Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 340: bury

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"The reconnaissance plane called back, the enemy is retreating!"

The communications staff officer ran into the command room with the telegram excitedly on his face.

"We won?"

Some people dare not believe it, but America has the largest industrial output value!

They actually pushed each other back...

"It seems that the aircraft carrier is indeed the new master of the ocean..." Someone was discussing excitedly.

"Yeah, even if we didn't have the aliens to fight, we still defeated them!"

In the command room, the captain, first officer, and combat staff cheered one by one.

Wu Liansong shook his head, no aliens involved? On the contrary, this is still a contest between aliens.

From morale to combat skills, almost everything is covered.

Leaving the participation of the aliens will only repeat a scene in history. If you can't even find the other party, you will be blocked by the other party's battleship in the port and sink.

Even if the shore-based aircraft barely took off, it would not be able to break through the opponent's air defense.

"Thank you for the great assistance of the two advisors. In the future, our friendship with Shenzhou will definitely be a step closer." The captain commander said sincerely.

"Well, it's easy to say." Wen Rensheng didn't care.

Just listen to this kind of gratitude. Whoever takes it seriously is naive, not to mention that these are the words of the scene NPC.

After the celebration, the aircraft carrier slowly left the foggy area.

It seems that it does not seek to kill the opponent, or it does not make sense to kill it.

Those lost ships were nothing to the Americans, they just helped them eliminate outdated products.

Wen Rensheng watched his surroundings, and saw that as the aircraft carrier left, the people around him gradually hid in the thick fog, just like actors on the stage retreating behind the scenes.

Judging from this detail, the use of "drama" in the event reminder given by the mysterious seed is really correct.

"Old Wu, what did you gain?" Wen Rensheng asked Lao Wu.

"Well, my aliens have improved, and I feel the real sadness of those South Americans. The victory is just a false victory, but the sadness is permanent. Especially now, their status is actually no different from those flood discharge areas. All because their ancestors were unwilling to sacrifice and shed blood, they just wanted to live by, and now they have to endure it for their descendants." Wu Liansong sighed.

"Yeah, the importance of culture lies here. It can always allow civilization to emerge heroes who are willing to give and sacrifice in times of crisis." Wen Rensheng agreed.

"Don't talk about that, what did you get? Why didn't you give any medals this time?" Wu Liansong asked back.

"My puppet manipulation skills have been greatly improved. It seems that those plot NPCs are the best puppet materials themselves." Wen Rensheng said.

Originally it was only a beginner, but now I can almost be promoted to an intermediate level.

Under normal circumstances, this level will take at least 6 months, and now it's just a few hours of naval battles, just rush to these, this cemetery will definitely become a market, or the most lively kind...

Of course, compared with the last time, the harvest is much worse.

As the two communicated with each other, the Shenzhou-made aircraft carrier finally returned to the route and turned into a hulk again.

The freshness fades, and the rust returns.

The transformation of life and death is so clear.

After they went out, they realized that it was getting dark, and it seemed that time was passing one by one.

This made Wen Rensheng a little relieved. If this cemetery could change the time flow rate, it would be a god.

It's not too outrageous now, it's just the equivalent of putting on a large-scale illusion show.

"Teacher, are you back?"

"Are you all right?"

"Is the situation dangerous?"

The people drove the lifeboats, took the two next, and asked at a loss.

"It's not very dangerous, after all, it's an aircraft carrier, a weapon for long-distance combat." Wu Liansong comforted everyone.

At this moment, the speedboat where Charmian was on also returned.

It's just that he is the only one on the speedboat.

Everyone looked at each other subconsciously, with complicated eyes.

Some are alive, some are dead.

After contacting the situation of entering three times before and after, Wu Shanshan frowned and said, "It seems that as long as there are two waves of people getting on different ships at the same time, they will enter the battle mode, and it is very likely that some people will die."

"It's cruel." Zhao Han muttered to himself.

"Don't be hypocritical here, I didn't see your hands and feet slow when you moved the shells before." Wang Wenwen said with contempt.

"I don't know what's going on. Although I think this is cruel, I don't have any feeling of wanting to refuse in my heart." Zhao Han said helplessly.

"Okay, don't think about it, I told you before, this is their own choice. They want to improve quickly, but don't want to pay the price, unless this cemetery is your father..." Wen Rende reassured the two a girl said.

Zhao Han nodded silently, she followed Wang Wenwen to fight pirates before, she just regarded it as a game.

Later, I found out that it was the real person who had been killed, and suffered for a long time with the other party, and was persuaded by Teacher Wu that it was the pirates who took it upon themselves.

Then came the Persian Gulf Sea Battle. This time, it was a stand-alone game, and she quickly recovered her emotions.

But now, there are casualties again.

This caused a kind of fear in her heart. This foggy cemetery was actually a burial place.

It buried not only the ship, life, but also its own weak heart.

If she entered a few more times, she felt as if she would no longer value life...

She pressed her chest and could easily feel her heartbeat. It was still so strong and clear, but it seemed to be less warm.

It's really terrifying. Before you know it, you let yourself go from an innocent girl to an executioner who kills without blinking...

It turns out that this is the price of the rapid increase in strength.

Charmian sat on the speedboat and passed by the crowd. He looked at Wen Rensheng and the two with equally complicated eyes.

Sure enough, he is a genius among geniuses. Such a situation can be reversed with the power of one person.

The opponent's ability is definitely strategic. Unlike him, he only has some skills that can enhance local combat power, and they are pulled down when they are used up.

Fortunately, the other party didn't kill them all, probably because they didn't want to do everything.

After all the scene is just a virtual one.

He didn't say anything, and in this atmosphere, it's hard to say anything.

So the two men passed by.

Enemies in the theater, opponents outside the theater.

Then Wen Rensheng and others returned to the cruise ship.

"Judging from the situation of the past two This cemetery is very dangerous. Don't go there. Wait until I find better safety measures." Wen Rensheng was in the cabin, while eating, Speaking to the crowd.

"Yeah, some of the scenes in it are simple and some are complicated. If the skills are not comprehensive, it will be difficult to clear the level." Wu Liansong nodded.

He went through three scenes in the whole process and had the most say.

The crowd did not object.

Ordinary people will die when they go in, and aliens will die when they go in.

This is a veritable graveyard.

Wen Rensheng continued: "The most important thing is that the first few times have the biggest harvest, and the later the harvest, the less."

"Well, it seems that it needs to regain its strength." Wen Rende suddenly guessed.

When the crowd heard this, they fell into contemplation.

Since it needs to be restored, where does its power come from?

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