Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1930 The Decisive Battle of the Card Players

While the noble allied forces were waiting, setting up traps, wrangling banquets, and hooking up with each other, the card players were under heavy pressure, and each of them turned into a liver emperor.

"All poultry and livestock are not allowed to slaughter privately! Come to the designated place to slaughter, and for each one killed, I will give you five copper coins!"

"Live mice, live pheasants, and all kinds of live game are collected at high prices!"

"Buy all kinds of big animals that are about to die of illness!"

The farmers, peddlers, unemployed, and vagabonds in the Kingdom of Roots are all happy.

They finally have a channel to share the wealth that the card players robbed from the nobles, food, cloth, salt... these necessities of life.

The biggest problem in the agricultural society is not the shortage of labor force, but the excess labor force deposited on the land, resulting in people wanting to make money and having no place to make money.

A lot of wealth is deposited in the warehouses of the gentlemen, the food is rotten, the cloth is moldy, and the copper coins are rusty... However, the poor have nowhere to sell their labor power to buy these things.

Well now, the population of more than 10 million in the entire Kingdom of Rotes has started to serve for the upgrade of more than 5,000 card players.

At the beginning, some soldiers didn't want to give money and wanted to recruit by force, but that was too inefficient.

Some soldiers gave money, and the farmers gave them the mice they caught one after another, and everyone began to roll.

Lancelot taught them that as long as the land exists, as long as the river exists, and as long as the farmers exist, wealth will flow continuously.

The land and the rivers produce food, and the food feeds the farmers and their children, who can work and create more and more money.

It is such a simple truth that not even a shrewd nobleman can understand it.

It is the simplest and most cost-effective transaction to occupy the land deed and exchange the grain produced by the farmers themselves for the farmers to work for them.

The power of food and money is enormous. In just ten days, the soldiers have been upgraded by five levels on average, which is faster than the upgrade speed on the battlefield.

Skills are not randomly added, but are added in a targeted manner according to Lancelot's arrangements and requirements.

For example, the most important scouts add points.

The very few soldiers with mind link skills are regarded as the most protected objects, second only to Lancelot himself in importance.

There are only 3 of them in total, and ten people are arranged around each of them to take turns to protect them, and they will not be alone for a minute.

Then there are their partners, people with reconnaissance skills such as eagle eyes and wolf ears.

Among these people, no one is more aware of the importance of maps than Lancelot.

As a former wild knight, if you want to survive on the battlefield, the first thing you need to do is to be familiar with the terrain. At least when escaping, you can't run into dead ends: valleys, river banks, cliffs...

He selected four hundred and fifty scouts, which was an extremely large number, close to one-tenth of five thousand.

Then there is the addition of the main output arms.

Long-distance is the most important in output. Although the lethality of archers is low, after a battle, their proportion will not exceed one-tenth of the total number of people killed, but they are indispensable.

It's not just casual talk.

They can stabilize their own formation and prevent the enemy from rushing forward rashly.

Far-reaching precision, strong bow, poisonous arrow, rocket technique, ice archery, skills in Heroes, Darkness, and Warcraft appear randomly.

Lancelot let some people choose first, and after checking the effect, choose the most cost-effective among them, and let others add points.

For example, poisonous arrows don't need too many, but they can't be too few. He selected 80 people to fight against the boss.

Rocket technique is the best group killing technique, and against soldiers composed of ordinary people, it is simply a map cannon in the Middle Ages.

If it cooperates well with the terrain, it will be even more powerful.

And so on for other skills.

In short, when the coalition of nobles sensed something was wrong and marched again...mainly because they had almost enough food, Lancelot's 5,000 card players had already been trained.

Reconnaissance, output, defense, mobility, treatment, support...a complete large team.

"See, warriors, this is our real strength! Scattered, we can only be overwhelmed by nobles, but when we unite, we are the most lofty mountains, the deepest and widest seas, the coldest glaciers, the hottest hell!"

Lancelot excitedly inspected his army of card players.

Players or something still does not conform to their thinking habits.

After all, in their lives, it is hard to imagine that they can start a family by "playing".

"Oh, oh, oh!" The soldiers were also very excited.

They have seen their own strength.

Several times when the nobles' scattered troops came to chase and suppress alone, they were discovered first, and then set up an ambush. Once they sent out, the enemy collapsed, and then they surrounded and pursued.

It's a simple routine, but the enemy can't escape, and they are easily defeated every time.

They captured thousands of people one after another, and they didn't kill a single person, only dozens of farmers who did logistics.

That is still due to non-combat deaths, such as falling to death or dying of illness.

"Now, the outpost reports that the enemy has been dispatched. There are a total of 200,000 people, including 60,000 soldiers and 140,000 farmers... Are you afraid?" Lancelot asked everyone with a smile.

"Too little, 200,000, one person can only get 40 heads, which is not enough for us to advance to a higher level now!" A big soldier shouted.

"Yeah, too few, and it's not easy to kill them if they surrender. It's more cost-effective to keep them to catch mice and raise pigs and sheep."

"Why didn't two million come? It's a pity, it seems that we are not good enough in their eyes!"

Lancelot was delighted to see the high morale of the soldiers.

"Then let's go!"

His 10,000-strong army began to move.

The scouts were dispatched first, and the soul-linked soldiers planned the route for them.

The enemy advanced along the Rhodes, the largest river in the kingdom, which was responsible for navigation and irrigation.

Without this river, it would be impossible for 200,000 people to march. Just fetching water every day would be fatal.

If Lancelot knew that there was a group of countries in the east that could conscript 600,000 or 400,000 people at a time, he would definitely scare his mouth.

What kind of hardworking farmers, what strict military law, what kind of superb commander, and what kind of powerful counselors are needed to organize and complete the march of such a large number of people.

Three days later, his scouts had made contact with the enemy outpost.

And his main force is still five days away from the enemy.

Through the scout's reconnaissance, mind link, and sand table skills, he and a few counselors mapped out the enemy's marching route and camping location.

"The enemy's 200,000 army came from south to north, and divided into east and west along the river bank to meet each other." Adviser A pointed to the map and said.

"They communicate back and forth through the fleet. The advantage of this is that when we meet one of them, they can send a fleet on the other to outflank us from upstream and downstream, leaving us in a logistical situation." Adviser B said .

"No matter how good a card player is, he can't go without food for three days. Once the logistics are cut off, we will be finished." Adviser A said.

"They want us to divide our troops, but we can't divide our troops." Lancelot shook his head.

"We can attack one road first, pretend to be defeated, lure that road away from the river bank, defeat them, and then cross the river to defeat the other road." Adviser A said.

"It's too slow to do that. Knowing that the tide of magic will come at any time, we should take a boat straight down the river, use long-distance to fight card players, burn their fleet, and cut them directly into two sections. Without the fleet , they have no supplies, and the 200,000 army will collapse in two days, and we can kill them like chasing rabbits.” Adviser B gave a completely different approach.

One safe, one adventurous.

One is low efficiency and one is high efficiency.

How should Lancelot choose?

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