Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 37: Literary Salon

August 22, Wednesday, at 15:00 pm, the weather was hazy.

Snow came to this luxurious villa in Queens with the invitation that Mrs. Nora sent to his house yesterday.

As a territorial noble who inherited the title at a young age because of his father's early death, Viscount Grelint can almost be said to be the social core of the younger generation of nobles.

It's not that everyone likes him, just because only he is qualified to hold all kinds of salons and dance parties as he pleases.

The dances held by ordinary children of nobles were either due to the political considerations of their parents or as a formal venue based on social needs. As for the receptions of the middle-aged nobles, they were full of all kinds of constraints.

In this way, the mansion of Viscount Grelint has almost become a gathering place for the ancestors of Backlund II, which has led to many occupations such as writers, painters, designers, etc. Young practitioners with outstanding talent but low qualifications all regard Viscount Grelint's salon as a promotion ladder.

And these talented and dignified young people have attracted a lot of nobles who are interested in the industry, and even a lot of investment and business cooperation. profitable projects.

This feels a bit like a virtuous circle in which high-end clubs attract high-end consumers, thereby attracting high-quality tea artists who want to climb Gaozhi and have enough capital, and then attract more rich tea tasters.

Today, there are especially many guests here.

Relying on an incredibly handsome face, the person in charge of the reception at the door didn't even check the invitation, and finished the release, which gave Snow a sense of sight that "beautiful girls can enter high-end bars for free".

Of course, he doesn't care about this kind of convenience. Although on the surface, it seems that he has accepted favors for nothing, but sometimes, it is more conducive to socializing to owe favors.

"Little Snow, you're here?" For well-known reasons, Mrs. Mano, who didn't come with Snow, had already arrived first. Seeing Snow, she immediately walked over and introduced him with a smile. To an acquaintance of a noble lady.

Snow's predecessor had considerable experience in such social situations, and it didn't take long for him to get rid of the embarrassment of being an "outsider"——

Of course, this is also related to the many acquaintances present.

Wandering around in the spacious banquet hall, occasionally holding a glass of low-alcohol wine, and chatting a few words with the ladies and ladies who came over, although jojo has just started serialization at this time, his reputation as a "writer" is far from reaching The level of attention, but who makes him handsome?

Went to a long table and went to a cake that looked very delicate. Snow patrolled the banquet hall while eating. I have to say that the network of the predecessor was really scary. At this time, the women in the banquet hall were , Even if you count those fashion designers, jewelry designers, painters, and novel writers, Snow actually has a face familiarity rate of as high as 30%.

And this face familiarity rate is basically equal to Snow's customer list.

Secretly advanced the Beyonder ability of Sequence Seven, and put himself into a state of "no one can see through". On the one hand, he could avoid the attention of the "audience" or other Beyonders that might exist in the banquet hall, and on the other hand, it would be better. to cover up the fluctuations caused by the release of his extraordinary abilities.

After doing all this, Snow took a step forward and walked towards the few ladies who looked familiar but didn't know him.

The lady was leaning halfway in the corner, sipping a cocktail with a lazy expression, her fingertips were slightly smoky, her hair was fluffy and slightly curly, and her pale blue eyes lacked focus, giving a sense of A feeling of being away from the world, but as if waiting for someone.

"Uh, this 'Da Duck that no one can see through' also comes with a 'Swamp Leaping Fish that everyone can see through'?" Snow spit out his own advanced ability. Is the potion advanced profession? Even if the borrowed only a little passive skill, it still has outstanding observation ability.

Handing over the dinner plate in his hand to the passing waiter, Snow walked unhurriedly in front of the lady, showing a friendly smile and said:

"This beautiful lady, my name is Snow, Snow von Penredax, is it convenient to meet you?"

For the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Forsi frowned slightly. Although the other person was indeed very attractive and behaved very politely, for some reason, at first glance, there would be a kind of "lack of actual impression". "The feeling, to put it simply, is that as long as you don't overdo it, you will soon forget what he looks like.

Although she didn't want to speak very much, Forsi also understood that this kind of literary salon couldn't be too cold, especially when she couldn't tell the names of every guest.

If Viscount Grelint could help her get Hugh out, the person in front of her might not be able to get him in.

"Really, why does Miss Audrey have to communicate on this occasion! Is there something that the dog... um, that extraordinary creature that looks like a dog can't communicate well?"

Forsi complained silently in her heart, but still squeezed out a smile and said:

" Mr. Snow, I'm Fors, Fors Wall."

"It turned out to be Senior Forsi. Your "Storm House" has left a deep impression on me so far. I happen to have a novel being serialized in the Tussock Newspaper. I wonder if you can share it?"

In fact, Snow had a little social fear in his previous life, but who made his predecessor a social bull?

"The Tussock Newspaper? I remember that the author of a novel was named Snow, and Hugh seems to like it... It seems to be called "Phantom Blood"?"

Fors thought with some headaches, although it has been confirmed that the other party is not a noble, it is not suitable to show a cold face at this time. The scale and half claw heard in his mouth chatted with Snow awkwardly.

However, Snow also knew the reason that it was too much. After leaving a slight impression, he left with a smile. Seeing this handsome guy turn and leave, Fors was slightly relieved, but she didn't wait for her to return to her lazy and leisurely state. Appearance, a figure entered the banquet hall.

At this moment, the voices in the banquet hall stopped for a moment. As Beckland's most dazzling gem, this young lady is undoubtedly the most noble guest in this salon today.

However, Miss Audrey, who has been in various social situations since she was a child, obviously knows how to integrate herself into the social environment. After a while, the "disturbance" caused by her arrival has been appeased, but no one seems to notice. After a handsome guy passed by, her expression seemed to be more "sincere".

From this moment on, any audience can only read the information they want to see from Miss Justice.

[The Kirbymon that everyone thinks they can see through.jpg]

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