Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2220 Reverse Gene

At this moment.

The land of Daxia.

A suburb of a city.

A state-owned steel plant.

The workers were in the factory director's office, surrounding him.

"Director, we can't close down. Our factory can still be saved."

An old worker placed a wreath at the door of the factory: "The factory is dead."

The factory director hid in his office and refused to come out.

The market era has arrived, and everything is up to you.

There is no allocation or transfer. I sell and purchase by myself.

Anyway, everything is difficult...


Four large characters were hung at the factory gate.

Factory closures are just the beginning.

A hospital somewhere.

In a sunny ward.

A group of villagers were crying to an old man:

"Village chief, you can't die."

"Village Chief, you can't die. You worked hard and led us to work hard and work hard. Our village finally has enough to eat and drink. Why are you leaving?"

"Yes, this God is so unfair."

"Hey, village chief, you are only 52 years old."

"Good people don't live long, but evil people live for hundreds of years."

"Yes, that old scourge at the west end of the village is still alive and kicking at 85. He plays mahjong every day, curses people, and beats his son and daughter-in-law."

The village chief opened his eyes slightly and said weakly: "It's best to cut down all the acres of orchards at the east end of the village and plant apples instead this year."

"I think people in this city like to eat apples."

"Also, the leek field at the west end of the village will be replanted with garlic. You will be cruel next year."

"Don't waste time."

"You must keep this in mind."

"Everyone is doing well, don't quarrel with your mother-in-law."

"There are still children who have to go to school. If you are able, please continue to provide for them and help them out."

"The other thing is to be obedient, don't look for trouble, and don't go against outsiders."

"Village chief, you can't leave."

"What will we do if you leave?"

Everyone burst into tears as they listened to this voice of entrustment in times of crisis.

"Don't cry. Everyone has their own destiny. I will be worthy of you all my life."

"You are worthy of our Dawangzhuang."

The village chief's voice became weaker and weaker.

Many people were crying.

It turns out that this village chief, who is not very old, leads everyone to work hard.

Finally made some money.

The money was neither too much nor too little, just enough for everyone to eat and drink.

From not having enough to eat every year to now, now I can have enough to eat and drink every year, and my children can still go to school.

It can be said that life in Dawangzhuang is getting better year by year.

And this is inseparable from a village chief.

The village chief helps everyone to run sales and market quotations outside.

We are also preparing to run village-run enterprises.

Work wholeheartedly.

There are indeed not many people who are dedicated to the village.

But if you say it doesn't happen at all, it's absolutely slander.

There are always some people who put the interests of this ethnic group first.

This is called a survival and evolution strategy of biological groups.

in short.

If an ecological group cannot always give birth to people who can put the interests of the group above personal interests for the sake of group reproduction, then this group will self-destruct in the long history of biological evolution.

Unless this ethnic group is too low-level.

Relatively advanced ethnic groups always have this.

For example, a deer, a sheep, a wolf, a lion...forget it.

Like how a praying mantis lives.

Praying mantises have evolved a survival strategy in which male mantises are preyed upon by female mantises.

The male mantis is certainly unwilling.

But this mechanism ensures that it can dedicate itself as nutrients to the next generation.

This is the law of sacrifice.

Those ethnic groups who did not have this spirit of self-sacrifice basically fell away one after another.

It has become one bubble after another in history.

At this moment, the village chief's breath was weak.

Everyone wiped away their tears.

Preparing for funeral arrangements.

In fact, I brought all the funeral stuff.

Shrouds, coffins, tractors.

They were all parked in front of the hospital.

Just as everyone was starting to prepare for the funeral, the old village chief suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw that his eyes were bright, as if he had been transported through time...

Of course no one knew this concept at this time.

Among everyone, someone finally cried and said, "Old village chief, you are starting to see your light again."

Sure enough, the crying people looked up and saw that the old village chief's face was very rosy, as if he had never been sick before.

At that time, the pace was as fast as flying. A 50-year-old man started running with more strength than a young man in his 20s or 30s.

After thinking of this, everyone spoke one after another:

"That's right."

"Hurry up and put on the prepared shroud for the old village chief."

At this time, the village chief cursed: "You are all talking nonsense. I am in very good health. I think I can live for another 30 years. Otherwise, I will be fine for another 50 years."

