Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 454: village

The things that followed were lackluster. For ordinary people, including the middle-aged man with some supernatural abilities, the irresistible mysterious disaster was cleaned up by Wen Rensheng and the inspectors who came to deal with the aftermath.

And the middle-aged man was a blessing in disguise and was absorbed by the inspectorate.

For him, this is a good thing he could not ask for.

On the one hand, when he entered such a mysterious and huge institution, the hidden danger in his heart disappeared.

Because of the news I heard from Wen Rensheng, people who have such adventures are scattered outside, and basically have no good end-often they are the easiest targets of evil things.

He already had personal experience of this, and he was convinced.

In addition, Wen Rensheng showed him the power of a strong man, and it was even more letter after letter.

No one cares about the truth spoken by the weak, but the lies uttered by the strong can deceive many people.

On the other hand, for ordinary people, the benefits of this organization are much better than those of the top companies in various industries.

This is normal. The Inspection Division takes up a lot of funds with less manpower, and every project can bring huge wealth, so naturally there is no shortage of money.

For someone like a middle-aged man who has just embarked on the mysterious road, money is still very important.

Of course, the farther you go, the more important you will find money.

Seeing the back of the middle-aged man happily leaving, Wu Shanshan sighed, "We implicated him, he still doesn't know anything."

"Ignorance is also a kind of happiness. Sometimes walking too far in the dark and exploring too far is not really a good thing. People should learn to stay in their comfort zone for a longer time." Wen Rensheng recalled a proverb from a previous life and explained it. road.

"Probably so." Wu Shanshan felt that this sentence was very suitable for her. If she didn't know about resurrection and aliens, she would have lived a normal life by now.

In fact, most ordinary people will slowly recover after losing a close relative, which is a few years of misery, and finally live a normal life.

Another week later, Wen Rensheng waited until nothing happened nearby before returning to Dongshui City.

It took nearly a month before and after just one soul-calling ceremony. Now it's November, and the cold wind from the north has begun to cool the land of China.

Every time the temperature drops, it is the beginning of a disaster.

It seems that the hot sun can drive away mysterious disasters.

In fact, according to some more cutting-edge research, the conjecture is that the physical world is more active under hot temperatures, and it is easy to resist the erosion of the mysterious world.

As for whether it is right or not, there is no more reasonable explanation than this, so everyone just accepted it.

Such an explanation is better to accept than the mystical statement that yang overcomes yin.

After returning home, Wen Rensheng started busy planning for heaven again.

In the study, he rearranged those alienated hairs, and then he had a major gain.

Those alienated hairs, the cornerstone of Heaven's plan, have undergone a great evolution after undergoing the soul-calling ceremony.

They become more adaptable to the rules of the mysterious world, and are more likely to attract those soul fragments.

Whether this is progress or degradation, Wen Rensheng is not entirely sure.

But the next prompt he heard made him understand that this was progress.

"Your body is moving towards mystery, and the mystery has risen a little, from 385 to 386."

Unexpectedly, his mysteriousness would automatically increase a little without noticing it.

Although it is only a little, it is unprecedented.

In the past, no matter whether he did it himself or entrusted the students to investigate, he always had to take the initiative to work and search for mysterious things or mysterious events.

It was the first time that he could gain the upper limit of the mystery by lying down completely like this. This shows that the path he had taken before was correct.

After the surprise, Wen Rensheng became deeply worried again.

Towards the mystery?

Uh, won't it become the monsters of Cthulhu that can make people crazy at a glance?


He doesn't have that kind of curious aesthetic at all. What he wants is brilliance, integrity, nobility, and dazzling...

Thinking of this, he decided to lay down a firm rule for his mysterious evolution, and put up a fence in advance - to prevent it from walking in a mess and becoming deformed.

Perhaps in the eyes of some admirers, it would be more beautiful, but for him, who pursues perfection, life is better than death.

So he immersed himself in it, and glanced at the mutated hair that was being mystified.


The perspective gradually narrows, just like when playing a game, from the third perspective above, to the first perspective.

Pieces of fields appeared, and after the fields, there was a village full of huts.

Some of the green dots were busy on those fields, and some green dots were busy around the hut.

Er, Wen Rensheng was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, in his own hair, there are still people who can farm.

Needless to say, these green dots must all be their own compatriots from China.

It's really touching. As long as they are given a place to settle down, they will automatically multiply and become self-sufficient.

You can say that they are cowardly and submissive, you can say that they are not aggressive, but for managers, this is the best group of people.

Wen Rensheng carefully observed the past and found that those fields were actually absorbing the power of centromeres from the mysterious world. Although no plants have appeared yet, it won't be too long.

Really great.

He didn't take care of these green dots, he just regarded them as the first batch of testers. He didn't expect them to be able to do so much.

Thinking about it, it should be that they transformed the instinctive knowledge they acquired in the mysterious world into the mode of farming according to their habits during their lifetimes.


Wen Rensheng originally thought that he needed to provide them with strength. Over time, it would cause them to make ends meet. Now it seems that it is entirely possible to make ends meet, or even make a surplus.

After being gratified, Wen Rensheng thought of another crisis: since they have such potential, there will definitely be someone robbing him for business in the future.

If you can build heaven yourself, someone will build hell.

No one does the business that loses money, and some people do the business of beheading.

One of his previous inferences was wrong. He thought that supporting green dots would consume one's own Even if someone researches alienation technology in the future, it will not be used to absorb green dots.

It now appears that he was wrong.

He needs to go faster and consolidate his foundation in advance.

As long as you occupy the territory in advance, you can avoid being overtaken.

The change is indeed faster than planned.

Wen Rensheng thought so, and then continued to observe the small village.

And there is also a surprising discovery, the green dot representing Wu Shanshan's mother has floated into the village and has become a VIP!

He didn't understand why, probably because it came in from a special channel?

Those green dots are indistinguishable in the eyes of others.

But he has the spirit control technique, so he can see clearly.

Everyone's soul has a unique brand, so the green dots are also varied.

The shape can be displayed most vividly. The triangular shape is often more aggressive, while the round shape is softer.

Of course, it is not easy to see this.

Wen Rensheng discovered it after observing for a while.

And he also found that some green dots can already speak normally!

This is absolutely an astonishing discovery.

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