Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2289 Calamity Dissipated

But others don't think so like Wen Rensheng.

The onlookers applauded.

"That's right, only in this way can we ensure that they are controlled, so that they will not do evil, but only do good."

"You're right. Now when I see monsters on the street, I'm always worried. I'm afraid they will eat me."

"That's right, it should be tied with a chain. If you have a dog, you need to be chained to walk the dog. Otherwise, it's just a dog walking the dog."

It can be seen from this.

The former ministers are not stupid, they have also considered various situations.

It even integrated the ideas of centrist ministers.

Try to take care of the interests of others.

After all, he is a fairy, who takes care of everything, not a mortal, and often only cares about one end for the sake of efficiency.

After hearing this, many people instinctively objected at first.

But after hearing this, they began to agree again.

Hearing the clamor of the crowd, someone among the ministers said loudly:

"All things have animism and all beings are equal, this is the natural principle of heaven and earth."

"You have consciousness, and the other party also has spiritual intelligence, wisdom, consciousness, and family."

"Why do you talk to yourself, just because you are worried, you want to control others?"

"I'm not at ease with you anymore, should I still tie you with a rope?"

Everyone nodded again, which made sense.

Some of the former ministers said indifferently: "It's very simple, just because we are human."

"Since we are humans, we have to consider issues from the standpoint of the human race."

"Never forget the duty to help the aliens think about problems!"

Hearing this, the vacillating crowd felt relieved again.

"Yeah, why do we have to think about monsters? Why should we stand on their side to think about the problem?"

"Yes, isn't that a fool?"

"Isn't that the Virgin?"

"Are we being mean?"

A group of people whispered.

Seeing that the public opinion was in favor of him, the former ministers all smiled.

"Yes, yes, you are still right, we are human beings, and we have to consider human needs."

At this time, someone among the former ministers said:

"Let's give an example. If you are on a boat, surrounded by the ocean, and there is very little food."

"One of you is a human, and the other is a monster. There is only a pot of fresh water and a few steamed buns in between."

"The ship will be docked in another week."

"If people get steamed buns, they can survive; if they have fresh water, they can stick to the shore."

"Do you think this person should kill the monster, or give the mantou to the monster?"

"Or do you want to make yourself a Buddha and feed the eagles with flesh and blood? Let people starve to death, and fulfill the beasts like eagles?"

When the former minister was debating, he also belittled the newly sprouted Buddha by the way.

Yes, the Western religion has taken root, and all living beings are equal, and it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But the way to become a Buddha has also begun to be born, which is to abandon the self at a high level and perfect all beings.

This kind of thing is not right at first glance.

Wen Rensheng couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

This person is changing concepts in a debate.

It seems that there is a dilemma here.

In fact, it is the same to replace the monster with a human, isn't it?

Anyway, in the face of survival, there is nothing to blame no matter how you choose.

Choosing yourself is instinct; choosing others is sacrifice and righteousness.

In short, choose yourself, you have to live, choose others, you get a name.

In short, it depends on fate.

At this time, among the ministers later, there were indeed some who broke the other party's case in this way.

"Isn't it the same to turn monsters into people?"

"This kind of extreme situation is not suitable to be considered as a routine."

Even so, the momentum of the debate was obviously not strong enough.

Wen Rensheng shook his head slightly when he saw this.

The post-ministers have already begun to sink into a low ebb.

Bystanders no longer support them.

This kind of debate directly on the field of interests, the former ministers chose a very radical strategy.

And the more intense it is, the more it can mobilize emotions, and the more emotions are mobilized, the easier it is to gain the approval of these audiences.

Audiences love simple, straightforward conclusions.

Don't like to think too much.

This is also the reason why it often falls into the pit.

This is quite normal.

Not many can see through.

Or many people have seen it through, but most people can't see it through.

I had no choice but to play dumb.

It's good to do this, that is, we will enter the pit together when the time comes.

At this moment, the former minister pursued and beat him fiercely: "It's the same if you are a human being. Humans must think of themselves first, and then think of others."

