carefully how did you find that Detective Moriarty?"

"Okay, teacher... I saw an advertisement in the newspaper..."

After listening carefully to Thomas’ description, Stewart pondered for a while, and then remembered the name "Sherlock Moriarty". When the morning "course" was over, he came to the Joewood District Police Station and used his official The identity read the file of the detective.

Soon, he discovered that the Moriarty detective was the one who first revealed the "Ambassador Intis Spy Case" and was interrogated by the MI9...

Interrogation by MI9? So, it seems that this detective Moriarty has become the informant of MI9. After receiving the commission of Thomas, he obviously found the "instigator" and even discovered the existence of "I". It will be reported to the undersized lady from MI9...

After the investigation, the MI9 noticed the existence of the "Secret Order" and the "Aurora Society", and only then informed me through the lady... This is not an official notice, but a good show to me? Does that young lady, or some high-level person behind her, want to achieve what purpose through me?

Or whether there are people in the MI9 or the Storm Church who have been bought off? That’s why you told me in this way?

When his thoughts flashed, Stewart put down the dossier and did not turn to the portrait on the last page of the appendix.


After noon, Klein, who had just had a nap in his home for a while, was going to the circus to find inspiration to play the "magic".

While putting on his coat and hat, he recalled the two "consultations" he had done in the morning when he was practicing guns at the Cragg Club.

These two consultations came from his friends "Equestrian Teacher" Talim and "Surgeon" Allen respectively.

For the former consultation of "a friend fell in love with someone who shouldn't love", Klein had no good way to do it, so he could only suggest that the other party read more romance novels... although Klein himself felt unreliable.

As for the latter's "continuous misfortune" consultation, Klein, as a former "professional", has his own unique method-that is, to "pray" to the church...Of course, there is nothing wrong with saying "reporting".

Allen readily accepted this suggestion, and decided to wait a while to meet with the bishop so that he would convey the request for blessing to the goddess.

No, the accurate description is that with the bishop's transmission, the night watchers can only notice the abnormality in your body... Thinking back to this, Klein murmured in his heart, and then opened the door to leave his home at No. 15 Minsk Street. .

But at this moment the door of was knocked.

Klein sensed with the "clown" ability, and found that his client, Mr. Thomas Cosen, was outside the door.

Why is he here? Can't wait any longer? Or did something else change?

While guessing in his heart, Klein flicked a coin to do a divination. After getting a non-dangerous result, he opened the door and let the opponent in.

After the greeting, Thomas made a request to Klein to terminate the entrustment, and said that he would re-impress his wife through hard work, through sincerity, through love for her, and make her change her mind... In the end, he was rather embarrassed:

"I won't ask for the deposit... but can the balance be reduced?"

Klein was very surprised by such a change. He had no opinion on the reduction of the final payment. He just asked casually when modifying the contract: "Why didn't you continue the investigation?"

Thomas heard the words with a respectful look on his face, and solemnly said: "Because I met a teacher... she's Kay Shaw..."

Klein's pen to amend the contract suddenly stopped, using the "clown" ability to control his facial features, so that he did not show an exaggerated expression.

Kay Shaw? Is this "instigating" those workers in the opposite direction? That Mr. Stewart is good at playing!


At the same time, on the fifth floor of the Dreamland Labyrinth Tower, Abner, who barely recovered until noon after a break, found the "bell ringer" in the bell tower again and asked him about the "spirit trial".

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