Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 331: special honor

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Soon, nine large-caliber artillery shells crashed into the fog, and then exploded into the sky with spray and sparks.

"Nearly missed, the port side broke into water and tilted!"

"Stern shot!"

"Right injection leveling!"

"Fire out, put out fire!"

Damage control personnel began to get busy.

Obviously, the effect of the mysterious evasion technique is far less powerful and not enough to offset the effect of "must hit".

The attack of 9 main artillery shells still caused a considerable impact.

Many sailors were directly killed and disappeared into the fog.

This is natural, after all, this is a 19th century battleship with a capacity of nearly 10,000 tons. If it is replaced by a 20th century battleship with a capacity of 60,000 to 70,000 tons, the effect will be even worse.

The law of human weapons is that defense cannot keep up with attack.

However, this evasion technique still played a very important role, at least turning serious damage into minor damage.

If there is no evasion technique, you can refer to the two enemy battleships before, one is seriously injured, and the other is sunk.

Of course, relying on dodge alone may not be able to have such a good effect as it is now, there should be other reasons.

Wen Rensheng knew exactly what this other reason was.

It's just that now is not the time to investigate the cause, his attention is on the new prompt, and he has just learned the essence of "mysterious dodge".

Damage control work has been handed over to others.

What he has to do now is to increase and restore those aliens.

Before long, the fog cleared.

The aliens who used the dodge technique were illusory and were carried into the recovery cabin one after another.

Wen Rensheng is still linked to them with alien power.

Soon the bodies of the aliens began to recover quickly, and they looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

"Hey, Mistress, where are you from? So powerful?" an old man asked.

"I'm from Dongshui District." Wen Rensheng replied.

The old man said with relief: "It seems that I can win this time, but I thought I was going to enter the Valhalla..."

The Valhalla, Wen Rensheng knows, this is a mysterious place dedicated to those who sacrificed in the war. It is said that the souls of the aliens can be preserved for future reincarnation, but it is only said.

Similar to the frozen people of the previous life, they are all things that seem to be well-founded, but are actually far from success. They can be used as a thought, but not as a reliance.

"In this war, as long as we can ensure that those European fleets cannot cut off our sea supply lines, it is enough. After all, the cost of transporting from the inland to the Middle East is too high." Another alien began to chat.

Wen Rensheng sat aside and listened patiently. These are the secrets of this world. The real front-line personnel information is difficult to find from historical materials and archives.

"The Europeans are still quite strong. According to the instructions of the great prophecy, the Middle East is the land of energy in the future. They cannot give up. They are not afraid of our army of tens of millions, and they dare to confront us."

"The main thing is that the two sides have different ideas. We don't believe their way, which makes them feel scared."

"It seems that the next step is to dig a few insiders. In the past, I ignored it and only developed my own strategy. It seems that there is a problem. In fact, their European coalition is also full of contradictions. I think the fleet at the forefront is all Gallic chickens and John Bulls, Hans the cat shrunk in the back, not in harmony at first glance."

A group of aliens chatted about the current strategic situation, which made Wen Rensheng feel inexplicably familiar. In the previous life, the keyboard danced on the forum like this, and the map opened up.

The only difference is that these people are really capable of interfering in strategic situations.

The current situation was basically established in this Hundred Years War.

After the Hundred Years War, Oude became China's agent and inner responder in Europe, and the entire Central Asia became China's sphere of influence.

It's just that with the emergence of mushroom weapons and the evolution of the modern situation, Central Asia has gradually evolved back into the buffer zone between the two sides. To a certain extent, this is also caused by the decline of China's power.

The number and quality advantages of aliens are gradually overwhelmed by the advantages of technological weapons, and they can no longer fully control Central Asia as before, and can only gradually withdraw to keep the traditional radiation belt.

Listening to these aliens blowing water, the direction of the entire battlefield was also dominated by Wen Rensheng.

Historically, one Zhenxi ship perished with three ships, and in this cemetery scene, one of them beat the European Combined Fleet to flee.

The enemy is not stupid. After discovering that Shenzhou's main gun has become an infinite hit, he took the initiative to withdraw from the battle after paying a huge price of 6 battleships, 14 cruisers or serious injuries or sinking.

In the process of pursuit, the opponent lost a lot of destroyers in the rear.

It is a pity that the speed of the Zhenxi ship is not high enough, and the number of ammunition and main gun firings is limited. After all the shells are fired, most of the enemy fleet can only be allowed to escape.

Different from the Persian Gulf naval battle in history, in this scene, the Shenzhou side won a big victory, and completely mastered the sea power. of.

The battle was over, the scene disappeared, and the sunken Zhenxi ship began to slowly sail out of the foggy area.

And Wen Rensheng and others also got their own reward, a shiny diamond medal.

"Special Medal of the Persian Gulf Sea Battle: Permanent Master-level Mysterious Sniper, Mysterious Dodge, Mysterious Water Control, Mysterious Reconnaissance, Mysterious Riding, can be activated after inputting the power of alien species."

"Mystery: 255."

"Mysterious Composition: Mysterious Treasures."

After seeing this treasure, Wen Rensheng was simply overjoyed.

He thought of one thing, if it is based on the master-level skills, and then double-stacked to achieve 14 times the effect, it will definitely exceed the master-level!

"Wenwen, why is your medal only fifth, but mine is fourth." Zhao Han held a bronze medal and asked in surprise.

"I don't understand either. I'm doing the work of the artillery master, and I'm supposed to have contributed much more than you." Wang Wenwen said angrily.

Only Wen Rensheng knew why. After applying "must hit", he didn't need a gunnery much anymore. As long as his aiming was not too outrageous, he would not deviate from the target.

On the contrary, the job of quickly transporting and filling the shells is more important. This is not a warship of the 20th century. It has an automatic filling device that can quickly complete the automatic filling.

" No matter what, I finally won, and I'm still worried that we won't be able to come back." Wen Rende said happily.

"Impossible, if that's the case, I won't take you to this battleship." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Oh, do you mean that when you choose this Zhenxi ship, you know you can win? I didn't predict it when I predicted it." Wen Rende said in surprise.

"I didn't predict it either." Zhao Han raised his hand.

"Yes, I knew I could win." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

Although he was on the ship, he only thought that he could strengthen the combat effectiveness of the warship through the method of infinitely replenishing the magic.

But until then, he has another killer.

That is when the enemy fleet attacked him, all of them had been hit with a halo of doom.

In the sea battle from start to finish, even if there were a few times when the evasion technique was not used, the ironclad ship was never fatally attacked.

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