Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 411: Embrace change

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in the study.

Ouyang Tianzheng was accompanying Xiaoxiao to talk to Wen Rensheng.

There is no way, if you want to ask someone, you have to bend over, even if the other person is your cousin.

When Wen Rensheng saw him coming in, he knew what the other party wanted to say, so he waved his hand and said, "I know about you, as well as Brother Li, don't worry, I will make you all aliens. Of course, this way It's not easy to walk, with a bright face and thorns under your have to be mentally prepared."

"Ah, I'm not in a hurry, it's better to give it to Brother Li first." Ouyang Tian decided to carry forward his style.

"Don't be so hypocritical, there is no problem with wanting, as long as you keep your original intention, getting a different species is just the beginning, not the end, and it should be noted that it is only a tool to improve life, not the goal of life." Wen Rensheng began to preach again. now...

"I understand." Ouyang Tian nodded again and again, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Well, there's a chance now. You should be aware of the recent trade gate, right?"

"I know, that's the latest hot topic. The forums related to aliens. The hottest posts are full of content there. There is also the cemetery, which is occupied by rotation and topped. According to rumors, you can get aliens from it." Ouyang Tian immediately came to talk about Xing.

"Stop," Wen Rensheng stopped, "I can tell you clearly, this is true, but you must not try to get it from there, because the water inside is enough to drown you."

Isn't it?

He also personally participated in the **** of one. If an ordinary person like Ouyang Tian entered, he would only die as fast as one.

Ordinary aliens have no self-protection power.

He also used armor puppets to capture it. The opponents he encountered at the time were not strong enough, and he used all puppets, and no one ended up on their own.

Now it seems that the real strong players are waiting and watching.

But now think about it, I am afraid that more people will start to start.

It was already a **** storm outside.

He looked at Ouyang Tian, ​​who was just looking forward with ignorance. The people inside felt that the weather was sunny.

Hearing him say this, Ouyang Tian was stunned at first, then nodded and said, "Well, I will listen to you, cousin."

"Okay, you can help me with the student's homework first. Now that the number of students has expanded, it's a bit too busy, mainly because of their internship work. Of course, when there is danger, don't come forward and let me know." Wen Rensheng After thinking about it, he ordered.

Gotta get this guy some work to do before he gets into trouble.

"Understood." Ouyang Tian assured.

Ouyang Tian then went out, and the person who came in was Xu Yunshuang.

Wen Rensheng looked at her carefully, and suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling coming from the other party - a hint of familiarity.

He thought about that feeling carefully, the extraordinary memory played a role, he thought - it was the blood alien that he had snatched before, and after being used by Mu Chengen, it became the blood alien...

Could it be that the other party is already cultivating ancestral seeds?

He thought so, then said, "Sit down, what's the matter with me?"

"It's nothing, I'm just here to celebrate my aunt's promotion, and there's another thing I want to tell you—she's going to visit a whirlpool in a few days." Xu Yunshuang left a sentence that was difficult for others to understand, turned around and walked away lightly.

Wen Rensheng suddenly frowned in a rare way—that immortal, who has been dormant for so long, is finally about to make a move?

Is it good news or bad news.

Strange, why did Xu Yunshuang come to tell him, not Wu Shanshan?

Well, probably the latter is too busy...

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng had no intention of taking care of his mother's celebration party, and just left it to others.

He got up to pack up and drove out the door.


After coming to the company, I found Wei Yiqing's office, who was playing with the computer.

On the screen, it seems to be a pile of blocks, but if you look closely, you can see a lot of green appearing, and there are lights flashing at the same time.

After approaching and seeing some text prompts, he realized that the other party was playing a game of life evolution. By changing the environment, he watched the rise and extinction of creatures...

He was suddenly shocked. The person in front of him was definitely not Wei Yiqing. The reason was very simple - how could she play such a complex game!

"You're here." Sure enough, a cold voice appeared, it was the immortal.

"I didn't expect that you also like to play games..." Wen Rensheng teased.

"It's just to pass the time, anyway, there is a lot of time, enough for me to play everything in the world." She put down the mouse.

"Playthings will be discouraged. Some things, once obtained, are not impossible to lose." Wen Rensheng said pointedly.

"You, as expected of a man I like. You are right. After you get it, you lose a lot. If you want to not lose, you have to keep alert yourself. It seems like now, it's my time to alert again." She stared at Wen Rensheng.

"Do you mean the last two changes? Can they threaten you?" Wen Rensheng asked tentatively.

"Of course, I'm only flesh and blood. How can there be immortality in the world? Even the sun will go out one day." She said lightly.

Wen Rensheng said thoughtfully: "It seems that you are going to see the whirlpool just to deal with this threat."

"Well, you guessed it right, I have to understand the changes that have occurred this time." She said earnestly.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he did not underestimate the other party because he admitted that he was a threat; on the contrary, he understood that this immortal person had a complete concept.

Facing change, mastering change, and adapting to change is the way of longevity.

Closing your eyes and ears, refusing to change will only lead to decline.

Long years, good attitude, how much ability does the other party have? How much knowledge has been accumulated?

It is no wonder that the other party ignores everyone else and is only interested in himself - naturally because of his identity as the one who descended from heaven, which is a unique and unresolvable mystery in this world.

"Can I go together?" Wen Rensheng asked suddenly.

This guy is a big treasure in itself, and it is also one of the biggest changes. Now he has the ability to learn new things from the other party.

Perhaps as long as you understand a little more, you can get dozens or hundreds of mysterious degrees!

"Are you worried about your master's body?" she laughed playfully.

"There are factors in this regard." Wen Rensheng resolutely admitted that there is nothing to lie about. He is such a person who values ​​feelings.

Especially those around him who really care about and those hypocrisy, he can see at a glance, just superficial compliments and flattery will not make him move.

"You can go there if you want. It's on the top of a mountain in the Andes. You should know that place." She said simply.

Wen Rensheng nodded. Of course he knew the exact coordinates. Whether it was the inspectorate or the Sovereign Society, they gave him the coordinates of this place.

And he also knew that the goal of the Sovereign Club this time was exactly that mountain top.

It's strange that they chose to go to such a complicated place instead of going to the easier Saanan land.

Maybe they're just going to do the opposite.

Because the simpler the place, the lower the threshold, and the more people there will be.

And dangerous and complicated places can help these powerful people, eliminate the interference of many trash fish, and be more worry-free.

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