Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 219: death on a snowplow

The next morning.

Wen Rensheng heard the sound of "gugugu" coming from the courtyard. He got up and opened the window to see that there was a vast expanse of whiteness between heaven and earth.

It snowed last night?

Lao Zhao just finished saying "Winter is officially coming" yesterday, and today the heavy snow came as promised.

Well, he must be checking the weather forecast.

Different from the previous life, many extreme weathers in this world often induce large-scale, low-intensity mysterious phenomena.

The most common are thick fog, heavy snow, heavy rain...

After Wen Rensheng sighed, he was quickly attracted by one person and one bird on the snow in the front yard.

The bird is the dark phoenix who just entered the house yesterday, and the man is Wang Wenwen who has stayed at home for a long time.

At this moment, she was sprinkling the yellow pellets one by one on the ground to lure the black phoenix to eat.

"Cuckoo, little phoenix, come and eat, this is a good thing I made after working hard all night. After eating it, you will grow tall and strong." Wang Wenwen tempted.

The black phoenix is ​​arrogant, and doesn't even look at those yellow particles that look like millet.

Wen Rensheng quickly understood that those millets should be the things that Wang Wenwen crystallized with the power of alien species.

Really good stuff.

It's just that good things are useless. Wang Wenwen has worked hard for a long time, but the black phoenix is ​​still dismissive and seems to be a little discouraged.

But Wen Rensheng had an intuition, as long as Wang Wenwen left, the arrogant phoenix would secretly eat clean...

Well, this is the convenience brought by Spiritualism.

Now that he can perceive some of the real thoughts of these spirits, of course, it is still far from his understanding.

So he said hello: "Wenwen, come over here."

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Wang Wenwen didn't turn his head back, showing no interest, still trying to seduce this phoenix.

Wen Rensheng smiled: "I can tell you how to tame that phoenix bird."

Yesterday, I was almost ruined by this guy. Since the other party is a bird, it is not easy to take revenge openly. Now I can only get it back from other places.

Wang Wenwen's eyes lit up, he hurriedly bumped his fat belly and ran to the window sill.

Wen Rensheng only said four words to her: "It's hard to catch."

Wang Wenwen was dubious after hearing this, and secretly turned his head to look at the black phoenix.

Sure enough, the other party was poking her head at Xiaomi on the snow, but as soon as she turned her head, she immediately restrained herself, with disdain in her eyes.

Does that mean that you can buy me a little bit of millet?

Do you think I'm a pigeon?

"Uncle is an uncle. He doesn't teach so many students for nothing, but he is really good at grasping psychology." Wang Wenwen sincerely admired.

She worked hard all morning, but couldn't find a way. In a true word, study ten thousand volumes of books.

Wen Rensheng smiled and didn't care.

Not long after, the family had breakfast in the restaurant.

Seven people gathered around the round table, and the population was growing.

Wu Liansong ate and ate, turned his head and looked out the window.

That black phoenix was indeed pecking at the rice, and even some buried in the snow had to be found out, not a single one was wasted.

He looked at it, his face was a little puzzled, and he said with some uncertainty: "Why do I think that phoenix looks like a person."

Wen Rensheng's heart moved, and he looked up at Wu Shanshan, who was silent beside him.

He asked directly: "Isn't this phoenix bird the one you summoned before? Why haven't you taken it back for so long?"

"There are so many people in the family who eat leisurely, so it would be good for them to do more work." Wu Shanshan said ambiguous.

"Understood, you pull out the seedlings to help you grow, and now you can't feed yourself alone. This is the evil way of sharing birds." Wen Rensheng said sharply.

Rapid progress, unstable foundation, unable to bear the expenses, had to put it at home and let it support itself.

However, in this way, it is not necessarily who you are close to in the end.

Wen Rensheng's eyes lit up when he thought of this.

Originally, he only thought that the black phoenix was released temporarily by Wu Shanshan, and he had no extra plans other than to make the phoenix lose face and fall from a high position.

Now that you know that the other party can't take it back, you have to make good use of it and not waste it.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll eat yours." After Wu Shanshan was exposed, for some reason, she became angry, picked up a prawn, and plugged his mouth.

In fact, as Wen Rensheng said, she wanted to try the effect after raising the level of the spirit caller profession, and the results after the test were gratifying.

But it soon became apparent that something was wrong.

The summoned black phoenix has a wide range of spirituality, unlike before, only mixed with a little ignorant instinctive consciousness.

