Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 38: Nozick

"According to the Hillston Police Department, the patrolling police heard gunshots near Xuefeng Street in Chorwood District at 11 o'clock last night. When the police arrived, they saw Wetter Gold holding a revolver and aiming at the victim. The victim's left arm was injured.

"The patrolling policeman immediately pulled out the revolver he was wearing and signaled Werther Gold to put down his weapon and surrender. Werther Gold threw the revolver and was escorted by the patrolling police to Hillston Police Station. The victim was rushed to the hospital.

"After investigation, Werther Gold and the victim had a violent conflict during the day, and were then persuaded to go home. When the victim passed Xuefeng Street at night, Werther Gold found the victim and injured his left arm with a revolver. "

Backlund is the capital of the Loen Kingdom. It covers a large area, with nearly 20 districts and a population of more than five million. Therefore, in addition to the "West Velas Field" Beckland Police Hall on the edge of Queens, there are also Police stations are set up in various districts, of which the Hillston Police Station in Hillston District is the largest police station.

The Hillston Police Department is independent from the West Villas Field, and is also responsible for the Hillston District, the economic center of gravity. Therefore, the number of police officers is large and the quality is high, but this has caused dissatisfaction among the people of Chorwood District.

There are many small companies and many houses in the Chorwood area, where a large number of middle class live. They once held demonstrations and demanded that the Minister of Police either increase the number of police officers in the Chorwood Police Department, or allocate parts of Chorwood to Hillston. Police station protection.

At that time, the police system had just been established, and the overwhelmed Minister of Police had to assign part of Chorwood to the Hillston Police Department for protection. Therefore, Xuefeng Street, where Werther Gold lives, obviously belongs to the Chorwood District, but the case is taken over by the Hillston Police Department.

"What's the result of your investigation?"

What the steward Auguste said, it was published in the newspapers.

"Apart from the victim's name, there is no news."

"Oh? That's weird, isn't it?"

Rawls rubbed his chin. According to common sense, this case is very clear. If this is the case, with Rawls' ability, at most, it is to defend Witt Gold's guilt, and it is impossible to use extraordinary abilities to make judges and juries make a verdict of innocence, otherwise it is easy to attract official extraordinary people.

"What was the victim's name?"

"Lance Nozick."

Rawls raised his brows and looked at the housekeeper Augst:

"Nozick of the New Party?"

Nozick of the New Party refers to Martin Nozick, one of the leaders of the New Party, who has the support of many big bankers, rich people and big miners in Hillston area behind him. Especially after the repeal of the Corn Laws and the rise of the New Party, Martin Nozick's name often appeared in the economic pages of various newspapers.


Rawls originally thought it was revenge. Yesterday, he went to the Cragg Club. Werther Gold had a conflict with the son of a new party leader. He was arrested by the police at night for wounding a man with a gun. How could there be such a coincidence?

But it was Lancer Nozick who was injured, the son of Martin Nozick, one of the new party leaders. Even the retaliation did not take place in person, and the details of the case were not reported at all, there must be something tricky in it.


Rawls snapped his fingers and commanded:

"First notify the Disabled Soldiers Relief Association and the Cragg Club, and then contact the heads of several veterans' clubs, and let lawyer Jurgen from the firm go with them to the Silston Police Station to see if they can be released on bail. Come out. If not, let Jurgen see Witte Gold too."

The Association for the Relief of Disabled Soldiers was participated by Rawls under the leadership of the housekeeper Augst, mainly to help disabled soldiers find employment and provide pensions to their families.

Injuring someone with a gun is a felony, and the police department may not be willing to let people bail. The Hillston Police Department is independent of the Backlund Police Department and is directly under the Minister of Police, but the Hillston district bankers who support Martin Nozick can put pressure on it.

If this is the case, the police station may not even let the lawyer see him, and the lonely Werther Gold may not escape this disaster, so Rawls asked August to contact the Disabled Soldiers Relief Association and the Retired Officers Club .

As for the Cragg Club, that is where Werther Gold worked, and wounding someone with a gun is a felony, and it is not enough for a lawyer to come forward. He also has no relatives and children, so he can only let the club come forward.

"Okay, sir."

"At the same time, inform the reporter that the victim is Lancer Nozick. The victim always has to be interviewed by reporters."

Rawls has a smile on his face, and it is also a lawyer's code of conduct to use public opinion.

"I will contact reporters from major newspapers and ask them to interview Lancer Nozick."

"No, and Martin Nozick! Let reporters stare at him, and don't let him meet those people in Hillston District."

"Okay, sir."

"Do you have any other suggestions?"

Rawls looked at his housekeeper, August. Judging from his actions today, he should have some advice.

"I suggest sending the newspaper along with the victim's information to a few Conservative aristocrats."

"Crack," Rawls snapped his fingers again, "Go for it."

If Martin Nozick can be attacked by Lancer Nozick, then the rising momentum of the new party will naturally be hit, so that he can really enter the vision of those Conservative party bosses.

Of course, what Rawls wants to do is not to be a politician and to govern Ruen. Even if George III failed to be promoted to the Dark After Loen was invaded by the Three Kingdoms, the royal family would not allow a non-noble, non-royal family member, to govern Loen.

He wants to become the prime minister or a staff member of a Conservative Party boss. Just like Klein passed Audrey and established the civil service examination system, Rawls will govern Ruen by influencing these bosses and advance his future self. be prepared.

It's not what Rawls thought, whether it is the "Dark Emperor" path he is in or the adjacent "Judge" path, Sequence 2 and above are either the emperor or the ruler, and these two paths are related to the rules, so only Can bite the bullet.

He couldn't wait until he was promoted to a high-sequence to play. First, the time might not come quickly, and secondly, it was impossible for any country to allow a high-sequence powerhouse to interfere in its own country's internal affairs.

Rawls hopes that the subsequent promotion will not be so troublesome, otherwise, with his current conditions and preparations, it is impossible to become a **** at all, and Sequence 2 is very troublesome.

Just look at the "King of the Five Seas" Nast, at least one hundred and sixty years old, still trapped on the Sequence 3 "Frenzy Mage"!

"Tuk tuk tuk", there was a knock on the door.


Rawls' valet, Morris, came in, holding a silver plate with a cup of sweet iced tea.

Rawls took the sweet iced tea and took a sip:

"Is the room ready?"

"Tratt has finished packing."

"Well, you go downstairs."

During normal daytime, the valet is to follow the master all the time. Even if the owner takes a lunch break, he just stands outside the bedroom and waits. Rawls asked Morris to go downstairs, which means that all servants and housekeepers are not allowed to go upstairs.

Rawls is going to prepare a potion and prepare to be promoted to "Barbarian".


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