Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 376: real general

Silk and bamboo are wrapped around the beams, and the pieces are intertwined. In a room, Wen Rensheng and the three are being graciously entertained.

Behind them are maids with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, all dressed in Tang suits, which is completely the standard of one in ten thousand.

Next to them were two Dongdao Chinese people who were speaking compliments. The standard Chinese was very pleasant.

After receiving such hospitality, Wen Rensheng immediately understood why Mr. Mai in the previous life quickly loosened the dog leash in his hand.

In addition to benefits, this emotional pleasure factor should not be underestimated.

Just like Chen Wu's two companions, with smiles on their faces, they talked easily with the people next to them.

Probably because the problem is not big, and the upper level of Dongdao is still in his hands.

Only Wen Rensheng would not take it lightly. What these guys like to play the most is two-sided swordsmanship, which is considered to have carried forward this technique to the extreme, which is convenient for small and big.

Tokugawa Kayuki, who was sitting in the main seat, saw the guests and the host enjoying themselves, and gave a signal. After the scene was slightly quiet, he opened his mouth and said: "Thank you for the selfless support of the three sectarians who came to the country. , I hope the three will find out the real murderer for us, and we can't let one person go."

"Lord Jiaxing is very polite, we are just assisting the investigation, and this matter is still up to you." Inspector Chen said.

The other two nodded slightly. This is the tone of the time when they came. It is necessary to find out the truth, but not to get involved too much and become a target.

Otherwise, they would not control the puppet to come.

Who doesn't know that this is a whirlpool now, and cases of secondary or tertiary assassinations are likely to occur.

The current is different from the ancient times. Even experts of different species are vulnerable under modern assassination methods.

When Tokugawa Jiaxing heard the words, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and then he covered it up and said: "We have already made some preliminary investigations, and the dossier will be transferred to the three ambassadors. Tonight, let us show the friendship of the landlords. "

The three nodded, Lao Tzu is dead, and the sons are not in a hurry, why are they outsiders in a hurry?

At the same time, in another secret room.

Kafuku Tokugawa, the third son of the late general, was negotiating with two white men.

"You really didn't kill my father." He looked at each other.

"Absolutely not, we have always been friendly, and we will never interfere in your internal affairs, so how could we kill the general," one of the white men, the older one, shook his head firmly.

"Your Excellency Boris, we have used great prophecy, we can only find some traces, but we can't see the murderer. Only you have this kind of hidden technical means, right?" Tokugawa Jiafu disbelieved.

Boris stared at the other party and said, "Master Zhongnayan, Shenzhou people have always liked to steal our technology, and they will have it too."

"They have no motivation. In fact, they rarely care about us." Tokugawa Jiafu waved his hand.

"That's the people from the Destiny Society who stole this technology from a certain channel." Boris said perfunctorily.

"Bastard, do you think I'm a fool for such a powerful technique, without your acquiescence, they can get it," Tokugawa Jiafu said bitterly.

"They penetrated very well. After all, ordinary people believe in what they do. Everyone is jealous of the benefits of aliens. They have money and longevity, so they are endless and endless, just like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. We are not too good. Radical solution." Boris spread his hands.

"Those are all traitors, pink eye disease, we can keep the alien species, that is the efforts of the ancestors of dozens of generations, are they going to take it away with the efforts of only one generation?" scolded.

"However, they are also useful. Just like now, under normal circumstances, how could you have the opportunity to inherit the position of general so early that the general will rule the East Island for at least another hundred years?" Boris whispered.

Tokugawa Jiafu suddenly stopped, his breathing seemed to be heavy.

Seeing this, Boris was disdainful in his heart. As expected, even aliens cannot escape the temptation of power.

Life expectancy is prolonged, and the temptation of power to people will only be heavier, not lighter.

There are almost no people who have power and enjoy the taste of power who do not want to live forever.

If they are really immortal, can they give up their power?


The third son of the general is no exception.

This is incomparable to money. No matter how much money there is, many people will not bow their heads, but power is different, and many people must be low.

The other party is now only a Zhongnayan, a civilian official, from three, there are a lot of higher positions above.

This is exactly what the general's father on the other side did. He would not give his living son too high an official position. His elder brother's family luck was nothing but a big narrator.

The other's eldest brother, Tokugawa Taro, was ordered to become a monk and pray for the general's blessing. As a result, the blessing did not come, and disaster came first.

The general will have this end, probably related to the unfortunate Taro family and the perennial resentment.

At this time, Tokugawa Jiafu really said: "I understand, this matter must be related to my eldest brother. He is currently a monk, and I don't know how many evil things he has done behind his back to curse his father."

Boris smiled slightly, and sure enough, united with the second one first, killed the first one, and then killed the second one, and the inheritance rights belonged to the third son.

"We'll help you find out," he said instantly and understandingly.

They support the third son of the general, isn't it for today?

The main strength and wealth of Dongdao people are still concentrated in the upper class, and it is impossible for them to go to the lower class, so they naturally choose the upper class.

And this third son, because the possibility of inheriting the position of general is The risk is greater, but the investment is successful and the return is greater.

The other party has already hinted that once he is in the position, he will partially tilt towards America.

Of course, if you listen to these upper-level people, you have to use other methods to get the other party to submit.

Not long after, after a few more words, Boris and another white subordinate then left the secret room.

Kafuku Tokugawa touched his chin and looked at the other person's back, suddenly his face turned cold.

His young and handsome face slowly changed, revealing a face that was most familiar to the people of Dongdao.

He is the real general

No one knows that the general of the Dongdao family has always been a human-shaped puppet, and the one who controls him is his own third son. This is an iron law handed down from ancient times.

Relying on this method, his family has been passed down steadily for dozens of generations, and it is a true lineage for all generations, much stronger than the so-called emperor of Shenzhou people.

In his opinion, the so-called emperors of Shangguo are all idiots who only covet the glory and power on the surface, but concentrate all the dangers on themselves.

Thinking of this, he remembered the three strategies in the ship that a Chinese man said last year.

It was later spread among the upper classes, "Rong, Yin, Expand", and his family used the "Hidden" formula.

The obvious is not lasting. The more things you do, the greater the resentment. This is the law of human society.

"He's a smart person. China has geniuses from generation to generation. It's a pity that if there were no alien species, our Dongdao would still be able to take advantage of the opportunity to rise, but with this thing, it is a complete opportunity to rise.

The old-fashioned general sighed, wiped his face, changed back to the young face of the third son, and got up and walked out of the secret room.

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