Now it's more like a seven or eight-year-old child, let it go east to west, and let it eat fish and chicken.

And her own alien cultivation progress did not keep up with the same time, and finally tossed for a long time, unable to withdraw into the alien as before.

She can only leave it at home, let others watch it, and save her own strength by the way.

After breakfast, everyone was busy.

Wen Rensheng went to work again, and there are still classes today.

After further studies, there are more teaching courses assigned to him.

This is a pro and a con.

As he walked out of the house, he threw a dragon into the greenhouse and heard a thumping sound, mixed with the sound of a rooster crowing.

Feeding dragons to phoenixes is impossible for anyone to surpass him.


The car drove slowly and slowly on the way to the company, and a big snowplow was moving slowly in front.

There were almost no pedestrians on the road, only buses and transport vehicles passed by one after another.

Zhao Han, who was sitting in the back row of the car, was poking his head and watching the snow scene.

Suddenly, she pointed to the side of the road: "Teacher, there are two foreigners filming."

Wen Rensheng heard the words and looked from the front window, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he saw two white men standing on the side of the road not far away, two foreigners he had seen before.

One is Tom, a photographer with a magical camera, and the other is Jerry, the daring anchor.

"Drive slowly." Wen Rensheng said to Li Shuangyue.

The car slowed down.

The voices of the two came in from behind.

"Hello everyone, after signing more than a dozen commitments and working hard for a few months, I finally managed to escape from the inspection department again."

"It's not fair, why is Tom okay? Well, let's get down to business. The show I'm bringing to you today is Snow in China." The anchor Jerry said to the camera.

"Snow days in China are different from us. People here rarely go out on snow days. Unlike us, it will still be as lively as usual."

"Is this a more comfortable life for us? No, it's because if we don't come out, many people will go hungry. On the Chinese side, public transportation and public logistics are very developed, even if people don't come out, Plenty of supplies are still readily available.”

"Flour, rice, pork, beef and mutton are all available in supermarkets... As we said before, the prices of all kinds of daily necessities are very low, and the only thing that is high is the housing prices, especially the housing prices in the school districts of big cities. I don't even have the courage to step into those place."

"Okay, now I see a snow plow that seems to be out of order, parked on the side of the road, let's go and interview the driver."

The anchor Jerry said, and the camera Tom and the camera walked quickly towards the snow plow in the distance.

Wen Rensheng looked up and saw that the snowplow in front had stopped by the side of the road.

He was slightly startled, and a feeling of soul dissipating came from the bottom of his heart.


In the dissipated soul, there is also a strong resentment, surprise, and anger...

It was a feeling he had never felt before.

Spiritual control, brought him a new channel of information.

"Brother Li, drive near the snow plow and stop." He said.

It doesn't look like an accident.

The car quickly came to the side of the snow plow and pulled to the right on the side of the road.

Wen Rensheng got out of the car, and Zhao Han followed closely.

The two came to the snowplow and saw the driver in the cab, leaning his head down on the steering wheel.

"Hurry up and save people!" Zhao Han said, getting into the car and dragging people down.

"Don't move, the people are gone, this may be the murder scene." Wen Rensheng reached out to stop her, then took out his mobile phone and called.

Zhao Han was suddenly surprised, rubbed his eyes hard, and looked again and again.

This is a large snow sweeper converted from a bulldozer, with towering tires and a high cab, at least more than two meters.

In the cab, there were a stack of towels, a warm water cup, and a half-eaten Roujiamo, exuding a slight heat.

There is nothing particularly strange, but why did the teacher say that this might be the scene of a murder?

Zhao Han thought about it, this should be a simple sudden death accident caused by the cold weather.

But the teacher said that, there must be a basis, it seems that her observation is still not keen enough, there must be something suspicious.

While she was observing, the two foreigners hurriedly came to the side of the snowplow.

The camera started recording immediately.

"Hello everyone, we seem to have discovered an accident. And here is a friend I've seen before, but I don't know his name."

"I'm not your friend, and you don't want to videotape casually, otherwise, you'll go in again." Wen Rensheng decisively rejected this foreigner's self-indulgent love.

Jerry has a headache. Seeing that great traffic is right in front of him, but it can't be realized, it's really painful.

Don't this gentleman know how beautiful money is?

Thinking about it, the other party seems to have said that he is not short of money.

But he is short.

So he decided that even if he didn't record, he had to stay here. Can he write his thoughts after reading it...

Just to see on the spot, how Shenzhou people deal with these accidents.

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