"Now facing monsters, don't we think about ourselves first, but about monsters?"

"Isn't that a fool?"

Everyone nodded.

Hearing this, gradually, all the later ministers became speechless.

all in all.

The side of the latter minister gradually retreated.

Because they still want to maintain the way of the ancient law.

As a result, people forget that people's hearts are changing.

The environment is changing...

In fact, what is it in the final analysis: the cultivation resources given by Heavenly Dao are quietly shrinking...

However, the population and the number of monsters have risen sharply because of the stability.

This is also the reason why the rumors that are too half true and half false will be believed by all the monsters.

Because they want to believe.

That's what it's like to be cheated. First of all, those people want to pretend that the scam is real and want to get benefits from it.

And it's the same now. Everyone is limited by the way of the law for the immediate benefit, so they want to refute a gap through debate and cover up the uneasiness of conscience.

Find a support for the carnage...

This kind of thing also happens in future generations.

I understand everything.

Wen Rensheng sighed slightly.

Sure enough, the world is different, the wisdom is the same, and the nature is also the same.

In the face of interests, a similar behavioral logic will be born.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand a little.

Among the group of post-ministers was a young man.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in his mind.

Then he saw countless pasts, and then many futures.

This was the advice Wen Rensheng gave him.

Let him understand some things, once a breakthrough is made, the unlucky ones are the instigators, not just the victims.

The young man suddenly understood.

He consciously got the epiphany of heaven and earth, and it was the way of heaven that enlightened him.

So he stood up and cried out:

"No, what you say is violating one of the most fundamental principles!"

"You put people first, so you can wantonly kill innocent people?"

"Yes, we are human, so we can kill monsters." Some viewers have subconsciously shameless, logic, and only benefit.

"Hmph, what do you mean to say that you don't need evidence, you just need to have a position, you only need to prove yourself, you only need to think that the monster is bad, you can kill the monster and control the monster?"

"Yeah, that's it." Someone said flatly.

I just want to take advantage of the monsters.

What's wrong?

I'm just shameless?

It's a godsend.

Their thinking is exactly the same as those of the colonists.

You are weak and you deserve to be robbed.

We don't recognize you as human, it's a godsend.

"Well, let's make a very simple reasoning."

Everyone looked at him, not knowing what else the ministers wanted to say.

"After you kill all the monsters, what about the rest?"

"If you think a certain group of people, a certain type of people are bad, will you kill people too?"

"Are you going to control them for no reason?"

Wen Rensheng nodded.

This is exactly how he became enlightened.

And in fact there are too many of them.

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard this.

And then startled.

Then the young man showed the phantom he saw to everyone.

Soon, the future history of mankind appeared.

The monsters are all killed, well, there are no more monsters.

There are no training resources anymore.

Then people started killing each other.

Regardless of any evidence, and without asking whether this person is guilty or not, as long as you are not part of our faction, we can kill you or imprison you.

Everyone lives in fear.

Every ethnic group is defensive about others.

A lot of resources are devoted to internal fighting.

And everyone is trying to figure out how to bully someone else, how to deceive someone else, how to take over the power that defines someone else.

"See, as long as what you say, do, or even look different from us, we can kill you, bully you, and control you..."

"If you treat monsters like this today, countless years later, you will treat the same kind who speak today."

"Don't think that you can't see it. Many people here are immortals. This scene will happen in at most 10,000 years."

"Based on the current situation, that's it."

Everyone fell silent when they saw this scene.

They saw it.

I also understand why the minister did not support the killing of demons at will.

Because they are aware of the need to guard against the passing of time.

They can kill demons without evidence today, and they can kill people without evidence tomorrow.

As long as they also come up with a principle similar to "people-oriented", it can be done.

They can do it next time too, with "the so-and-so faction as the basis."

"Based on a certain type of person."

In short, relying on this, you can kill others without any burden.

"I ask you, do you want to live in that world like this?"

"Do you want to live insecurely every day?"

"Or do you want to live in today's world with rules and strict order?"