"Ah, what?"

"The old village chief is leaving. Now everyone is talking nonsense. Everyone, hurry up and put a shroud on the old village chief."

"When the person dies, his body becomes stiff and the clothes become difficult to wear."

"If you wear it again, you have to wait for a few days until your body becomes soft before you can wear it. It will stink."

At this time, an experienced old man said.

"Well, Old Wang, are you hoping that I will die early? After I die early, you can plant your own land in Xitou. I tell you, old boy, don't even think about it, that is collective land."

"Don't even think about planting it secretly by yourself. You still have to pay the contract fee."

Everyone remembered the old village chief so clearly when they heard it.

I still remember the few acres of beach land at the west end clearly.

He didn't look like he was having a flashback.

At this time, the old Wangtou said quickly: "No, this old guy breathed his last."

"Everyone, please work harder and put his shroud on quickly."

"Hurry up and call the suona team over and start playing the trumpet."

"There is also a big banquet to prepare. I heard that there is a man named Shazhu in the city who can cook Tan's cuisine. He is the best at red, white and Western dishes."

"Meeting costs 20 yuan per table."

"By the way, I'll sit at the children's table."

A group of people were stunned.

This old Wangtou was all arranged to have a banquet.


The old village chief was so angry that he jumped up from the hospital bed.

At this time everyone looked at each other.

But Lao Wangtou cried with joy.

"Hahaha, I knew you wouldn't die. You are 20 years younger than me!"

"Hahaha, I was counting on your kid to support me in my old age. If you just left early like this, that's okay."

And at this time.

A young nurse next to her had just entered the door and suddenly saw the old village chief getting up from the bed.

Suddenly he was shocked.

"It's a fake corpse!"

"Someone come quickly!"

"Doctor come quickly, director come quickly, dean come quickly!"

You can't blame the little nurse for being so outspoken.

Originally, nurses of this era did not have as many cautious opinions as later generations.

All kinds of caution.

Those are all self-protection regulations that came into being after generations of people learned a lot of lessons decades later.

Secondly, the little nurse had obviously measured the old village chief in the morning.

Various vital signs can be said to be on the verge of failure.

It is possible to die at any time and at any time.

In this situation, let alone standing up from the bed, it was difficult to even stretch out my fingers.

That's true.

People are endangered.

It's hard to even move a finger.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many elderly people dying at home for a month or a few weeks before being discovered.

Otherwise, would it be difficult to make a phone call?

It's just difficult for the dying.

Dao Zi now saw the old village chief Yigulu getting up from the bed.

That neatness is comparable to that of a young boy.

How could this not shock the nurse?

That's why the little nurse started to panic.

Then the nurse, who was smart after all, quickly ran out and called the doctor.

The director also called.

In addition, we also called two Taoist priests who set up stalls at the entrance of the hospital to tell fortunes...

Well, now that we have entered the 1980s, all the old people have come out.

The director and the old village chief's doctor came over quickly.

After they arrived, they checked and looked at each other in confusion.

Then the director whispered: "See if this old Tongzhi's medical records were taken by mistake?"

"No, bed 53, Wang Defa, head of Dawangzhuang Village, is 52 years old and has multiple organ failures."

Basically, it is said that when organs fail, it can be said that even gods cannot save them.


How do you treat organ failure?

The function of the organ itself has declined and is no longer functioning.

No matter what medicine you take, you can't recover.

Unless there are various anti-aging drugs and various cell injections in later generations, it is possible to save it.

But the chances are not high either.

Just able to stay alive.

Anyway, there is very little they can do now.

It would be a few decades before there would be an ICU, which could rely on various tubes to maintain vital signs.

It is even possible to maintain life by using external organ function circulation, but it is simply not possible now.

However, the current situation is that the old village chief has obviously come back to life.

And he's still alive and well.

The village chief looked energetic.

He beamed and said: "I'm fine, don't waste money."

"I'm fine. Let's check out and leave the hospital. Don't let the doctor trouble you."

"Don't waste the time of other nurses, and don't waste the time of doctors."

"At this time, I can still see several patients."

As soon as I heard it, I knew that the old village chief was really enlightened.

From the beginning to the end, there was no suggestion that the doctor had misdiagnosed anything, nor was the responsibility attributed to others.

