Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2333 A wonderful time travel arranged by a wonderful city

A few days later.

Wen Rensheng went over and looked at the founding god again.

Then the other party was really at a loss.

Wen Rensheng then saw that the other party could not afford the bail and could only hang around in jail.

So after some questioning, he was sentenced to one year of probation and three years in prison for attempted harm to animals.

Just ridiculous.

He did nothing and got a reprieve.

There was really no benefit, so he was sentenced.

This is really bad luck.

There is also a criminal record left.

I won’t be able to do anything in the future.

In fact, there are quite a few such people.

They were tricked into robbing and stealing things together.

He didn't run away when others ran away.

Others confessed him as the mastermind.

As a result, the sentence was ten years in one breath, while others were sentenced to three to seven years.

There really are such people.

At this time, the founding god is not so unlucky as to be.

After Wen Rensheng observed it again, he came to a conclusion.

This guy is also a fool, and also a very unlucky type.

The other party was obviously very lucky to get the task of becoming the Founding God.

Perhaps it was because this mission had exhausted all his luck.

And at this time.

Wen Rensheng saw others arriving.

The deputy captain who is good at solving crimes came over.

He actually came to bail the guy out.

Somehow came over to keep this guy.

Wen Rensheng knew it, and it seemed that it was because the captain noticed the difference in this guy.

It was the captain's efforts that allowed that guy to end up with a suspended sentence.

The deputy captain hired a lawyer to prove that the founding god was mentally ill.

Therefore, it is understandable to kill the tiger cub.

When the deputy captain brought the other party out.

Suddenly he said to him: "It's you. The guy on top of the mountain who calls himself the Founding God is you."

"Yes, it's me, but I don't claim to be God, but I am God." The Founding God insisted.

"Okay, okay, I don't care who you are, anyway, I can see that you are not from this world." The captain said.

"Yes, I am a god, of course I am not a human being in this world."

"Then you may still have some value." The captain said.

"Of course I have value, as long as you give it to me..." the Founding God repeated again.

"What exactly do you need? Tell the truth." the captain asked seriously.

"I just need 10 million."

"As long as you give me 10 million, I will restore myself as the Founding God and make you the master of the ball. You will get an immortal body and supreme power!"

"Don't tell me that you don't have so much money." The founding god asked.

"Well, actually I have 10 million." The deputy captain continued, "But I hope you will do what you say."

"You said you could give me immortality and immortality. Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. As long as I become the Founding God, these requirements are very simple and can be fulfilled."

"Very good, then I promise you." The captain gritted his teeth and said.

He wants to hand over the bonuses and wages he has accumulated over the years, the bonuses and wages earned through hard work, totaling more than 500,000, plus the house left by his parents, totaling 9.5 million, to the other party...

Wen Rensheng watched these two people talking.

He couldn't help but shake his head.

On the surface, there doesn't seem to be much in this city.

In fact, it has many mysteries.

But it is really not easy to unravel these mysteries.

It can be said to be a wonderful city.


next moment.

Wen Rensheng knew how powerful this city was.


"Something bad is going to happen!"

“The village’s fields have been flooded!”

"Wake up, Master!"

When Wen Rensheng was woken up from his hangover by a huge force, he saw a stocky white aunt with a pockmarked face standing in front of him.

She was wearing a gray and white chef's uniform, shaking him with one hand, and holding a thick spatula in the other.

Next to the cook, there stood a frail, thin old white man.

The old man also looked at Wen Rensheng with worried eyes, but hesitated to speak.

"What, what's going on?"

"Am I still awake?"

Wen Rensheng frowned.

He didn't expect that just a moment ago, he was still worrying about things in Wonderful City.

But then, something even weirder happened to him.

A large stream of inexplicable information poured directly into his mind.

It took half an hour for him to wake up completely.

At this moment, the cook had already turned around and walked to the door.

"No one is allowed in!"

"Don't disturb the distinguished Master Hudson!"

There was a low cry outside the door, which was very messy and irritating.

"Kind young master, please spare me this autumn's food."

"The village really can't survive anymore."

"The floods came so fast that we didn't even have time to harvest the unripe ears of wheat."

"There is no way to feed it to cattle."

Wen Rensheng was now fully awake.

