Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1937 High Difficulty

I originally turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch.

It's a pity that the big mouse doesn't know this line of oriental poetry, otherwise it would definitely take this line as its own inner monologue.

Holding his sister in his arms, he drove the red-eyed mouse to the most tortuous and deepest sewer.

The complexity here, unless the holy professional uses the skill of opening the map positioning, no one will know.

But the red-eyed mouse seemed to know the way by nature, leading the big mouse all the way to the depths.

The disappearance of the two was not reported until the person who inspected the mouse room half a day later found the dead body of the person who opened the door.

However, the above stated lightly that one would be eaten by mice, so it was done hastily.

No one reported it to the clergy.

The person who opened the door was also a slave, and it was not uncommon for slaves to be bitten to death by rats.

Because the clergy are in the midst of anger, and no one wants to make trouble.

Emperor Lancelot enjoyed the slowness of the noble system back then, and now the big mouse also enjoys the slowness of the lower system.

Ten days later, the red-eyed mice breed the next litter of red-eyed mice.

The mice forage for food on their own.

The older rat and the younger sister eat the newly born cubs.

The eyes of the two also gradually turned red.

A terrifying legend about the Ratman began to spread in the underground waterway system of the Holy Order Hall.

There is no shortage of organic matter here, and escaped mice have built their own nests.

Now one by one they are occupied by groups of red-eyed rats.

The arrogance and depravity of the priesthood breeds a new tide of evil.

Wen Rensheng watched this scene.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, so the magic tide no longer appears, I understand, because the collectors have given this world the ability to generate magic tides on their own." The little panda couldn't help but said again.

"Well, that's it." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"But don't you want to seal the collector? But this world runs on its own, it doesn't pay attention anymore, how do you seal it?"

"No, it's precisely this that attracts its attention the most." Wen Rensheng smiled mysteriously.

Help, someone is acting aggressive in front of the panda again.

The little panda cursed.

At this moment, it was lifted upside down by someone.

The little panda didn't panic, at home, except for the girl Xiao Huan who dared to do this, who would do it like this?

You must know that it is invincible and cute, and it is the object of being doted on by all the men in the family!

Xiao Huan is loved by all women.

Madan, I really want to switch things up with this guy.

"Are you tired of playing again?" the little panda asked while turning its head back and forth.

Sure enough, it was Xiao Huan. She turned the little panda around 720 degrees before letting go.

"There's no more interesting world, old Wenyi hurry up and give me a whole new one." Xiao Huan put aside the little panda, climbed onto Wen Rensheng's head and stood there, looking around.

People who don't understand think she is looking at the scenery.

Those who understand know that she is using Wen Rensheng's perspective to scan the various worlds around her layer by layer.

"Get off my head first." Wen Rensheng said unhappily.

Only she can ignore her own authority and mystery, after all she was "born" by herself.

This is the root of why the little panda is not angry.

Someone is worse than yourself.

"I heard what kind of seal you want to do. Wouldn't it be good to seal it with my belly?" Xiao Huan looked around, bored and couldn't hold on.

"It's not indigestion that you ate. At that time, the whole family will have to worry about you." Wen Rensheng can't let her go on this matter.

"Then find me a fun world."

"Now there are eight hundred places you can play, if not one thousand, and there are many high-quality game worlds, which are not enough for you to play."

"It's not difficult. I knew in advance that I would win. It was fun at the beginning, but after playing for a long time, it will not work."

"I have no good way to win against Principal Disaster right now. I can only use some indescribable means to contain them. Can you guarantee that you will win in every world?" Wen Rensheng shook his head, completely disbelieving. .

"Of course it's because I'm stronger, cuter, and smarter than you." Xiaohuan said proudly.

Even the panda doesn't believe what he said, didn't he see it shaking his head?

Oh, it turned out to be dizzy by Xiao Huan.

"Okay." Wen Rensheng decided to let this guy know what social beatings are, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

He stretched out his hand to touch his body, sealing off the ability of the Phantom Seed, and then stretched out his hand to touch Xiaohuan, turning her into a snow-white puppy.

"Woof, woof!" the little white dog barked at his grandma angrily.

"Don't you think the difficulty is low? Then use this form to enter the world I'm focusing on now, and then clear the level. By the way, the goal of clearing the level is to assist Yang Weite's seal collector."

Wen Rensheng smiled.

The little panda also laughed.

It feels good to have someone vent their anger.

Then he was bitten by the little white dog on the panda's leg.

"I want to give you an injection and tie the rope, no matter how small you are!" the little panda yelled at it.


Xiao Huan, now turned into a little white dog, was thrown into the world of Mo Tide.

In just two days, it knows how difficult the real game is.

No wonder everyone loves to play virtual games.

It's just too hard to have a little fun in a real game.

It takes a few months to make any progress.

You have to work hard to see some progress, and there will be various accidents that will make your hard work go in vain.

The little white dog has not eaten for two days.

The last time I ate something was an accidentally dried loach in the mud ditch.

It was almost caught and eaten by the homeless people in the city.

Anything cute and cute, in the eyes of the homeless, is not as good as a pot of meat.

Perhaps the ladies and ladies of the nobility can take a fancy to it.

The problem is that those occasions are so rare.

This is not modern, a video can make it into the eyes of young ladies.

"Could it be that my clever, invincible and cute little Huan just starved to death like this?"

"Old smell, can't you give me a hang?"

It yelled inwardly.

Unfortunately, Wen Rensheng did not respond.

It seems that he is determined to let him know the hardships of life.

"Hey, poor little paparazzi, come home with me." A little girl with red eyes came over and picked up the wilted dog.

If you are tired, let it be destroyed, or be turned into a dog meat pot, just to get out of this hell.

Xiao Huan's heart fell flat.

It turned out to be a real hell.

In the pitch-black underground waterway, the "squeaky" red-eyed mouse seems to be able to shine in the dark.

There were screams from time to time, from people and mice.

The little girl walks easily in the sewer.

She is Weir, Big Mouse's sister.

Today, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she sneaked out of the sewer, came to the city, and then saw a poor little white dog.

Although it didn't eat anything, it was very clean.

This sparked Weil's sympathy.

After all, she also lived a carefree life as a countess. She raised several cats and dogs, and several servants took care of them.

Ordinary people without this experience will only use dogs as food and a tool for housekeeping.

It will definitely not be regarded as a family member or a pet.

She took the little white dog into the underground lair, made a nest of clean cotton, and got an oil lamp.

The oil was stolen by the rats.

In short, she carefully gave this dog everything she could give.

The only thing that cannot be given is sunshine.

She was sorry about that, and if her brother found out she had sneaked out of the sewer, he would be furious.

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