Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2346 Unlimited Food

Wen Rensheng then said: "So, if you want to break the situation, you can find an advantage."

"Now think about it, what are your advantages?"

The emperor thought for a while: "My advantage is that I am still the emperor."

"Wrong, you just said that you have the highest hatred, so this is your disadvantage. A big tree attracts wind." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Then what advantage do I have?" the emperor asked puzzledly.

"Your advantage is that these more than a thousand subordinates are still loyal to you." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

This is much richer than when Li Zicheng and Nurhachi started their careers.

It’s just that the other party’s psychological baggage is too heavy.

You can tell from the ostentation that if you still hold on to the ostentation of being an emperor, as long as you still have this idea, it is impossible to win.

Not willing to bow down to do things, not willing to do things from a small level.

Then it is impossible to rise.

"Oh, that's true, but how can I use them?" the emperor asked again.

"Use? No, you must first use them as your confidants."

"Stimulate their fighting will and allow them to expand."

"Building a new system with them as the core can allow the new system to be replicated in new places."

Wen Rensheng said casually.

He has too much experience in rebellion.

Basically, it can be said that in the context of the feudal dynasty, as long as he has good luck and a little momentum, he can successfully rebel.

After all, there were too many contradictions in the feudal dynasty.

Even though it seems like a time of peace, there are still a lot of contradictions. Not to mention bandits everywhere, but it can also be said that there are many thieves and bandits.

The only time it was better was when the ancient land was not fully cultivated and there were still large areas of wasteland and forest.

At that time, the people were unwilling to rebel, because if they had the time to rebel, it would be better to cultivate land and hunt and fish to support themselves, which would be more profitable.

If there are difficulties, we must rebel. If there are no difficulties, we must rebel if difficulties arise.

"What you said is very good. What should we do now?" the emperor asked sincerely.

"Now everyone's teams are actually about the same. The key lies in who has a stronger will to fight and who is more willing to risk his life."

"Your new army will do just that."

"Then we have to find a way to give these people corresponding treatment."

"I actually understand what you're talking about, but it's hard to do it. I'm very poor." The emperor shook his head.

"Haha, being poor can be exciting."

"How can we stimulate the determination of ordinary soldiers to fight now?

"First, rewards and punishments must be clear."

"Secondly, establish a seizure system, a dedicated battlefield sweep team, and prohibit private possession of loot."

"Use military discipline and rewards to enable soldiers to fight smoothly, and combat statistics must be fair."

Wen Rensheng said dozens of things in one breath.

But the more the emperor listened, the more he shook his head.

"It's too troublesome. If this continues, it will take 20 years to defeat the rebels, right?"

"20 years, still not enough?"

"No, didn't Liu Bang conquer the world in just 7 years? How could it be so easy for him? He is not a great nobleman, either?" the emperor said depressedly.

"Haha, there are indeed many emperors who have conquered the world in a few years. That's because they have a certain basic base. When they seize the opportunity, they can quickly gather generals, troops, territories, establish an operating system, and then grow like a snowball." Wenren Shengdiandian. head.

"But what you need now is to keep your feet on the ground and start from scratch little by little, because you face too many opponents, and you are different from the previous rebels. They can quickly absorb their opponents and grow stronger, but you can't. For you, others They are all rebellious, and only civilians can support you."

"Why don't I have it? I can also absorb my opponent." The emperor said dissatisfied.

"Because you are the emperor, if those rebellious people rebel again, they will always worry that you will settle the score later." Wen Rensheng shook his head. The other party was indeed a high-ranking founding god and did not understand the psychology of the people at the bottom.

Let's put it this way, if you join the rebel king, you won't have any psychological pressure and you can still become an original shareholder.

Everyone is a rebel, and no one has original sin.

Remember, original sin.

As for the court, you are born with original sin.

The most typical one, just look at the ending of Song Jiang and Liangshan in Water Margin.

Water Margin is not only a novel, but also a realistic novel.

The author himself has experienced war and served as a staff officer such as a military advisor.

He understands the psychology of those in power very well.

You are a good person who will give you a smile when you are needed.

After using you, I have to worry about whether you will betray me again, so I might as well kill you.

And if Song Jiang takes refuge in Fang La, both of them are rebels. At most, Song Jiang, the leader, will be unlucky, but his subordinates will not be unlucky.

The emperor was not stupid after all.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand.