Wen Rensheng nodded.

If you want to develop normally and for a long time, you have to follow the right path.

The so-called righteous way is to be able to put it on the table and say it.

Let future generations see history.

Just like those who write and prepare books, no matter how well they write and how much they earn, he is too embarrassed to show the books to his family and children.

Seemingly successful, he also needs to use other things to wrap himself up.

And these packages educate their children to follow the right path...

A person who fights and robs others every day when he is a teenager will not teach his children to rob like himself...

Just like serial murderers, they basically don't pass on their killing skills to their children, and even take pride in their children's prospects.

For example, don't do evil, don't bully the weak, don't kill innocent people.

Following a big debate, the Dagan Dynasty also came to a conclusion.

The monsters living in Daqian are collectively compiled and managed.

But it is not entered into the spirit book, it is only treated as normal.

However, the inspection of monsters entering the Daqian has been strengthened.

Sets a buffer around it.

It can only be entered after a hundred years of investigation.

It is equivalent to strengthening the barriers to entry.


What followed was the establishment of the Jiuding Formation.

Set up a formation, seal off the Dagan land, if there are monsters hurting people, no longer rely on the ancestors to take action.

Because they found out that the ancestors made moves when they were arrested.

Instead of saving people in advance.

The same is true of heaven.

This is also the reason why monsters are threatening humans more and more.

There is no more anti-thief for a thousand days.

For Wen Rensheng, the closure of Daqian was undoubtedly a sigh.

To be closed is to fall behind.

This is the law.

Like that country, how to carry out industrial changes? It is because of the invasion of foreign enemies that a balance of power has been formed between them. In order to protect each other's interests, laws to take care of all parties have been issued.

On the contrary, there is no balance of power, and the dominant family will only take care of one side.

That would lead to interests being harvested by one party, and in the end there was no way to conceive a law to protect personal interests.

This point, Wen Rensheng is very clear.

Now that it's closed, monsters outside can't come in, and people inside can't leave freely.

Although protected by their own laws, presumably they will continue to look for loopholes.

It's not that the former ministers will choose to admit defeat automatically because the latter ministers won the refutation.


On the contrary, they are still using other means to gradually tighten the network against demons.

Cutting off trade, cutting off traffic, strict internal management, and nitpicking are their means.

Don't you have to be punished only if you are guilty?

As long as I check carefully, can the monster be innocent?

Occasionally I fight with people, and occasionally I want to hurt people because I am owed by human immortals and can't get the money back...

These were just talking about before, but now they are all locked up.

It used to be handled lightly, but now it is strictly handled.

In this way, the monsters will feel uncomfortable.

It's just that they don't know that the consequence of doing so is that they are becoming more and more closed and more and more self-contained.

More and more occupy the interests of various others.


In Wen Rensheng's eyes, they tasted the sweetness after bit by bit eroding the interests of the monsters in Daqian.

Then it turned to human beings themselves.

Those who collude with monsters and do business with monsters will be punished.

at the same time.

Witches don't eat people.

Because it doesn't eat people, it quickly integrates into humans.

Their cultivation also depends on their blood, not on external objects.

Therefore, when the monsters recede, the space left by the monsters is naturally filled.

For a while, the Wu Clan quickly made up for their backwardness and learned the advanced technology of the Human Clan.

This made Wen Rensheng shake his head.

This is very similar to the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.

From a backward slavery tribe, the Manchu Qing quickly absorbed the nutrition of the Ming Dynasty and became a new group of barbarism with civilization.

However, due to their inherent insufficiency, it is impossible to maintain the business foundation at all.

But at this moment, a powerful person suddenly said: "It's strange, this planned catastrophe of the Lich actually seems to disappear?"

"The purpose of measuring calamity is to eliminate the hidden dangers between heaven and earth. As long as the hidden dangers cannot be formed, they will naturally dissipate."

Wen Rensheng also nodded when he saw this.

The current conflicting parties do not include witches.

Relying on what happened before, the witches escaped their doom instead.

I have to say, this is really a trick of good fortune.


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