Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1889 Spider

"Roy, this nutrient paste maker is worshiped by the villagers every day. I feel like it is becoming a god." A volunteer member with a laser rifle said to his companion.

In front of the nutrient cream making machine, groups of ragged but clean people were kneeling, praying, and speaking simple language.

They are very pious, and there is no fake gratitude on their honest faces.

"Seeing them, I think this gun is even more important." Roy clenched Gatling in his hand and said to the volunteer.

"Yes, these people made me feel the happiness of the lord. Ah, Master Robinson, what a nice name, but unfortunately I can only understand this sentence now." Robinson replied.

"Then you need to ask Sarah to take extra tuition in the native language. It will take another 20 years for them to learn the language of civilized people." Roy laughed.

In fact, Roy and Robinson completely underestimated the agency of these degenerates.

You don't need to do heavy and dangerous work, you only need to work for two or three hours a day, and you can go home and rest.

Some smart people among them began to take the initiative to listen to the lectures where the children were in class.

Out of a hundred people, there are always four or five people who are particularly shrewd and good at adapting.

This is the characteristic of human beings. