Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1966 Collection

The big mouse looked up at the man in front of him.

There seemed to be countless mysteries hidden in the other party, and he thought he could easily see anyone clearly.

Yet he couldn't even see a tenth of a mystery in the other person.

But he is very sure of one fact: the other party can easily destroy the entire world.

This comes from instinctively believing.

Just like a person who sees a sharp guillotine knows that he can cut off his own head without trying.

What is the other party doing here?

Why did this god find him?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt proud.

Regardless, his reputation stayed.

Because he was found by God.

When people record God's actions, they will inevitably add this sentence: "One day, God saw a man named Big Mouse and thought he was very interesting, so he turned him into a real mouse."

He is already very content.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

The big mouse looked up at the sky.

Now it is from the perspective of a mouse, looking at the sky.

A black book appeared in the sky.

The book is thick and big, like a house.

The mouse knows that this means that the real size must be scary.

After all, he still understands the concept of near big and far small.

"God, what is that?" The big mouse just said that Wen Rensheng couldn't be a god, but now he changed his mind.

People are so good at adapting and changing.

"It's a book for collecting illustrations of various monsters. You can call it the Monster Collection." Wen Rensheng replied casually.

The Collector has arrived.

Yes, it came in the form of a book.

This book is certainly an embodiment of it, as I am now.

The ancients have known for a long time that traveling with an avatar is safer than traveling with a deity...

Therefore, there are many incarnations of gods in legends. For example, the famous Avalokitesvara has multiple incarnations.

He moved his eyes away from the black book in the sky, and cast his eyes into the distance.

The big mouse looked into the distance with God's gaze.

At this time, a giant tree suddenly appeared in the distance.

The big mouse was very surprised. It didn't notice anything at all, and the tree appeared.

That giant tree is full of colorful colors, rice yellow, leek green, persimmon red, and some other colors that he can't name, after all, he has never done farm work.

It is good to know that there are rice, leeks and persimmons.

After the colorful giant tree appeared, it began to grow crazily, and its branches and leaves were like a woman embracing the sky, stalking towards the black book.

The big mouse looked confused.

Why doesn't Black Book hide?

"Why doesn't it run away?" the big mouse asked directly.

Anyway, his biggest advantage is that he is not afraid of death.

"Because it doesn't want to hide, it wants to hide the giant tree together."

"Oh, I see. This is like two hungry predators. In the past, they would avoid each other. At this time, they have to fight to the death." The big mouse suddenly said.

This metaphor was surprisingly good, Wen Rensheng felt that the big mouse really had some aura.

Collectors are hungry indeed, and so are giant trees.

Both sides want to eat each other.

Wen Rensheng could feel that Heishu was in urgent need of food.

It seems that if you don't eat any more, you will starve to death.

This reminded him of what the headmaster of the tower said before, what creatures in the source world need is rationality, and use rationality to keep themselves from being drawn into chaos by the source world.

The source world is a place of mystery, constantly changing in chaos.

Here, it is easy for you to create something, but difficult to maintain it for a long time.

It goes from reality to nothingness very quickly.

This is exactly the fundamental driving force for the source world to invade the material world.

He quietly waited for the two sides to decide the outcome.

The black book began to turn its pages, and a minotaur appeared.


"Look, the bull-headed demon god!"

"Ah, the bull-headed demon god has appeared again!"

In the palace, people looked at the sky in shock.

I saw a huge tauren appearing in the black book in the sky, wielding an axe, and slashed at the colorful giant tree.

Its eyes spewed fiery flames, black clouds lay under its feet, and the ax smelled of blood soaring to the sky.

Emperor Lancelot's eyes were a little strange.

He had killed a tauren once, when he had just gained the power of a card player.

However, compared with the current tauren, it is like the difference between an ant and a mountain.

Hehe, it turns out that this is the Bull-headed Demon God.


If he was facing this guy at that time, he might be scared to death by the other person's eyes.

The tree might not be able to resist one of its cuts.

After all, it's too bad.

One is a tree and the other is a tree feller.

Just the next moment, countless tough vines appeared on the tree, entangled the bull-headed demon god's axe.

Then there is the entanglement with itself.

The Bull-headed Demon God struggled desperately, and was unwilling to be caught without a fight, but it was a pity that there were more and more vines, denser and tighter.

The Bull-headed Demon God let out a final wail, was dragged into a tree by vines, and was tied to a branch.

Countless roots sprouted from the tree and inserted into the body of the Tauren Demon God.

"This is a plant like pitcher plant!" Lancelot exclaimed.

As an emperor, someone paid tribute to the pitcher plants from the far south.

It is very interesting, it is obviously a plant, but it has a heart that eats meat.

It can prey on flies and mosquitoes in summer. These two annoying things cannot be killed cleanly.

So there are many such plants in the palace.

Now seeing that the colorful giant tree was going to absorb the bull-headed demon god, it naturally thought of the pitcher plant.

The bull-headed demon god was hunted down.

Then the black book flipped again, and it seemed to be on the second page.

A goblin demon appeared.

It was very different from what Lancelot had killed before.

It is covered in green skin, with blue-faced fangs, and its body is huge, comparable to a mountain.

As soon as it appeared, it began to brandish a broken scimitar and shouted loudly:


After screaming for a while, it turned out that there was no movement around.

Lancelot suddenly became anxious.

This must be some kind of spell of great power, and I'm afraid it will shatter the world.

Just the next moment, the Goblin Demon God scratched his head and started calling again:

"Ock, Ock!"

"Mercy, mercy!"

"My lord, I am!"

Then a large group of trumpet goblins appeared from far away in the sky, boundless, almost a million times larger than the rat plague.

As soon as they appeared, they ran towards the giant tree.

No matter how much the vine grabs, more will appear.

Watching and watching, suddenly, Emperor Lancelot felt a sense of powerlessness and abandonment.

If Mo Tide was on this scale at the beginning, what else would he play?

Even level 60 doesn't make sense.

The opponent can drown him directly.

His so-called struggles and fights are meaningless.

He felt an inexplicable sense of disillusionment.

His cavalier qualities then lifted him from disillusionment.

No, I can still be reincarnated, no matter how weak my world is, as long as I keep spinning, I can become stronger than these real demon gods.

This spirit made him fight again.

At this moment, he seemed to hear a faint tremor of the earth.

It seems that something is breaking out of the ground.

He immediately asked people to check the surroundings.

Not long after, someone reported back in horror:

"Your Majesty, a giant skeleton has appeared in the Tania region! It is as big as the monster in the sky!"

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