Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 386: 1st failure

Two hours later, Wen Rensheng got all the information, and deduced a general context.

If he expected it well, the tragedy of the gold mine should be caused by two aspects.

Hans Grandet, the name is a bit odd, Grandet is a classic image of Gaul, but Hans is a common German name.

Grandet invested in a gold mine, but he couldn't trust the locals. He deliberately set up a management office underground, and dispatched two managers to monitor the workers and manage the construction of the mine.

However, he did not expect that the funds he invested in mining would be cut corners by the two managers, resulting in the structure of the mine being not strong enough.

When the vein where the gold is located, the instability of the entire mine has reached a critical point.

Two managers reported to him that gold was dug up, and an experienced old miner also discovered the danger of collapse in the mine. He knew the tricks of the two managers, so he jumped to the top to report, but was rejected by Grandet.

In order to recover the investment as soon as possible, he ordered the workers to continue working, which caused the mine disaster.

The miners who died in the mine accident turned into resentful spirits, locked the door first, released poisonous gas, killed two managers who were rich in their own pockets, and because they were locked in the mine, they could not find the culprit, so they set all kinds of traps to kill them. The people who come to mine gold later.

The mysterious disaster in the whole gold mine is the disaster built on gold.

In the past, this kind of thing, after a few days, would be silent.

But now it can't simply end.

As long as resentment is not eliminated, this valuable gold mine can never be used by ordinary people.

To use it, you have to solve the problem.

In a way, terror and mystery also force a different kind of justice.

Wen Rensheng thought about it, he had to capture that Grandet and let him confront the Black Mist Doll in order to solve the problem.

Otherwise, it will not be easy to complete the event.

He called again and asked the budgerigar to help find someone to make a prediction.

Predict where this old Grandet is.

The results of the prophecy came back quickly.

Grandet died two years ago...

The cause of death is bankruptcy and poverty, even with anger and fright, and died of poverty and illness.

He didn't lie on the phone, he was indeed on the verge of bankruptcy, and owed a lot of money, and if he couldn't dig out more gold, he would break the chain of funds.

Well, it's that simple.

Wen Rensheng went deep into the mine again, found the collapsed mine, saw the black fog figures again, and briefly explained the matter.

"Is he already dead?" The Black Mist Doll heard it, and suddenly said angrily, "Impossible, how could he die? You are all liars, you are all a gang! You will only plunder our resources, and you will only partner. Deceive us, slander us as slackers and liars, you are the biggest liars!"

"..." Wen Rensheng was rarely falsely accused, and felt a little embarrassed.

He didn't cheat on this thing.

Originally, with his strength, he could completely crush the opponent, but he chose a relatively gentle way to solve this problem.

The other party actually treated him like this.

"Enough said?" Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"What do you want to do?" The black mist figure glared at him.

"I'll send you on your way after I've said enough. If I wasn't afraid of not being able to discover the truth, I would have done so long ago." Wen Ren raised his hand, and the black mist figure disappeared in a scream.

This time, the screaming pit completely subsided.

Wen Rensheng looked at the black mist dissipating in the air, and was silent for a long time.

I think that the grievances from the previous life were also dissipated under this kind of power...

Human bones are hard and soft; the hard ones go first, leaving only the soft ones.

"Screaming Mine: Failed."

"Mystery: 88."

"Mysterious Composition: Weird TV,???"

Wen Rensheng looked at the prompt and was stunned.

The first mission failed.

Wen Rensheng got a headache.

Damn, the perfect record of events was broken.

It's all to blame for the black fog old man, he has to stimulate himself, otherwise, he will not destroy it with one palm.

As a result, it is the key mission NPC in the game. If it is killed, the mission will also fail.

Wait, you can't admit defeat like this!

Wen Rensheng has perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Although this event is completed, it will only earn three more points of the upper limit of mystery, and it will be earned back in less than half a month.

But he can't tolerate a failed label hanging there.

"I'm going to retrigger it again!" he gritted his teeth.


Meanwhile, outside the study.

Just as Wu Shanshan walked outside the door, she heard Wenren's exasperated voice.

What happened?

She suddenly felt a little worried and a little surprised.

Boyfriend has never lost his emotions, he has always been calm, and everything is under control.

She even wondered if the other party had fallen into the water, but she could not change her expression.

But what she heard now obviously broke her previous impression.

She quietly opened the crack of the door a little and peeked inside.

In the end, he saw that Rensheng was closing his eyes and resting, with a happy expression on his face. He didn't have the anger just now...

Did she have hallucinations?

Wu Shanshan rubs her ears and frowns. Could it be that there is a problem with the recent practice

Too urgent?

To make sure, she knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Are you angry just now?" Wu Shanshan asked directly.

"Get angry? How is it possible? Getting angry can't solve any problem, it can only waste one's emotional energy and ruin your mood. Those who do it will lose, and those who insist on it will lose it. Therefore, the saints do not fail because they do nothing, and they do not fail if they do nothing." Wenren Sheng said flatly.

"It's really good at pretending." Wu Shanshan said angrily, it seemed that she had a hallucination just now.

There is peace now, nothing major happens, it is impossible to shake this guy's mind.

"What's the matter with you?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"I heard that your mysterious healing technique has already been learned?" Wu Shanshan asked.

"I learned." Wen Rensheng looked at the other party.

Wu Shanshan whispers, "Teach me."

"It's very difficult. Cultivating to the expert level requires a lot of practice. It's best to practice on aliens." Wen Rensheng reminded.

"It's okay, I'm ready." Wu Shanshan is very confident.

"Alright then." Wen Rensheng nodded.

He soon started telling each other about the books to read and the steps to take.

After half an hour, Wen Rensheng concluded: "In short, you should read these books first, at least you have to finish the undergraduate medical degree before you can really get started."

Wu Shanshan nodded, she didn't ask Wen Rensheng why he didn't learn those things.

People are different.

After listening to the class, she left to sign up for an online training course.

In China now, in order to balance educational resources and avoid various mysterious disasters, distance education is very developed.

After all, everyone knows that staying at home and going out less often means fewer hazards.

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