Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1908 Network Empire

Suter and his girlfriend went shopping overnight for computers.

To be quick, they buy from second-hand markets.

New computers are too troublesome, and the second-hand market is more convenient.

I bought 50 sets in one go, and the other party thought they were going to open an Internet cafe, so they kindly donated a batch of second-hand network equipment.

After buying the computer, they rented a warehouse, then connected the power supply, set up a network, and released the mercenaries in the notebook.

Soon, the heads of mercenaries appeared on the screens of fifty computers at the same time.

Ordinary dark face, wearing a suit of armor, holding a spear.

"Thank you, let us come out, what do you want? I can satisfy you as much as possible." The mercenary said.

Yang Weite thought, what these people want is money, right?

"I want to become the most beautiful woman in the world." Suter's girlfriend said with a roll of her eyes.

"I want to become the most powerful man in the world, no, the longest life, preferably immortality, just like the angels around God." Suter changed several requirements in a row.

In the end he chose to live forever.

It may be because his parents both died of illness, which gave him a great fear of death.

Before life, most people desperately want to live.

Some elderly people don't want to waste money at first, but when the last moment comes, they still can't help but want to get medical treatment, hoping to heal themselves.

"Is it immortal? It depends on your level of technological development. It's very simple to become the most beautiful woman." Yang Weite thought for a while.

"Really? Let's fulfill my wish first!" the girlfriend said happily.

"As you wish."

Soon the operation that stunned the two began.

"Who among the following individuals is the most beautiful woman on this planet? Online voting begins."

Yang Witt connected to the Internet and published such an advertisement on various websites, and at the same time put the photo of Suter's girlfriend in it.

Standing alongside her are all big-name celebrities, beauties and good books, who she usually envies to the extreme.

However, one hour of voting ends.

She got the most votes.

"Congratulations, beautiful lady, you have become the most beautiful woman in the world. I have fulfilled your wish, and I owe you nothing." Yang Weite said politely.

"Ha, hahaha, hahaha!" Suter laughed so hard that he covered his stomach, lay on the ground, and rolled back and forth.

"It's too funny, no, brother, you really have our European humor gene, so funny!"

He laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face, and finally he stopped a little when he saw his girlfriend's expression getting darker and darker.

Originally Europeans laughed exaggeratedly, not to mention the current joke is really too funny.

Yes, how to define the most beautiful woman in the world?

Definitely defined by people.

Online voting is reasonable, right?

Then by manipulating the number of votes a little, wouldn't she become the most beautiful woman in the world?

You say cheating?

No, no, it was just a title.

Don't those big shots rely on all kinds of false promises before coming to power?

Once you get the title, isn't it the same thing?

At least, his girlfriend can proudly show the results of the online voting, saying that she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and she is certified by the Internet.

"Damn, you liar, men are liars, even a game character, you want to deceive me like this? You ungrateful guy, I paid half of the money to get you free! And you think I'm real Is that the wish? I was just trying to test you! You are not a magic lamp, and you didn't say you can only make three wishes!" Suter's girlfriend calmed down and said.

"Well, the most beautiful lady in the world, I didn't say I would refuse your other requests." Yang Weite said politely.

He suddenly discovered that it turned out that it was such a comfortable thing to make fun of others. Of course, the party being made fun of must be uncomfortable.

But so what?

If you have the ability, get into the computer and beat him...

"Okay, let me become the queen of Europe, and I want to be like Catherine the Great! This is my real wish!" Suter's girlfriend gritted her teeth.

If this guy dared to give her an Internet title like just now, she would smash all the computers.

She also had to go to the Internet Bureau to report the existence of the other party... Although if she did that, it was likely that she would be sent to see a psychiatrist.

"Well, you want to be the queen of Europe. There are 45 countries in Europe in your world, and they need to be unified. This is a very troublesome thing." Yang Weite said slowly.

"Of course it's troublesome. In history, there were three chances for European unification, but they were all destroyed. The first Frankish emperor failed in the two subsequent wars." Suter's girlfriend said disappointedly.

She has the mentality of a strong woman, but does not have the corresponding talent and character.

"Well, now that the Internet is developed, we can create an online empire, and you are the queen of the online empire, the Great."

"You want to lie to me again!"

"No, no," Suter saw the possibility and said hastily, "No, what my game partner said makes sense, if everyone joins this online empire, admit your power and throne, then you are real."

Suter's girlfriend thought for a while and nodded: "The question is, will this attract people from those intelligence agencies? For example, people from the Intelligence Bureau?"

"Don't worry, they can't catch any clues about me just through the Internet, but you must not expose yourself. If you are caught, I will be helpless." Yang Weite reminded.

His purpose is to take the opportunity to change the world, let evil disappear from the hearts of real people, and then make the dark world completely change and lose evil.

It's entirely possible.

A very simple example: Those scenes that are too bloody will be deleted, and the plots that violate human relations will also be deleted. There is a huge gap between the film and television version and the original, which is very common.

Therefore, as long as evil disappears from people's hearts, there will be no evil in the game worlds, film and television worlds, and even all kinds of worlds created by people.

Without cuckold plot lovers, there would be no cuckold articles.

Everything is as simple as that.

But it is too difficult to do.

Helping the other party become an empress is the first step.

"Okay, we will try to eliminate our abnormal behavior, but how do you build an online empire now?" Suter's girlfriend then asked.

"It's very simple, people need jobs, so I first let them understand that all jobs can be solved simply by manipulating the network, then they will choose to join my network, because only then can they work, eat and live. Be comfortable."

"I get it. You want to control the source and process of wealth creation, so everyone will listen to you, just like those McCann farmers who recruited children to work. For wages and family support, sensible children will refrain With my lively nature, I have to do those repetitive and hard work, and I am busy for more than ten hours a day." Suter's girlfriend suddenly said.

"Those guys who should go to hell, who made it impossible for us to ask the McCanns?" Suter also said helplessly.

He knew those things, he saw them on the Internet.

But there is no way.

They are very good here, but McCann is much better than them.

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