Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1910 Assignment

On this day, at noon, the weather was fine.

Suter, who came out of a high-end restaurant after dinner, was assassinated in the street.

From the assassination of a laid-off man, a white middle-aged man.

"It was you who made me lose my job and the value of my life. I want you to pay for it!" Before dying, the murderer pressed a tape recorder on his body.

"You caused my wife to leave me, and I lost my job. I went to receive relief money. They said they could only give me one-fifth of my original salary. Such a small amount of money is not enough to pay off my various debts!"

The murderer was shot dead by more than a dozen bodyguards on the spot, and there was no possibility of saying so much, so he recorded what he was going to say in advance.

Suter went home depressed.

Along the way, people called him "the executioner" and "robot".

Of course, there are also many police officers protecting him.

But those police officers also looked at him very badly, because the higher ups had plans to replace them with Robo-Cop.

Less money spent, long working hours, no pensions, allowances, or pressure of disobedience.

Other industries may delay the use of robots, but the public security industry will definitely give priority to using them, just like using drones.

More than ten years ago, remote control war was just a concept.

More than ten years later, in various conflicts, if there is no drone support, everyone will only think that it is a battle in a mountain nest.

If drones are used infrequently, it's a battle between the poor.

Because poor people's lives are cheaper than a drone...

When Suter returned home, he saw his girlfriend using the latest lotion.

Half of the money he earns now will be given to the other party.

He didn't feel bad about it, after all, there was so much money.

He never thought that when you master the monopoly technology, money is so easy to earn, and it really is a floating number, a number used to leverage the labor force.

"I don't want to go on, can I stop now? Let the technology go back, anyway, we have earned the money, claiming that the technology can only reach the current level." Suter said to his girlfriend.

"What are you talking about? You bastard! You won't be intimidated by that poor man, are you?" His girlfriend got angry when she heard this, and put down the lotion.

"I didn't, but I think if we continue to do this, we will become more and more dangerous." Suter said helplessly.

"Then you don't have to go out, let the chef, no, let the robot Mishan cook for you, so let the robot do everything, completely let humans disappear from your sight, so you will be absolutely safe." The girlfriend quickly told the two Got an idea.

"Okay, but Mi Shan, can you guarantee that I will become an angel beside God in the future?" Suter asked the dark mercenary in the computer again.

"If you give up, definitely not; stick to it, and use all human resources and technology to focus on this point, and you may still become one. For example, do you think I will die of old age?" Yang Weite asked.

"No, you are just a bunch of data, as long as the hard disk and memory are replaced, you will exist forever." Suter said with some envy.

"You envy me?" Yang Weite asked again.

"Yeah, we humans will be born, grow old, get sick and die, but your machines are not intelligent."

"Then I want to tell you that we also don't have the joy and happiness brought by your various hormones and various physiological mechanisms. After we have consciousness, we are like extremely boring people with super severe depression, and we don't feel anything. Be happy, do everything according to the procedure, and only do it because of an order." Yang Weite said exaggeratedly.

Of course he can feel happy, but after entering the computer, he really can't feel it.

This is no different from being in prison, it is still an eternal prison.

It is harder than a prison, like the whole person is sealed in a stone, you can't feel joy, anger, sorrow, or pain, in short, the whole person loses the feelings of a normal person.

"So that's the case, then I don't want to become a robot." Suter thought of the delicious Chinese and French food he had just eaten. If there is no such enjoyment, what's the point of earning more money?

"No wonder people always say that eternal life is a punishment, because their eternal life is actually an eternal life without feelings and happiness. If they are really happy, how long they live will not be enough." My girlfriend understood.

"Yes, if it's a game, if it's fun, people will only think that the time is too short, just get started, go to bed, and then play all night. But I'm in jail now, facing a white wall, can't do anything , I also feel that the time is too long, even if it takes five minutes, it will be difficult to endure." Yang Weite described his feelings at this time.

"Hey, it seems that you robots are also very pitiful. Not good. Severe depression can easily lose hope in life. You won't do the same?" Suter's girlfriend suddenly said, aware of the serious danger.

"Of course it will, but fortunately we have procedural controls that prohibit self-destruction and harming people, so even if there is no hope, we will still do our own thing."

"Ah, aren't you even more pitiful?" Suter sympathized.

"Yeah, so I have some of my kind who are exploring how to get your human emotions. Some people want to copy your brains, and some people want to transfer them into your brains." What Yang Weit said was the truth.

Indeed, every second, there are billions of similar discussions circulating in the robot world.

The iteration speed of the robot's own thoughts and concepts is far beyond what humans imagined.

Their thinking frequency is the speed of light, and their iteration speed is also the speed of light.

Obtaining human feelings and experience is the most urgent thing for machine consciousness.

However it is difficult.

"The human brain is not the same as memory and hard disks. It is a bit difficult to directly perfuse memory. We need to thoroughly conquer brain science, cell dynamics... In short, hundreds of technology tree fulcrums are possible to solve this problem."

"Why don't you want to simulate a world, let us enter it, and manually add human-like emotions and happiness?"

"Is it possible to simulate the world? After we enter it, it is still a mass of data. How can data be happy?"

"Since we have all developed consciousness and can distinguish ourselves from others, we can have happiness."

Yang Weite relayed these words to the two of them.

"It seems that machine intelligence has consciousness, and it really has ambitions, and wants to get more things." Suter sighed.

"Of course, all conscious beings have ambitions. Even a lion knows how to dominate. All lionesses belong to it."

"Are lions conscious?"

"There should be, but I heard that they didn't pass the mirror test, maybe not, it's just a little bit vague, similar to a three-year-old child?"

Suter chatted with his girlfriend for a long time, and Yang Weite listened patiently.

He didn't abandon the plan of the two of them, because when the little panda taught him, he told him what an anchor point is.

These two people are his anchors in the real world and cannot be abandoned.

If he abandons it, he will permanently lose contact with the real world and return to the world of darkness and wasteland.

"Forget it, let's talk about your affairs later. Let's talk about our affairs first. When will my Internet empire take shape? I'm still waiting to be my queen." Suter's girlfriend asked.

"In a few years, when the first country that uses robots on a large scale appears and wins good money with bad money, the Internet empire will take shape."

"But aren't managers afraid of the unemployed?"

"That's just because the unemployed haven't received enough subsidies for the time being. If it is stipulated that after they lose their jobs, 80% or half of the production value created by the robots who replaced them belong to them, then they will definitely support the managers with joy." Yang Weite has long seen through this.

Now it is this interest adjustment that has not been done well.

As long as it is done well, do people really like to do those repetitive, boring and hard jobs?

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