Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1970 Anchors

Wen Rensheng's deduction was correct, Yang Weite acted too hastily.

He didn't take Great Emperor Lancelot into the giant tree in advance to serve as fertilizer, or an anchor.

After seeing the fighter plane appear, he immediately launched an attack and put the black book into the world tree.

Although the attack was successful, he soon realized that the opponent was struggling desperately, and World Tree's strength was not enough to seal it.

In other words, World Tree doesn't get enough power to maintain the seal consumption.

Soon Witt jumped in himself, and his peasants followed suit.

But this was not enough. At the critical juncture, he thought of the Great Emperor Lancelot, the pawn he had laid long ago.

It is not too late.

In the World Tree, he ordered a farmer's son to present a pot of World Tree seedlings under cultivation to His Majesty the Great Emperor.

As long as the emperor is with him, he can use the opponent as an anchor to continuously absorb the power of this world to suppress Black Book.

The power of the world itself will continue to grow. As long as civilization continues to multiply and wisdom continues, rationality will continue to grow.

And rationality will spontaneously absorb the source energy from the chaotic source world, turn it into the power of order, and return it to the origin of the world.

This is his understanding of the nature of how the world works.

This was already very close to Wen Rensheng's cognition.

So Yang Weite is really an outstanding artifact embryo.


The farmer's son came to the emperor's palace and successfully presented the seedlings of the world tree.

When Lancelot saw the seedling, he understood his mission.

This is the task given to him by the envoy of God.

The reason why he can master reincarnation and rebirth is here. The envoy of God needs him to live in the world permanently and extract power from the world.

He can refuse, but the end result is to lose all power.

This is direct feedback from the player system.

Yang Weite can give him a player system, and he can easily block his account.

The player power system is the most convenient, but at the same time, it is also the easiest to be controlled by the bestower.

No matter how awesome you are, you are level 100, you are dressed in red, you are invincible, and pushing the boss by yourself is like killing a dog...

But with one command from the game system, your account will be gone.

All power has a price.

The harder it is to obtain power, the harder it is for others to take it away after you master it.

Conversely, the easier you gain, the easier it is to lose.

The most typical one is like winning the lottery. I don’t know how many people won the lottery, and then quickly squandered it within a few years.

Lancelot silently accepted the World Tree seedlings.

From then on he began his long career.

Reincarnation, rebirth, and rebirth.

The world tree seedlings are constantly growing.

He gained a lot of knowledge.

The strength of the world is population growth.

The larger the population, the higher the Rationality provided, and the stronger the world.

In order to increase the population, the population must have the need for growth.

The population growth rate of agricultural society far exceeds that of industrial society.

It's just that the risk resistance of agricultural society is too low. A severe drought may cause a region to collapse.

Industrial society does not have this worry.

But the fertility rate of industrial society is something that makes all experts helpless.

No matter how many subsidies there are, before the emergence of parenting robots, as long as parents need to work hard to raise and educate their children, the instinct of human nature will make them tend to have fewer children with a high probability.

Blindly climbing the technology tree is not acceptable.

Cannot develop industrialization.

But without industrialization, agricultural production would not be able to greatly increase yields, nor would it be able to effectively fight against various natural disasters—pests and diseases, locusts, severe droughts, floods, etc.

If agricultural output does not increase, there will be an upper limit to population.

The total amount of food directly determines the upper limit of the population. To maintain a better life, a person needs 400 kilograms of rations a year.

Food production determines that the population cannot grow infinitely.

But the seedlings of the world tree gave him another way.

Only one place develops industrialization and produces the improved seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, crops resistant to diseases and insect pests, as well as water pumps and irrigation needed for agriculture.

Elsewhere the agricultural small family production of the feudal era was maintained.

That is, one place is an industrial area and the others are agricultural areas.

Moreover, population movement is strictly prohibited in both places.

The agricultural area still maintains the feudal production mode.

A family has several acres of land.

A large population has the advantage of farming. Industrial areas produce everything, but they do not produce agricultural machinery that can be produced on a large scale and reduce the demand for manpower.

With the advent of agricultural machinery, who will raise more children?

Lancelot patrolled the agricultural area.

At this time, the Minister of Agriculture reported: "Your Majesty, the farmers are short of fields, and some people yearn for a life in heaven."

Yes, he set up a system of emperor reincarnation.

Let the ministers look for his reincarnation.

With the world tree seedlings, with the approval of the envoy of the gods.

He didn't worry at all that he would die again.

In fact, the same is true, the whole world is creating convenience for him.

Every reincarnation must be transferred to the home of the rich man with the best family relationship.

Father is kind and son is filial, brother and friend are respectful, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are as close as mother and daughter...

In short, a happy life is boring and stereotyped.

"Tell them that only those who have more children can enter heaven."

"Yes, Your Majesty. But how to solve the problem of the fields? Although there are food subsidies, but newborn children do not have land, so they can only idle around. Those who idle will not consider the matter of having children."

This is a paradox.

The busier a person is, the more he wants to have children, which increases his busyness.

The more leisurely a person is, the less he wants to have children to disrupt his leisurely life.

"Fields, let's do three-dimensional agriculture. Build a 20-meter-high flat in the original agricultural area. There should be a gap between the flats to ensure that the upper and lower floors have sufficient sunlight." He thought for a while and said.

The Minister of Agriculture was stunned. He really wanted to say, Your Majesty, by doing this, the wealth consumed far exceeds the wealth produced by that little land and grain.

Unless the price is forcibly distorted, food is unique and the price is the highest, while other mass-produced industrial products are cheap.

That's what it means now.

In order to allocate land to the farmers, the flats built actually far exceed the wealth these farmers can create.

But there is no way, the emperor is holy, the son of God who has been reincarnated countless times.

He must obey.

The last minister who questioned and encouraged people to rebel was quickly killed by Tianlei.

The emperor did not send troops to suppress it.

Weird world.

The Minister of Agriculture can only think so.

Of course he doesn't know that the purpose of the whole world has been stipulated by Wen Rensheng, which is the sealed place.

Since the world is regulated by people, how can the production model evolve naturally?

Doing so would be extremely wasteful.

But it can maintain the form of the medieval peasant society.

What is the form of peasant society?

Give birth to children, raise children, reclaim wasteland for children, marry a wife and have grandchildren, and then reclaim wasteland...

Therefore, when the dynasty still had wasteland to reclaim, more than 70% of the farmers could still maintain such a stable reproduction.

However, once the 5th generation is reached, the wasteland is gone.

If this dynasty is still closed, just wait for the spiral explosion, and there is no way for any awesome reformer.

At most it's a delay of one or two.

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