Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 311: 1 good guy

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Wen Rensheng controlled the armored puppet and walked in the corridor.

As he walked, he had a feeling that this escape point was actually dug out of the mountain!

It is not in the story of Peach Blossom Spring. Walking through a narrow passage, you can see a valley of Taoyuan.

Wen Rensheng could hardly believe that such a big project could be done hundreds of years ago, without the use of mysterious power.

Those large-scale projects in the ancient past, whether it was the tombs of the emperors or the Great Wall Canal, were actually not as technically difficult as the seemingly unknown cave.

From the solid rock, dig out a living area of ​​unknown depth and size, and ensure that it does not collapse and ensure good ventilation... Even if modern machinery is used, it is a hugely expensive project.

With this feeling, Wen Rensheng walked a little more carefully.

Although the armored puppet is not afraid of death, it cannot deliberately seek death.

When Kankan walked to a corner, the half-hundred old man suddenly said, "All stop."

The others immediately became vigilant, and the miner's lamp, flashlight, and horse lantern illuminated the surroundings brightly.

"Be careful with your steps!" The half-hundred-year-old Mr. Ma reminded.

The crowd then looked at their feet, and saw that the feet were very ordinary, ordinary rocks that were polished to be extremely smooth.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is a slight difference in texture between the small section of the stone surface in front and the section under their feet, which cannot be seamlessly connected.

"There must be a mechanism, Mr. Ma is really insightful!"

"It is estimated that there are vicious traps such as **** and nail pits below."

The crowd complimented.

The half-hundred old man stroked his beard and was extremely proud.

However, the scar-faced man didn't make a sound, his eyes kept on Wen Rensheng's armored puppet.

I saw the armored puppet instead looked towards the top of the corridor.

He looked at it subconsciously, and when he looked at it, he was stunned, and his legs were soft!

As soon as he spoke, the top of the corridor, which was empty, seemed to have rows of pegboards, shrouding everyone in it.

Although everyone walks, for the sake of safety, they are very separated from front to back, and there is basically only one person 5 meters away, but they still cannot avoid it.

Of course, they arranged for someone to monitor up and down and around, and would not let go of a suspicious place.

The scar-faced man can be sure that there must be no such organs just now, they can only just appear. If they existed long ago, someone must have reminded them in advance.

At this time, someone did remind:

"Everyone be careful, there is danger above your head!"

"Run!" Someone looked up, panicked immediately, and hurried back.

"Don't move around, stay in the corner, run around and die faster!" The half-hundred old man quickly took off a shield from his back and shouted.

However, his words were useless at all. Many people did not expect that it would be such an indiscriminate blow!

Wen Rensheng was thousands of miles away, and when he saw this scene, his heart shuddered, as if a zombie suddenly appeared behind him when he was playing a game...

But that's all.

But among the treasure hunters among them, many were not just frightened, but frightened!

And when those people were scrambling to flee, the pegboards, which had been silent, suddenly fell one after another.

In panic, some people leaned against the wall, shot and shot at the pegboards that fell above their heads!

No matter how ruthless the trap is, after all, it is a thing from hundreds of years ago, and it cannot compete with modern firearms.

However, the half-hundred-year-old man raised the shield over his head, huddled in the corner of the wall, and shouted, "Don't shoot indiscriminately!"

Before he finished speaking, "Bang" a ricochet hit the stone wall and ejected, hitting the back of a certain escapee.

The escapee, with his eyes wide open, walked down the street, seemingly not believing that he would die so easily.

"Idiot!" The half-hundred old man was smashed into the shield by a board, and then formed a triangular space to shelter himself.

"How dare a fool like this come to find treasure and make a fortune? Do you really think you can pick up gold casually?" the old man muttered, looking around.

Many people are wailing, and some people are like him, either using shields or simply relying on protective clothing to resist the falling of the pegboard.

But more people were smashed by the board, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead, and the floor was full of blood.

"NND, this is ridiculous, there are so many people hanging up in such a small pass," the old man half-hundred and laughed, "Are you here to hunt for treasure, or to find death?"

The strong mercenary woman was also unharmed. She leaned against the stone wall with the board on her shoulders, but she was unscathed.

She is covered in all kinds of protection, bulletproof vest, stab-proof clothing, bulletproof helmet...

Seeing this, she sneered: "These fools are probably really taking it as a game of adventure and treasure hunting. How do you know that this is a life-threatening thing?"

The scar-faced man sighed, he was fine, a pair of protective gloves allowed him to resist the blow of the nail plate.

He looked up at the white-robed man in front of him, who was standing between a pegboard with a large hole, which was obviously smashed by the opponent's punch.

It's just that I was too nervous and flustered just now, and the voice was mixed, and I didn't notice the process of the other party's great power.

But he could still see some silver-white armor from the slightly damaged robe of the other party.

This one is also fully prepared.

The armored puppet turned around and began to rescue the treasure hunters.

It is meticulously doing professional rescue work, and has no distaste for the blood and mourning everywhere.

There were people who thought the other party was stupid before, but now they know that the other party is stupid, but strong.

In fact, in history, those who seem to be stupid have finally achieved great success, and those who seem to be smart and flexible have failed one after another.

Because the latter cannot unite the strength of most people, everyone knows, who will cooperate with a smart person who never wants to suffer for a long time?

That's fake smart, really stupid.

After someone was rescued from the nail plate, he said with difficulty: "Thank you."

Some people have even worse thoughts in their hearts, such as whether this trap was triggered by the other party?

Just like some landmines, those who walk in the front are fine, but those who shrink back are blasted into the sky.

The reason is very simple, the trigger mechanism and explosives are separated, preventing the use of a small number of cannon fodder to clear mines.

"I didn't expect that the ancients hundreds of years ago could have such a powerful design." Thinking of this, someone couldn't help sighing.

"Okay, the danger ahead is definitely greater, do you still want to move forward?" The half-hundred old man turned around and asked.

"Let's save people first." The armored puppet said lightly.

The half-hundred old man and the scar-faced man looked at each other, and felt more and more that this guy was a fool and a virgin.

How many people here expect him to be better?

One by one, they wished he could be cannon fodder, and hurried to the trap to die, so that no one could stop them from taking the treasure as their own.

However, this guy is still thinking about saving people now?

Could this be what some pedantic scholars in ancient times advocated for repaying grievances with virtue?

It’s really better to be famous than to see each other. After seeing each other, even these opposite parties feel aggrieved for each other...

Stupid But they think about it, it's okay, they can use it at a critical time.

Of course they wouldn't know that Wen Rensheng didn't care about the deaths of these predators.

He just wanted to show his flawless personality to the people of the Inspectorate, and to show the bottom line and position he always adhered to... These people are ordinary citizens who should be treated before they show their evil deeds.

In this way, he can gain more trust and more resources, and it is best to open up the countless mysteries accumulated over the years to him.

That immortal person is the richest collector, but it can never be compared with a huge institution, just like the richest collectors in the previous life, can not be compared with the collection of a country.

Although it seems hypocritical and scheming... but he himself understands that he is actually always an honest person, with a righteous heart, a bottom line, no evil, a simple good person.

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