The four scumbags could not count on it. Wen Rensheng found that the best and fastest solution was to cooperate deeply with the inspection department.

His advantage is that he can provide boosts and samples of reincarnated soul fragments.

The inspection department has manpower and material resources, and can continue to maintain and study.

He has limited energy alone, and it is impossible to spend all of it on this. His core job is to increase the degree of mystery.

The upper limit of mystery has now entered the plateau period, and it has not been raised several times in a long time.

After several battles now, he felt that the upper limit of mystery was not enough, otherwise, he would not need to ask the master for help.

After all, with his own strength, it is still very cumbersome to realize this process. He still has a suitable alien at hand, but the other steps are still very troublesome. If the whole thing is to be done properly, there is no three or five Years fail.

In order to improve the success rate, there is also the problem of post-maintenance. The best solution is to cooperate with the inspection department and place an order for them.

This is probably one of the purposes they handed over the information to themselves, to further bind their own super combat power in this way.

After reincarnation, is there no maintenance requirement?

Impossible, there is a follow-up observation period for treatment, and regular inspections to ensure that the disease will not recur.

This reincarnation project must require regular physical examinations.

In this way, the interests of both parties will become closer and the relationship will be more stable.

After thinking for a while, Wen Rensheng began to think about this cooperation issue.

Just as I was thinking, the door of the study opened, and it turned out that it was my mother, Ouyang Ling, who came in with a bowl of ginger soup.

"It's almost autumn now, the weather is a bit cold, take care of your body, don't stay up late." She nagged like this, and put the soup bowl on Wen Rensheng's desk.

"Got it, Mom." Wen Rensheng looked back at the wall clock, it was only 8 o'clock in the evening.

Ouyang Ling didn't leave, but stretched her head to look at the laptop in his hand, there was something written and drawn by Wen Rensheng on it, as if she wanted to say something?

"Is there anything else?" Wen Rensheng noticed his mother's abnormality, put down the ergonomic keyboard, and asked attentively.

"Are you tinkering with the reincarnation of the soul? Are you busy with Shanshan's mother?" Ouyang Ling asked tentatively.

"Well, that's it." Wen Rensheng didn't deny it, and there was nothing to deny it.

"Actually, there is a saying that I have always wanted to tell you, but considering that you are so old, it is not easy to interfere with your choice casually."

"You tell me, I'll listen." What else could Wen Rensheng do, after all, this is his own mother, even though she is from this world.

However, it is unique for a person to have two real mothers.

"The purpose of that child's approach to you is probably to revive her mother. The relationship between you is not pure." Ouyang Ling worried.

The most precious person in her world is Wen Rensheng, so of course she can't bear to hurt him a little, especially emotionally.

"In this world, apart from the love of parents for their children, is there anyone who loves you for no reason and is pure? If you are a beggar, how can the goddess look at you? Is it necessary to blame the goddess for only looking at you?" Don’t look at the outside? Impossible.” Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Hey, you always look more mature than me and your father, it really makes me angry." Ouyang Ling couldn't help but knock her son on the head, but she was also relieved.

Because the son sees it very clearly, even better than her.

In addition, she is also very happy, after all, the son still understands the dedication of his parents.

"Uh, this is probably innate."

"What was born, I was born."

"Uh, I have nothing to say."

The mother and son talked for a while, and then Ouyang Ling left contentedly.

Wen Rensheng smiled and continued to study deeply.

However, today he was doomed to have no way to be quiet, not long after, his father Wen Rende came in again, of course he was empty-handed.

From this small detail, we can see the difference between being a father and being a mother.

"What's your purpose here?" Wen Rensheng didn't look up, he dragged the mouse to read the document.

"Oh, I heard that you are researching the reincarnation of souls? Can this thing really become a reality?" Wen Rende asked hesitantly.

"What, what did you foresee?" Wen Rensheng stopped the mouse in his hand.

"Well, I did foresee something, and I'm afraid there will be chaos again because of this incident." Wen Rende sighed.

After thinking about it, Wen Rensheng understood why his father said that.

It's very simple, soul reincarnation, what a benefit!

For a long time, people can only compete for the interests of life, no matter how much wealth, status, or reputation you have, you can't bring it to your death.

The so-called good speech before death is nothing more than because there is nothing to argue about.

But now it is different.

After you die, you can still reincarnate your soul, wealth, status, and fame can be carried to the next life. You can imagine how many open and secret fights this will cause.

What is the threshold for reincarnation, how many conditions are there... everything is unknown, but the Inspectorate released rumors in a small circle of people.

Others saw the opportunity, but Wen Rende saw the risk. After all, his son was involved in this matter. Of course, he saw the risk first. After all, for a pair of normal parents, the first consideration is not how capable or promising the child is, but Is it stable enough?

"This is something that will inevitably happen, but you can't stop because of this." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"That's what I said, but you should also pay attention. I heard that some old masters are starting to move around and want to take a place."

"That's good. There are desperate situations everywhere now. The inspector's release of this news is also to reverse the general trend of aliens tending to protect themselves." Wen Rensheng nodded.

This is the biggest difference between aliens and ordinary people. The latter cannot survive without society, so they will be driven by society, and they can endure even if they suffer heavy casualties.

But aliens can escape and survive independently. Relying on strong restraint alone must cost far more than the gains. Isn't this the reason why the colony collapsed?

This is the inevitable result of the power of the individual over the group. A system that can drive ordinary people cannot drive aliens.

Wen Rende shook his head: "But some people don't want to pay, but also want to get benefits."

"Hmph," Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "Such a person can only achieve his goal by sending him to meet his ancestors."

"Of course I don't know who it is. I only know that some scenes in the future will look like this. I heard before that people from the Sovereign Society tried to snatch the information on soul reincarnation." Wen Rende sighed.

"You are also very well informed." Of course Wen Rensheng knew that Du Zun would make trouble in the Fragmented World and wanted to steal the information of soul reincarnation.

Now thinking about Qu Weijiang's matter, it would be hard to imagine without the cooperation of the landlord. Perhaps at that time, Qu Weijiang began to change. He wanted to raise the bandits' self-respect, but this method was not so easy to learn.

Without decades of experience, how can it be so easy to use?

So in the end Qu Weijiang could only choose to see the poor, and then ushered in the end of failure.

"I'm afraid they'll get their ideas on you. After all, you're a family member, so you can't prevent someone from taking risks." Wen Rende said seriously.

"This is indeed a problem." Wen Rensheng affirmed.

For general interests, even if it is related to the advancement of strength and great wealth, those masters and masters will not come to mess with me.

But if it involves reincarnation after death, there is no deterrence to scare them. After all, if you don't fight, you will die, and if you fight, you will have a chance to live another life.

Who wouldn't count this account?

Were those emperors in the previous life smart enough? Isn't it because of some rumors that have not been verified at all, toss around, and it turns out that I could live to be sixty or seventy years old, but I only live forty or fifty years old.

This is wanting but not getting.

"Well, as long as you know what's in your mind, I won't say anything unnecessary. It's late now, and I should go to bed." Wen Rende threw the question to his son, patted his ass and left.

What a dear father.

Wen Rensheng thought helplessly.

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