He only felt that the only possibility was that he might be blessed by God.

Suddenly my body felt better again.

Then the village chief asked people to quickly settle the bill at the hospital.

The hospital was also worried about whether they had made a wrong judgment. After all, the medical records had made many mistakes clearly.

If any organ fails, this person will die immediately.

The result is great. Not only is he not dead now, but he is also living like a normal person.

Therefore, a lot of money was deducted for him when settling the accounts.

It can be regarded as a proactive reduction of more than half.

In fact, the old village chief did not have any medical insurance.

Medical expenses are very expensive these days.

The whole village worked together.

Now I see that the village chief is fine now.

Everyone was very happy and grateful to the doctor.

Everyone said one after another: "Doctor, your medical skills are really high, really high. Our village chief couldn't bear it anymore and forced you to treat him."

"He is really the enemy of the king of hell."

"Yes, even the King of Hell can't take away your people."

Good guy, when I went back to the hospital, I got a big red plaque and called him the enemy of hell.

The dean didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I even pointed a finger.

Give me the enemy of Yama.

It’s not good if this plaque is not hung up. Should it be hung up?

Anyone who likes watching martial arts knows the allusion.

That's what Xue Muhua is called.

But the dean is too embarrassed to hang up, and the director is too embarrassed to hang up.

The director thought this case was very interesting.

So he followed the village chief back to the village.

Then the director learned that he had received a strange news.

Just after the village chief returned to the village, a guy in their village who was idle and had done many evil things suddenly died.

How evil is this guy.

Breaking open a widow's door in the middle of the night and stealing other people's food during the day are all trivial matters.

We usually set up checkpoints on the bridges we build.

Trap those outsiders and ruin the reputation of the village.

It also includes all kinds of sneaking around, quarrels and fights.

It can be said that everyone has nothing to do with him and everyone is oppressed by him.

Everyone swallowed their anger and were unwilling to embarrass him.

Good people can't keep up with this guy.

He can be shameless, why are you shameless?

Sometimes when this guy comes out, a whole village or a whole family suffers.

If there was still a way in ancient times, the clan would be very powerful.

This kind of second-rate man held a clan meeting and directly tied him to join the army.

Or sink directly into the pond, both are normal.

But now it's gone.

He hoped that the police would take care of him, but he came out again after more than ten days.

Then it got worse.

When will it be resolved?

when severely punished.

This is a gangster.

It will be pulled away.

After the gangster died suddenly in this village, the next door neighbor and the whole village set off firecrackers.

After the old village chief entered the village, he thought everyone knew that he was cured, so he set off firecrackers.

Who knew something was wrong with that troublesome gangster in the village.

He has said to each other several times that the other person's words go in the left ear and come out the right ear.

I want to tie him up and serve as a soldier.

I don’t want this guy to be a soldier.

He only heard that the other party was seriously ill, as if he had a bad cold. When he was stealing someone's food on the road, he fell directly into a pit, head down, and drowned directly in the fermentation of the pit.

All in all, he died a horrible death.

Even his relatives didn't bother to care.

It was the people nearby who endured the stench and used a cow to pull him out.

That old cow is miserable.

I couldn't eat grass for several days.

Wait until it's time to wash the body.

Some people were very frightened after seeing it.

It's very strange to describe.

It won't work if you look at the whole person.

It becomes visibly aging.

It turns out that less than thirty, twenty is a waste.

Now he looks like he is possessed by a demon. Even people believe him when he says he is sixty years old.

This is just falling to death and drowning. I haven't heard that it can also take away your life.

Everyone was frightened.

No one cares about this guy's inexplicable old illness.

He was buried directly before his eyes.

No one commented on this.

All in all, no one felt any pain.

I just feel relaxed.

Even his father and mother felt that they had gone away from a serious illness and could raise their heads in the future.

After the director heard about this, although he felt a little strange, he couldn't connect the old village chief's illness.

He can only say that this is folklore, and there are all kinds of words.

He used to listen too much at the wine table.

So I didn't take it seriously.

Yeah, it's a lot.

It would be more interesting to continue observing the old village chief.

Maybe the other party has some reverse gene in his body?

It's not impossible.

After all, they all have anti-AIDS genes.

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