Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 395: grandson

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Hearing this, Wu Shanshan, who was drinking tea by the side, moved in her heart, then stood up and walked towards the study.

Her father Wu Liansong stared at her as she left the back, sighing secretly.

Look at it, my daughter is okay, like Wang Cuiyan, who has a grandson without a son-in-law, it's even worse...

What a godsend, only ghosts believe it.

Wu Shanshan came to the study room and found Wen Rensheng, who was really on the phone, chatting and laughing with the students.

"Liu, how's your puppet art? Learning needs to be integrated into practice. For this internship, I will use the puppets I helped you make during class. Yours is a puppet bird, which is difficult to control. It's just right for practice. …”

"Yunshuang, that bottle of petrochemical potion should be used carefully. Although it has been diluted by me, its power is not small."

After waiting patiently for him to finish the call, Wu Shanshan said, "Give me a poem, the kind that will shake the past and present..."

"Your tone is really big," Wen Rensheng was a little helpless, he could guess what the other party wanted to do, "Let me think about it."

"Okay, think about it slowly, I'll pour you some tea." Wu Shanshan put on a smile and pushed the door away.

"Hey, really think this is the world where poetry is manifested..." Wen Rensheng muttered casually, and then began to recall.

Think about which poem that shakes the past and the present has never appeared in this world.

There is a cemetery behind the whirlpool. If that's the case, then we need to find a poem that fits the mood.

Well, that's it, "Ten years of life and death...", anyway, the person who uses it is not me, so you don't have to worry about memorizing the name of the copywriter.

After carefully recalling it, he immediately wrote it down on a piece of rice paper in a timeless regular script. After reading it, he nodded with satisfaction.

Really a genius...

Then he called Wu Shanshan to come over.

After the latter came in, he read it several times, and suddenly grieved.

This is a eulogy, and different people have different opinions.

Originally, Su Shi did it to miss his deceased wife, but in Wu Shanshan's view at this time, it was clearly her boyfriend who imitated his father's tone and state of mind, doing it for him, and also doing it for himself...

My father is a rude man with a lot of infatuation, but it is impossible to write such poems to express his feelings.

She looked at Wen Rensheng and said warmly, "You have a heart, I understand everything you do."

"...Uh, you just understand." Wen Rensheng didn't know what the other party had misunderstood, but it seemed to be a good thing.

The two then said goodbye.

After going out, Wu Shanshan returned to the living room and handed the word to Wu Liansong to read.

Although the other party can't write poetry, but the ability to appreciate is also there.

He looked down, tears streaming down his face, even in the living room, in front of everyone, it was difficult to suppress that special feeling.

At this moment, Wu Shanshan was horrified to discover that a dark yellow light suddenly appeared from his father.

This, this seems to be what Wei Yiqing said, a sign of communicating with the mysterious world?

When the others saw this, they were all amazed and shocked.

What is the situation? After reading a word, you can have such an opportunity?

Wang Cuiyan, the most experienced, stretched out her hand to make everyone quiet, not to disturb, and at the same time whispered to let people guard at the gate of the courtyard, and do not let outsiders enter at this time.

People do what they say.

Although Wen Rensheng was in the study, he also felt the abnormality in the living room.

When he came to the door of the living room and stopped entering, he saw Wu Liansong's current situation and couldn't help but sigh: he would be slapped in the face.

Poetry cannot manifest itself, but it can touch the state of mind. If it fits with the alien characteristics of the aliens themselves, it will naturally trigger the favor of the mysterious world and gain stronger power.

This old Wu is really a fool and a fool.

At that time, I didn't think of this, but I was thinking of finding a famous poem and something that matched Wu Shanshan's request.

Now it seems that this old guy has gained a lot of benefits.

Of course, judging from the other party's temperament, he would rather not have such benefits, and only hope that his deceased wife will be resurrected.

At this time, Wen Rende walked over quietly and whispered, "Son, did you write that word?"

He just looked at it roughly, and immediately guessed the truth.

"Well, it's not what I did, it's just a gift from God." Wen Rensheng is an honest man, he never learns that kind of copywriting master, copying poems doesn't count, and he has to obliterate the original author...

"Well, um, Godsend, everyone is like this," Wen Rende looked at Wu Liansong enviously, "I have a hunch that Old Wu may break through to the master level this time."

"It's so powerful? He hasn't mastered his skills yet, right?" Wen Rensheng wondered.

"The progress of the alien species is definitely enough, the rest is to slowly hone the skills with time." Wen Rende confirmed.

"Oh, this is also due to his accumulation over the years. Those who are not infatuated, are not hurt by love, and those who are not hurt by love are inexhaustible." Wen Rensheng nodded and said.

"Oh, he's also a poor person." Wen Rende sighed.

Then the two stood aside to prevent accidents.

This guard was two days later, and in the middle, he declined the visit of Lao Zhao next door, as well as the people from the inspection department.

Without these trustworthy people waiting, I am afraid that Lao Wu's road to promotion will not be as smooth as it is now.

Of course, the reason for his promotion was unanimously decided to keep it secret.

This is what Wen Rende asked. He didn't want everyone to come to ask for poetry. No matter how much goods his son had in his stomach, he couldn't copy it.

Keep some dry goods, he still has to use.

When Old Wu woke up, he saw the girl beside him.

He nodded in relief, alas, it was flesh and blood.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say, "Shan Shan, I saw your mother this time. I know what you want to do. But don't be too hasty, things will turn around."

"..." Wu Shanshan was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently.

"Thank you Xiaosheng for me, I made him worry about it." He continued.

"Old Wu, you're not being kind, that poem was actually written by me..." Wen Rende approached from the side.

"Go away!" Wu Liansong scolded bitterly.

If Wen Rensheng can resonate with himself because he loves his daughter, how could Wen Rensheng, who is now full of virtue and has a full wife, feel half of his sadness?

"Hey... don't talk nonsense." Wen Rende left embarrassedly.

After scolding Wen Rende, Wu Liansong went out again and greeted the other people who were guarding in the yard one by one.

"Mr. Wu, how do you feel?" Wang Cuiyan asked with concern.

"It feels good," Wu Liansong forced a smile, "It should be not too far from the master Wang Cuiyan was shocked, the other party is only in her forties, this is not too far, I am afraid it is only half a step away The meaning, even has crossed, has not yet consolidated.

Thinking of this, she stared fiercely at Wang Wenwen who was playing games with the god-given grandson. The latter was heartless, and was playing with Zhao Han next to him. How could she have the slightest self-consciousness to be a mother...

Others got a godsend and became a master; I also got a godsend and became a grandmother.

The more you compare, the sadder.

"Stupid Wang Cuiyan doesn't know that the grandson she gets will be no worse than Wu Liansong in the future. In a sense, it will go far beyond that, because this will be the ancestral grandson of their old Wang family..."

Of course this is what the narrator said.

Zhao Han was very relieved to see this prompt. It turned out that he was not alone in being called an idiot, everyone was the same.

However, I have only heard of ancestral antiques, ancestral seeds, and this ancestral grandson, what is the concept?

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