Yes, he remembered the real name of this body.

It turns out he was wearing them too.

Haha, needless to say, this is something caused by Wonderful City.

It seems to transport people to different backgrounds and different worlds.

Just like those two guys.

It seems that he had good luck in traveling through time.

His background was similar to that of Continental Europe, and he became the second son of a baron.

Full name Hart*...*Kolos.

The middle name is too long, long enough to fill an entire chapter.

Wen Rensheng naturally knew that the second son generally had no inheritance rights.

The territory and most of the wealth are completely inherited by the eldest son.

Other sons, when they reach adulthood, are given a suit of armor and a horse, and they go out on their own.

This was done by nobles to maintain the integrity and strength of their own territories.

It will not become weaker due to division in a few generations.

Primogeniture is the foundation of this world.

But give thanks to the Founding God of this world.

Well, suddenly, the guy who asked for "ten million" every day appeared in his mind.

He is really the founding god...

Maybe time has changed.

He traveled very far back in the timeline.

In short, the faces of those "tens of millions" people closely overlap with the statue of the founder of the square that appears in my mind.

The era he lived in was a turbulent era.

Lords attacked, married, and plotted against each other.

If you stick to the eldest son inheritance, you will let the incompetent eldest son inherit the territory.

Then a generation may decline.

Therefore, each noble will select three to four direct descendants.

Within three years, give it to a village, town, or city...

Who will develop the given territory the best in the end.

Who can be established as the official heir.

The child who becomes the official heir is automatically promoted to the eldest son.

His age will also be changed to the oldest.

In other words, it is still primogeniture.

But who is the eldest son is determined by competition the day after tomorrow.

And the identity worn by Wen Rensheng now, that of Hart, the second son of the Baron, is in the stage of competition for the identity of the eldest son!

His father was Baron Colos, who was in charge of more than forty villages in a nearby county.

A veritable big shot in the neighborhood.

He had thirteen sons and seven girls.

But only four sons were selected and qualified to participate in the official competition for succession.

Hart had previously relied on the support of his mother's family to become one of the four.

After Wen Rensheng quickly cleared the memories in his mind.

He found it very interesting.

I never thought that one day I would also be transported through time.

In the past, I took the initiative to travel through time on my own.


He calmly stood up and asked under the anxious eyes of a group of people outside the door: "Fanny, what happened?"

He ignored the old man Hanster standing next to him.

Hanster appears to be his butler, but in fact he has another identity, the supervisor of this body sent by his father.

At this time, the fat chef who was trying to drive away the villagers outside the door and his absolute confidant came back quickly after hearing this.

"Oh, thank you to the Founding God for your blessing. Master, you finally woke up."

"I'm going to bring him five eggs to pray for tomorrow."

"It's still double yellow."

"Okay, let's get down to business." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"It's like this. The young master got very drunk last night with the Sand Knight from the next county."

"Just last night, the river embankment in this village was washed away by a few magic pigs!"

"The river did not rush into the village, but it destroyed the best paddy field near the river embankment."

Fanny babbled.

She was still angry that the wild boar was so ignorant that it destroyed the village that the young master worked so hard to look after.

It's so disrespectful.

Tomorrow, the Founding God will punish its family, young and old, with no food to eat.

Hearing people rise to his wisdom, he will understand it as soon as he hears it.

Haha, it is indeed a cunning and changeable game of power.

This predecessor fell into a trap.

Such a simple plan will work.

It seems that the predecessor's death was not unjust.

Wonderful cities are indeed wonderful.

Sure enough, it is not enough to have only the support of my parents’ family.

I am not smart enough.

No matter how many opportunities I give you, it won’t work!

It seems that Wonder City is looking for a time traveler to replace this stupid predecessor and play a game of power.

It's just that Wonder City has no idea whose head it has found.

Is Wen Rensheng easy to mess with?

If you dare to let him travel through time, he can make this world disappear in minutes.

Wen Rensheng just wanted to find out the secret behind it, so he didn't think about it.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and decided to follow the arrangements of Wonderful City.

He pretended to think for a while, then turned to look at the butler Hanster.

"Hanster, what's the situation in the village now?"

"How much food is left and how many people are there?"