"No wonder there are fewer and fewer people choosing to seek refuge with me. It seems that they are worried about this. Then I order that they will never be held accountable for their crimes? Is this okay?" the emperor asked.

"This is okay, but what you have to do is to stay rooted in the local area, work hard to manage the population, be patient and keep a low profile, wait for the opportunity, and hone your troops." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

The emperor sighed, but agreed.

Because he knew how strong Wen Rensheng was.

Can someone who can push him to the ground and beat him not be strong?

Now he can only swallow his anger in order to return and be the founding god again.

Then Wen Rensheng saw the storm outside.

In the east, King Zhang beat King Li.

To the west, King Wang beat King Sun.

Today it is King Xiao who kills his uncle, and tomorrow it is King Han who kills his biological father...

In short, it made the Confucian scholars and scholars cry bitterly.

"Principles are often corrupted, ethics no longer exist, and ethics have been destroyed for generations!"

It can be said that during the war, Confucianism suffered the most serious damage.

No one wants to use them.

Using them is causing trouble for yourself.

Confucianism reduces maintenance costs when governing the world.

But it is cumbersome and troublesome in itself. To conquer the world, military strategists, legalists, peasants, and Mohists are generally used. Whoever uses Confucianism will die.

The most typical one is Chongzhen.

As long as he is flexible, uses the way of a king, is willing to bow his head, sell his position, run away early, and is willing to cede territory and negotiate peace, it will definitely last more than 17 years.

It is not difficult to live a happy life.

But the current emperor still listens to others' advice.

Just work hard in the mountains and valleys.

But no one forgot him.

On this day, a team with black flags entered the mountain.

The purpose of the great fanfare was to search for the emperor.

"Rescue the emperor and restore the country!"

"Qingjun side, respect the true emperor!"

Okay, this is obviously blackmailing the emperor to order the princes.

It seems that some powerful anti-kings have realized the value of the emperor.

Of course, it is also possible to catch it, kill it immediately, and then make the saint happy.

It's possible.

Anyway, the emperor would never walk out and follow them just because of the other party's slogans.

Only people who are hungry would do this.

The emperor is not hungry yet. There are still more than 1,000 people working for him, so he cannot be hungry.

So he won't listen.

Instead, it was hidden even more tightly.

However, this team is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are coming from outside the mountain.

The emperor obviously could not hide for long.

After all, although the ravine is not small, it is difficult to hide the traces of more than a thousand people.

Hunting, living, looking for salt, making it easier for foreigners, and reconnaissance information will all leave traces.

They soon discovered the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I'm here to see you. Please go back. Now the king has built a new palace for you and wants to marry his daughter to you." The leading general shouted towards the village on the mountain.

"Okay, this is the treatment you get from Emperor Xian." Wen Rensheng smiled.

The emperor asked: "Who is your king?"

"This is King Cao. He raised troops from Caozhou and wiped out the rebels along the way. Now he is about to welcome you back and set up a new post." The general said earnestly.

He got the order and took the emperor back. He was promoted to the third level, with ten thousand acres of land and hundreds of slaves.

"If I don't go back, he is just a mess..." The emperor said this, then he was stuck, and then said, "I forgive all of your sins. As long as you stay where you are, you will not be held accountable for the past."

The general was furious when he heard this: "You are an emperor, if you don't drink the toast, you will be fined with wine!"

"Emperors take turns to sit, next year it will be our king's."

"Just go back today. If you don't go back, then let your head go back!"

Okay? Wen Rensheng shook his head.

This is also a fool general, the second in Chengji.

He sold his entire family to kill the emperor.

Since ancient times, except for a very small number of people who killed emperors, few had a good ending.

Especially the ministers.

Because they are born to be feared.

If you can kill this emperor today, you can kill that emperor tomorrow.

No emperor wanted to stay.

"Come on, you rebellious ministers and traitors, do you still dare to kill your emperor? Have you forgotten how many things I have helped you solve? Have you forgotten that I have allowed you to live a good life for several years?"

"Is it possible to be a human being without kindness?"

The emperor's words made some soldiers feel ashamed.

Indeed, life was good during the first eight years of the emperor's reign.

Some people eat and some drink.

And ever since the emperor was asked to abdicate, there has been a rebellion.

Everyone slowly discovered that there was no food.

There is no more cloth, no more salt.

Anyway, everything is messed up.

This is not as good as when there was an emperor.

