Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 347: Doll tree

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After solving this incident, Wen Rensheng went back to his normal daily life.

I attend classes every day, arrange homework, and visit various museums in various places.

Because of the previous invention, many of the secret treasures of the Inspectorate Division are also open to him, and he can borrow them at will with the payment of a mortgage.

Half a month passed leisurely.

At the same time, the mystery has been raised to 294 points.

If calculated at the rate of 5 points in this half month, this means that there is a basic growth of 120 points in one year.

If you are lucky in the middle, you will encounter a lot of events, maybe even double.

If there are 240 points in one year, after ten years, it will be 2,700 points, and the double superposition will be an increase of more than 700 times...

Wen Rensheng felt that he should be the number one person on earth at that time, and it was common for him to collapse a mountain with one punch. His power would be completely beyond the imagination of ordinary aliens, and he would enter the realm of immortals...

This mysterious seed is simply tailor-made for itself.

So he was very relaxed, not sad because he lost a puppet armor.

However, the creation of the second puppet and the third is on the agenda.

After all, what he needs is stability, not risk.

During this time, he was also collecting and selecting materials, and the money he had accumulated before was spent a lot.

"Alas, I really hate when I have enough books, but I don't have too much money when I spend it." He looked at the accounts on his phone that he had emptied, and sighed at home.

Now he understands why those people in Yan Ze loved money so much...

After all, in a modern market society, mysterious things are often valued in money. The reason is very simple. Most of the people who produce and collect these things are ordinary people, and they need money.

There are only hundreds of thousands of aliens, how can they act as the bottom-level producers and collectors?

Wu Shanshan looked at him amusingly: "Didn't you always pretend to be indifferent to fame and fortune? Now you're starting to worry about money again."

"This moment, that moment." Wen Rensheng said confidently.

"I've been doing very well in the past few months, but I can allocate some funds for you." Wu Shanshan thought for a while.

"How much can you take out?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Twenty million."

"Hey, it's okay, your business acumen is really good. In less than half a year, you have accumulated so much." Wen Rensheng praised smoothly.

"It's not as good as you, you just don't want to put your mind into making money." Wu Shanshan doesn't think there is anything to be proud of.

After all, her way of doing business is really too cheap.

It's just the use of monopolized resources to conduct unfair market competition. As long as it operates according to a formal model and does not do some evil things, it will definitely make money.

Although this resource is her own, others can only envy it, but cannot imitate it.

"There is no way, my time is very precious, and I will use it to educate talents, so as to lay a solid foundation for Shenzhou, not to make my own money." Wen Rensheng said righteously.

"Uh, although I really want to admire you, I always feel that something is wrong?" Wu Shanshan rubbed her head.

"What's wrong, the teacher has always been such a selfless person." Zhao Han, who walked in from outside the living room, immediately supported Wen Rensheng.

"Okay, okay, you little girl, what do you know?" Wu Shanshan waved her hand to drive her away.

"Wait, I still have something to do," Zhao Han insisted, "Teacher, many students are now starting to make essay collections, you say me..."

"Do you want to predict this year's college entrance examination questions?" Wu Shanshan was taken aback, she had never done this before...

"Uh, almost, I just want to ask, is it appropriate to do this?" Zhao Han said embarrassingly.

"There's nothing inappropriate when it's appropriate. The Inspectorate Department has no regulations on these matters, but you can only use it for yourself, don't leak the question out." Wu Shanshan said after thinking for a while.

"That's good, of course I won't leak it out. After all, it's become a public test question." Zhao Han said excitedly.

"Hey, you've really changed. In the past, you still felt that all kinds of things were unfair, but now you're doing these unfair things yourself, but you're not at all embarrassed..." Wu Shanshan sighed.

"Uh, it's probably the black people who are close to the ink. It's all me who was brought down by Wang Wenwen." Zhao Han immediately found a person to blame.

"Okay, don't think about good things for the two of you. The college entrance examination is a very, very serious matter, and the inspectorate will deliberately block the confidential questions. With your abilities, how could you predict the exam questions?" Wen Rensheng directly pierced through the two fantasy, in earnest.

Zhao Han immediately slumped: "I knew the teacher would not agree."

"This kind of thing is like a deal in a dark room. There is no way for the Inspectorate to prohibit aliens from privately predicting exam questions and cannot be punished, so there are no regulations to prohibit them. But gentlemen are prudent, what they can do, and what they can't do. You must remember this sentence. "Wen Rensheng said seriously.

Just like robbing the electronic reconnaissance ship before, he can completely kill for convenience, and he is killing outsiders, using fake identities.

But after all, he can't do that. It's not that he is soft-hearted, but that there are some things that cannot break through the bottom line. Human beings are easy to do evil and difficult to do good.

"Understood, just like even if you're at home alone, you can't eat and drink like Wang Wenwen, regardless of your weight." Zhao Han said very consciously.

"You just follow the training yourself, why are you taking me as a negative example?" Wang Wenwen walked in from the outside, very dissatisfied.

Wen Rensheng looked at Wang Wenwen and asked, "Wenwen, does Teacher Wang have some special collections, similar to the armor you brought before? I want to collect some to make puppets."

"Uh, let me ask her, even if she doesn't, her friends may have." Wang Wenwen said, and started to call.

Wen Rensheng nodded and waited patiently.

Soon, Wang Wenwen got the answer from Wang Cuiyan.

"She has a friend, an overage person, who has a human-shaped locust tree in her hand, which is a good material for making puppets, but the other party seems to value that thing very much." Wang Wenwen said to Wen Rensheng.

"Okay, give me the contact information of that friend, and I will communicate with them." Wen Rensheng's eyes lit up.

As soon as I heard the name and description, I knew that it was a good material, and the wooden man was used as a substitute, but it was something in ancient legends.

Although this thing is also a common prop in various horror legends, Wen Rensheng is of course fearless and has no taboos.

The so-called terror is essentially a lack of power.

Ordinary people with ordinary power can also create outrageous horrors.

Then Wang Wenwen gave the person's contact information to Wen Rensheng.

This is a middle-aged man, surnamed Yu, who has been widowed for many years, and has never continued his string.

Wen Rensheng contacted the other party directly without any delay.

"Mr. Yu, I'm Mr. Wang's friend Wen Rensheng. I heard that you..."

After a chat, the Mr. Yu put forward a condition: "Mr. Wenren can also want that piece of wood, but I hope you will do me a favor and help me find the murderer of my wife."

Wen Rensheng heard and thought about it: "Okay, I will try my best."

At this moment, an event reminder flashed in his mind.

"Wife Killer: The truth of the matter will be unexpected."

"Mystery: 25."

"Mysterious composition:???"

Yes, collecting materials, you can also encounter such extra money.

"Zhao Han, go out with me, this time I need your strength." He said directly to Zhao Han who was drinking Coke.

"Oh, I see, teacher." Zhao Han agreed immediately.

"I'm going too." Wu Shanshan said suddenly.

Wen Rensheng said helplessly: "Forget it, let's go together."

After all, there is only 25 points of danger.

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