Hanst said quickly: "Dear young master,"

"There are a total of 650 people in Haer Village."

"There are 6,400 acres of land, including 800 acres of paddy fields that can be watered on time."

"The grain stock in the village now is about 100,000 kilograms."

"However, the Autumn March is coming, and at least 50,000 kilograms of grain must be paid."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he knew that with these grains, and if the autumn harvest went smoothly, it would be easier for the villagers to survive.

In this era, a village with such a harvest could be called a relatively wealthy village.

This must be one of the villages favored by the founding god to have such a harvest.

In the memory left by the predecessor, the autumn harvest of paddy fields can produce 300 to 400 kilograms, while other dry lands depend on luck.

If you are lucky, you can produce 50 to 100 kilograms. If you are unlucky, you will not be able to harvest the seeds.

The difference between having water and not having water is that big.

The task assigned to him by Wonderful City.

Undoubtedly, it was to help the predecessor retrieve food.

Defeat the enemy's plot.

But now, the most important paddy fields have been washed away.

This basically means that he is out.

If you want to continue this game, you have to find a solution.

With the wisdom of my previous life, there was no other way except crying to my father and asking my mother for help.

However, both of these paths mean failure in competition.

This will cause supporters to quickly switch sides.

In the context of cruel competition in the Middle Ages, in the game of fighting for power, only those who do not lag behind and can lead everyone to gain benefits can continue to gain support.

And like its predecessor, which requires followers to cut their flesh to support it, it will not gain long-term support.

Wen Rensheng thought this was a bit novel.

After all, he has not been exposed to the lowest power struggle for too long.

All along, his perspective was too high.

Could it be that this is the lesson Wonder City wants to teach itself?

Just like the "ten million" founding god, who wants to use the method closest to living beings to achieve the highest goal?

If that's the case, it's really amazing.

So Wen Rensheng thought for a while and asked:

"What do you two think, what should we do now?"

When the young master asked this question, the housekeeper couldn't help showing a disappointed expression.

Fanny rubbed her hands and said, "Why don't you ask Madam for help?"

The butler then shook his head: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for Madam to help. Getting this rich village has already cost a lot of favors from the young master's grandfather, Baron Wende."

Wen Rensheng smiled.

Yes, if we want to support this village now, we need to make up for the loss of at least 800 acres of land, which is 240,000 kilograms of grain.

This is a large amount of surplus food.

Even if it is a baron, it will feel a little painful to take it out.

What's more, in my memory, the former grandfather's territory was not close to here.

When food is delivered, it consumes a lot of money.

The most important thing is that his predecessor fell into such a simple scheme. Who would think highly of him?

This time we put in hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain, what about next time?

Don’t forget, the autumn harvest is not just one time.

Two more times.

The important river embankments have been destroyed. How can we expect the Baron to trust him to run a county?

Wen Rensheng knew from his body memory that his predecessor actually patrolled the river embankment every night when the autumn harvest arrived.

He is also a hard-working person.

Otherwise, he would not be qualified to be selected as one of the successor contenders.

If you have no ambition and sense of responsibility, no retainers will follow you.

Because it cannot be supported and it is too tiring.

And his predecessor was still a quasi-knight.

It is also the result of hard work at a young age.

It should be said that he did quite well.

If a baron in an ordinary era, an ordinary person had such a son, he would be very happy.

Proud enough.

However, the era when the Founding God returned was different. It was a time when chaos was frequent and everyone was fighting for their own interests.

Because the founding god had just returned, and something seemed to be going wrong, the gods under it took action one after another.

The intensity of the battles among the nobles who had taken refuge in different gods also increased dozens of times.

Things that might have passed with a smile before must now be decided.

Just like now, ordinary civilian patrols cannot deal with some powerful bandits and Warcraft.

As for the other weapons around him.

There is also a quasi-knight and 3 squires.

But they were arranged to buy some winter necessities two days ago because some people said it was cheaper to buy at this time.

It gets really expensive in late autumn.

Needless to say, this is also to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

The strategy is simple and practical.

Use his main force and get him drunk.

Send two would-be knights and the river embankment can be dug overnight.

Just pretend to be a monster and give the nobles a step down.

As for the villagers guarding the river embankment, they were no match for them.

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