At least everyone doesn't have to mess around.

Don’t worry about food or drink.

Basically, many people can live a stable life.

There are some unlucky people, but most people can make do with their lives.

"Yes, I think the emperor is right."

"Yes, you have to be conscientious. The emperor has helped us a lot."

"Yes, I remember that I used to have 20 acres of land at home, and I could still live a good life. Every time I sold rice, I could go to the city to warm two bowls of wine and ask for a handful of fennel beans."

Some soldiers immediately smacked their lips, seeming to think of the good old days again.

It can be seen that when they join the army, they only eat coarse grains to satisfy their hunger every day, and there is no alcohol.

Thinking about it, you know that the team sent into the mountain will definitely not be elite.

Because the conditions in the mountains are complicated, it is easy to die of illness, fall, stone, or disappear...

The elite cannot be wasted in the mountains.

Definitely cannon fodder.

In other words, these people are all abandoned existences.

Used to search for the emperor, the best one can find. If he can't find it, he will save food and die in the mountains.

When the emperor said this, many people were moved.

"As long as you just act before the battle, you will have drinks now!"

The emperor took the opportunity and began to exert his strength.

For a time, many people took action.

They looked around.

There are only more than 700 people in this team.

The general was a little flustered, and the people around him were making a little noise.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat quickly!" The general was still very smart.

It's impossible to fight at this time.

Military morale is unavailable.

It took a long time for everyone to search, and the food supplies were almost gone.

Just rely on hunting to supplement some meat.

But the meat is for the generals, and the soldiers can only eat porridge mixed with chicken, wild vegetables and a little grain.


At this time, the emperor sent soldiers to rush down from the mountain.

"Surrender without killing!"

Soon most of the people surrendered.

Only a few resisted.

At this time, the general was caught.

He said to the emperor: "Let me go. If our king finds out, he will send 100,000 troops to come and destroy you!"

The emperor waved his hand and said: "Drag him down and let him do hard work to move stones."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

It’s not good to waste labor.

This general is one of the few strong laborers.

The general was stunned.

He thought he was going to be hacked to death.

The result turned out to be just like this?

I couldn't help but have a complicated emotion in my heart.

At this time, the emperor found Wen Rensheng again.

"Can you help me cheat?"

"Cheating is something that greatly affects the gaming experience. I never cheat when playing games."

The emperor took out another red stone.

Wen Rensheng reached out and took it: "But if you cheat on a single player, you won't be criticized."

After saying that, he asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Change loyalty, change food, right..."

"And changing your life span."

"Then you might as well change the city's attributes to belong directly to you." Wen Rensheng said speechlessly.

"No, that would be too much of a change. I'm afraid I'll be cheated on."

So Wen Rensheng nodded.

Agree to the other party's request.

The red stone, the mysterious seed, was analyzed and gave another 300 points of mystery.

I have to say that the founding god is quite rich.

He is still quite wealthy.

"Okay, I'll change your loyalty to you."

"Oh, if I had known this, I wouldn't have bothered to think about it, and I would have mastered it early in the morning." The emperor sighed.

Later, Wen Rensheng changed the general's loyalty.

Soon the general defected to the emperor.

The emperor claimed that he had a destiny.

Then there was endless food.

Everyone was so happy all of a sudden.

As long as there is food, there will be soldiers.

Raise the flag to recruit soldiers, and you will find people who will feed you.

The prerequisite is that there is food.

Soon the emperor began to recruit troops rapidly.

In one breath, one hundred thousand troops were recruited.

One hundred thousand people are easy to find.

In fact, only 10,000 people were found. The others were related by relatives, including their own parents, children, relatives and neighbors.

Soldiers were sent with food, and one person was given three days' rations.

That's ten pounds of grain, which is enough.

Then the gathering begins.

Then go to the first city outside the mountain.

Didn't do anything else.

Throw the food directly towards the city.

A large number of soldiers simply threw away their weapons and took refuge in the battle.

The magic power of food is so great.

It can be said that the collapse of the empire was basically caused by food.

The collapse of the Daqian empire since ancient times has basically been the collapse of food.

Except for a few who died in the second generation, the unified empire would basically not collapse if there was enough food.

can maintain lifespan.

It wasn't until there was completely insufficient food that large-scale unrest began.

Now the emperor has changed to unlimited food.

If you want to conquer the world, it is easy to do so.

Others may even take the initiative to seek refuge.

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