Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1957 The Highest Reward

What class should replace the nobility to manage the peasants?

Emperor Lancelot soon had an answer to this question.

"Mr. Haiert, you are proficient in spiritualism, right?" He called a trusted subordinate.

The opponent died nine times in battle for him. As a think tank, he can do this. He is absolutely loyal.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I can use ordinary corpses to summon skeletons. But my mana is limited. I can summon spirits up to five times a day, and I can summon fifty skeletons, and the skeletons also need my mana to maintain their activities. They are more powerful than other skills. It's not cost-effective." Haiert said in a frank manner.

The emperor was disappointed.

In fact, he should have known it a long time ago. If he could conjure up many skeletons and so many rat corpses on the battlefield, why didn't he conjure hundreds of thousands of them?

This has already broken through.

Haiert only calls out some souls at critical moments, and uses them as pathfinders and lures the enemy, never as the main fighter.

Of course the emperor didn't know, this was because his world was not invincible, and there was no corresponding magical power.

If the skeleton wants to exist, it must rely on the skills and mana of the professional.

Spiritualism didn't work, and his idea of ​​using skeletons to replace the old aristocrats in managing the farmers was shattered.

If possible, skeletons are cheaper than rats because they don't eat food.

As long as the farmers are allowed to work, the food will be given to the farmers themselves. No, some still needs to be collected to build roads, water conservancy, and pay for the army...

But it can reduce the intermediate cost by 70%!

That's right, relying on the calculation skills of a professional, he already knew that the emperor taxed ten gentales, and finally the tax officials in the fiefdoms directly under the emperor would collect twenty or even thirty gold talers from the freedmen.

In other words, the emperor himself can only get one-third of the tax!

This is not bad.

Some stupid nobles, in their own fiefs, are fooled by their subordinates and merchants, and often only get one-tenth of the tax amount.

"Your Majesty, are you worried that those blue-eyed mice will rob the farmer with you?" Haiert was keenly aware of the emperor's worries.

"Yes, Mr. Helt, you know that there is no loyalty and honor in the eyes of farmers. They only care about their pots, beds, wives, and children. It's just that the mice never care about these things. Things." The emperor saw it clearly.

Sir Haiert nodded slightly. Being able to understand this means that His Majesty the Emperor is a qualified emperor.

Before he became a card player/clergyman/professional, he was a farming officer and followed a baron.

The baron actually thought that it was only natural for the farmer to be loyal to his family.

Even if they are given less food, or even all the food is taken away, and they are not given food and let them eat grass roots by themselves, they will not resist.

The last baron was killed by rioting farmers during a hunt.

And those peasants were hanged, and the baron's fief was taken over by his nephew.

After the nephew accepted the territory, it was agreed that the farmers would lease his land and the share would be reduced to six to four.

He is six, and the farmer is four.

The farmers cheered happily, thinking that a kind master had finally come.

After being moved, they secretly bribed the executioner, buried the hanged farmers, and took care of their wives and daughters.

Only Heilt knew the truth: the idea of ​​asking the baron to take away all the farmers' grain and sell it for gold, and then build a luxurious castle was his nephew's idea...

As for why he knew the truth, he casually told his nephew after being whipped by the baron once in a while.

And he took refuge in the knight Lancelot on the battlefield, just to avoid being killed.

After recalling the past, Haiert said, "Your Majesty, you seem to have greatly underestimated your ability to reincarnate."

"Oh, go on." The emperor smiled slightly.

"Yes, your reincarnation, I watched it before, I sensed the soul of that brave knight, and it was sent to a newborn baby, and he was born again!" Haiert said excitedly.

"Well, your induction is correct." The emperor nodded.

"Your Majesty, have you ever thought that you can become a god after discovering this skill! The supreme god!" Haiert whispered, lest others would hear the same.

Lancelot nodded, he had thought about this too.

The problem, the problem is that he, like Gelt, has limited mana.

No, he's different than Heilt, he's the emperor, and he can drive professionals to make mana potions.

No, mana potions are still limited, and reincarnation consumes far more mana than spiritualism.

If spiritualism consumes one point of mana, reincarnation consumes twenty points.

That's right, it's a gap of 20 times, which is worthy of its performance.

So the emperor shook his head: "Mana."

Haiert understood, and then whispered: "People only need one or two miracles every year. In a word, pious, loyal, honest, and talented nobles can enjoy the benefits from God." The gift, the gift of life again, is enough to make all the nobles work hard!"

The emperor suddenly realized!

Yes, he thought too much!

The people are ignorant, as long as they see a miracle once, they will regard it as a permanent truth!

"And what do blue-eyed mice know? If they can't learn human greed, they will never learn human management skills. For example, improving farmers' production tools, organizing farmers to build water conservancy, concentrating on reclaiming wasteland, and helping farmers to treat diseases .”

Helt said again,

"Your Majesty, you don't need to consider using another life without desires to replace people to manage people. People themselves are the best tool."

"There is no knife, no horse, no cow, no dog, which can be more useful than a human being. If it is fed until it is twelve years old, it can work until it is forty-two years old. In the middle, it will repair itself and repair itself. Produce yourself."

The emperor nodded heavily, and after being reminded by the think tank, he had figured everything out.

Are nobles all trash?

No, the shrewd nobles can make the barren land rich and populous within 50 years and with the efforts of three generations, resist the invasion of the barbarians, and transform the culture of the barbarians.

And his reincarnation can just screen out such nobles.

Because the nobles will take the initiative to work towards this aspect.

And that's something mice will never have.

Because if they have the ability of nobles, their leader, the big rat, will be finished.

Don't forget, for the nobles, rebellion and backstabbing are the housekeeping skills.

Nobles like to show off their loyalty and glory, precisely because most nobles lack those two things. If everyone has it, who will show it off as a treasure?

Early the next morning.

His Majesty the Emperor summoned the Grand Duke and his remaining eighty thousand troops.

They organized a parade at the palace on the hill.

The palace is naturally not enough for so many people to stand.

Many people camped here and there on gentle hills.

For a moment, the army was orderly, standing like a forest.

Although it has just been hit hard, morale has been restored with extremely sufficient supplies.

The warehouse skills of a professional are far more important than the big mouse imagined.

After all, he has never experienced a real army.

I don't know the difficulty of transporting grain. Ten carts of grain span thousands of miles, and only one cart can be eaten by soldiers. The rest are consumed on the road. It is good to be eaten by farmers and animals.

However, 30% of them disappeared from the accounts as soon as they left the house...

Warehouse skills don't have this worry, no matter how far away, it is enough to send a professional to collect and store.

No matter how big this person's appetite is, it is limited, and it cannot compare with the hands of many transport officials.

The emperor stood on the steps of the palace, watching the army of the grand duke.

This is not his army, he clearly divides it.

If he really regards it as his own army, then he is not the emperor of the west, but the emperor of the east.

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