Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1906 Packaging

"I'm not kidding, have you ever seen a different-dimensional hacker?"


"Then I'll let you read it again."

Yang Weit then watched the little panda play him a sci-fi time-travel movie.

The kind of infinite nesting dolls.

The protagonist is a genius in a simulated world. He creates a simulated world, and then understands that the world he is in is also a simulated world.

The villain from the main world created him, and by a series of coincidences, the villain's woman fell in love with the genius, the villain died, and the genius entered the main world.

In the end, the power of the main world was cut off, and the screen went dark...

If you watch too many dolls, you will find this kind of nesting dolls boring, but the first contact, the kind of shock that Yang Weite brings is very strong.

He couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

How do you know that the real world you are in is not simulated?

If it is just fantasy, the key is that there is a lot of evidence.

For example, the world is not continuous, and its foundation is based on discrete foundations.

This is very much like the composition of data, the two discrete numbers "0" and "1" form a seemingly continuous and huge universe.

The speed of light is limited, because the speed of light is limited, resulting in a theory of relativity that completely violates common sense.

For example, in common sense, a person stands on a train and continues running.

His speed relative to the ground should be train speed + own running speed.

But the speed of light is absolutely constant, as is the case in any environment.

This is troublesome.

You stand on the train with a flashlight, the speed of light is still the same, not the speed of light + the speed of the train.

There is no way to explain it, so I have to use the knife on basic common sense, that is, time changes, and after calculation, the speed of light remains unchanged.

Look, it's that weird.

If the speed of light remains constant, the time in the inertial frame of the train, this lofty concept, will be shaken.

People subconsciously think that time and space are absolute, and time is moving forward constantly, but the fact is completely contrary to your common sense.

These traces, even some scientists are inclined, the universe may be digitally simulated.

Although it is not mainstream, you can never say that this is superstition, this is religion, and this can be directly denied.

"Okay, stop thinking, you just need to remember, no matter the simulation or reality, as long as you can maintain a clear mind and real emotions, that's enough. The place you are is real to you, don't think about it." That's a lot." said the little panda.

"Okay, but how do I find a creator who falls in love with me?"

"You have to do something, in the world of Diablo, to do something special. Do you know what kind of character template is easy to fall in love with?"

"have no idea."

"A kind, brave, lovely girl who can sacrifice everything for herself..." the little panda said, showing the image of Cordoli in the Three Questions of the Last Day.

It's not what it wants to watch, it's all Xiaohuan took it to watch.

"NO, NO, I have no intention of changing my gender." Yang Weite quickly refused.

Even if he was killed, he couldn't imagine turning into a cute girl.

He knew there was such a thing, but he couldn't comprehend it himself.

Mr. Skillful Hands knows that there are many such populations in nature, and you can change your gender at will.

"That's troublesome, you directly increased the difficulty from 0.1 to 100. It's easy to make a male creator fall in love with a female character, but it's very difficult to make a female creator fall in love with a male character. That movie is just to satisfy the fantasy of the main audience stream , It was only designed that the girl falls in love with the boy. The real situation is completely opposite." The little panda wondered.

This Yang Weite is not like Wen Rensheng's pretender, who is always mysterious and seduces women to death, from big to small.

But Yang Weite is the opposite type, any woman can see through him at a glance.

I can't find any good points in the whole body, the appearance is ordinary, and a little rough, and the body still has the peculiar smell of the workers in the 19th century.

In short, apart from some tenacious spiritual qualities, other things that attract the opposite sex...

Well, he still has money, but this is meaningless to the main world and can be ruled out.

Even if there are one trillion game characters, it is useless to the main world, unless it is an online game and can be sold for gold.

However, the world of Diablo 2 is a stand-alone. Although there is a, it cannot be sold for gold.

"Then help me think about it," Yang Weite begged.

"Well, you have a great advantage, that is, you are hardworking and hardworking, which may attract older women." The little panda held back for a long time, and finally came out.

This is also a huge challenge for it.

"Older ones? That's fine too." Yang Weite said helplessly.

He really didn't have much sex with women. He had a blind date in the wasteland and was cheated of 600 bottle caps.

Regardless of how rich he is now, 600 bottle caps are still lingering in his mind.

Later, he was busy with the major forces, and he didn't have any parents or relatives to urge the marriage in the wasteland, so he just settled down like this.

Now hearing that the little panda is going to introduce someone to him, he is really looking forward to it.

Five days later, the little panda let him enter the world of Diablo 2 again.

"The role you play is no longer the protagonist, but the bear next to the protagonist."

"Wait, I don't want to be a woman, so you make me a bear?"

"Why, a bear can turn into a bearman, and the bear is cute and cute."

"No, I can't play this kind of cross-series love."

"Diablo 2 has a Western background, and it's normal for a man and a bear to fall in love."

"I'm also a Westerner, why don't I feel normal?"

"You are half."

After talking nonsense, Yang Weite chose to be a mercenary next to the protagonist.

Anyway, still a person.

Now he is not the main character.

The protagonist who comes in is a player.

Is a player of the main world.

He asked the little panda curiously: "How did players from the main world come in to play?"

"It's very simple. What he sees is different from what we see. You don't think what you see is absolutely real, do you?" the little panda asked back.

"Of course not. I know that the world seen by humans is completely different from that seen by dogs." Yang Weitz nodded.

"That's right, he can only see a 2D picture on the computer. Your words and actions, in his eyes, are meaningless NPC activities at will. When you talk to him, you will also be played by the game." The rules twisted into a few fixed words."

"God of light, this is too distorted." Yang Weite's head was as big as a bucket, and he couldn't understand it.

Fortunately, he is a studious person, so he thought patiently and figured it out by force.

Treat the world as packaged, and all changes will be packaged and presented to the other party.

Even if it is gold inside, it looks like stone on the outside.

This is normal.

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