Flames were everywhere, and in the big pit was a barbecue spider.

Countless male spiders who were attracted in paid the price of their lives for the instinct of creatures.

Therefore, rebooting to ensure safety is the same everywhere.

After one day and one night, the male spiders were gone, and all turned into scum, attracting many leopards, gray wolves, vultures, and wild dogs...

Free meat.

The gift of nature.

Looking at the wild animals that were transforming into gluttonous animals, Yang Weite sent people into the spider cave to investigate again.

After two days of careful exploration, a conclusion was finally reached.

The remaining female spiders can already be cleaned.

Because in this spider cave, most of them are male spiders, and female spiders only account for one-tenth.

Female spiders can lay many eggs at a time, and it doesn't take many female spiders to reproduce.

Deliberately leaving a small number of female spiders and driving a large number of male spiders is a more effective way of survival.

After all, food is limited, and it is necessary to ensure that most of the nutrients are used for reproduction.

Leave more male spiders, usually work, after reproduction, eat on the spot to supplement nutrition.


However, there is no perfect survival strategy.

Now, the remaining female spiders have lost enough guards.

Cannonballs roar, machine guns sweep, lasers shoot, power armor takes the lead, and fire extinguishers are always at the ready.

The wailing of the spider resounded in the cave.

They tried to rush out and attack the intruders, but they were killed one by one by the snipers ahead of schedule.

When the number is small, the snipers will have room to play.

Tide tactics are one of the most feared tactics for snipers.

Yang Weit felt inexplicably happy watching the spiders disappear one by one.

The largest occupant of the food chain has been cleaned up.

For a while, no animal dared to enter the ruins of the city.

They started trying to find that line.

It took another half a month to find the location of the production line.

And then they were on this line, and they had a nightmare.

A nuclear-powered ghoul with a body shape comparable to an elephant!

It devoured a whole ton of nuclear fuel, and inexplicably mutated cold fusion in its body, providing its whole body with a steady stream of energy.

If this were to be placed in Wen Rensheng's previous life, it would definitely be a world-class treasure.

This ghoul did no harm to the local ecological environment.

Because it looks down on the biological chain with only 10% flow efficiency, and directly eats nuclear fuel rods, isn't it delicious?

It's all eaten up, and it's not as good as a fuel stick.


"A 70mm armor-piercing gun can't break through it, and it can't be burned at a temperature of 3,000 degrees. Is it really necessary to throw a tactical nuclear bomb? Then there is no need for the production line." A staff officer said with a headache.

"It's impossible to throw a tactical nuclear bomb. It's too fast, and there are a lot of basements and spider caves to hide in. It's huge, but its energy source is more powerful, which can provide it with a speed comparable to that of a rocket. If it's not It is unwilling to move around because of food, we have been defeated by it long ago!" The researcher shook his head.

High defense, high sensitivity, this is the enemy that everyone has a headache.

If the opponent has mastered guerrilla warfare again, they have only one way to retreat.

"Wait, is it intelligent? If so, can we talk to it?" the naturalist asked the scout.

"With wisdom, it will say OK to me." An investigator thought for a while.

"In what context?" asked the naturalist.

"When I first came into contact with it, I was blocked by it in an abandoned room. I asked it desperately, can you let me go?" the investigator recalled.

"It held out three fingers to me, and I knew it wanted three fuel rods, so I held out one."

"It sticks out two more, and I stick out two more."

"Finally it gestured OK, so I took out two nuclear fuel rods and threw them to it, and it let me go."

After hearing what the investigator said, everyone's eyes lit up.

However, the logistics officer shook his head and said, "We can't support it."

"Why?" Everyone was puzzled.

"It has to eat one a day, and we only have 200 nuclear fuel rods, which are used to restart the production line." The logistics officer said.

"Then where did it find the fuel rods now?"

"It should have been found from the combat readiness warehouse. According to the data, there are 50,000 fuel rods stored there, enough for it to eat for more than ten years. It should not be very old, and its appetite was not as big before." The former combat staff officer analyzed.

"So I can't afford it." Yang Weite thought of the second sons in the civilized world.

The second sons of the gentlemen will also be kicked out, and eventually become the ancestors of the vagrants. Only the eldest son continues to maintain the title and family business.

Can the old man not love his son?

It's not that I can't afford it.

Of course, this can't afford it, which means the same level as the eldest son.

"It seems that we can only find a way to kill it." The staff officer said helplessly.

"No, there is another way." Yang Weite said suddenly.

"any solution?"

"Let it create more value than a fuel rod every day."


"You are already a mature ghoul, you have to learn to support yourself." The naturalist said tremblingly to the elephant ghoul lying in front of him.

The opponent has a huge body, so he walks on all fours. Except for his head, he still looks like a human, and his whole body degenerates into a beast.

"Roar!" The elephant ghoul gnawed on a stick and yelled at him dissatisfied.

It seems that he hates the other party for interrupting his lunch.

"The warehouse you occupy is limited. Did you learn the story of the white rabbit and the black rabbit when you were young? Didn't you learn it? I will teach you. It will be useful when you become the leader of the ghouls in the future. ’ continued the naturalist.

Like a ghoul lying on the ground, he tilted his head and glanced at him, seeming to be a little interested.

"A long time ago, there was a pair of rabbit brothers, a white rabbit and a black rabbit. One was smart and the other was stupid. One day, Uncle Yellow Ox planted a field of cabbage, and when the cabbage was harvested, they went to help."

"After the harvest, Uncle Yellow Ox gave the two rabbits a cart of cabbage as a reward. But the white rabbit didn't take it, but asked for a bag of cabbage seeds, and the black rabbit happily took the cabbage home."

"Half a year later, the white rabbit starved to death because the cabbage seeds were planted in the wrong way, and the cabbage didn't germinate. The black rabbit finished eating the cabbage, and came to the cattle uncle's house to help again. This time he got a cart and a half of cabbage..."

The elephant ghoul was stunned, it seemed to understand what the naturalist said, and it didn't even eat the fuel rod.

"Look, the children should understand that people should do things according to their abilities. If you can only be a worker, be a worker instead of being a boss who is overwhelmed, otherwise you will starve yourself to death."

The naturalist lures,

"Just ask yourself, are you suitable to be a boss or a worker?"

A day later, everyone was amazed.

Because of the terrifying elephant ghoul, he willingly became a double-headed bull, scout, guard and other professions.

If you add it up, the reward is really almost enough to buy a nuclear fuel rod.

The price of uranium 235 with an abundance of less than 4% is less than 4 million US dollars per ton before waste.

A fuel rod weighs at most one kilogram, which means you can buy it for $4,000.

A day's food expenses are 4,000, and the annual salary is 1.46 million US dollars.

The combination of these three jobs is barely enough, but it still needs to be subsidized a lot.

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The end is coming: I use technology to simulate martial arts

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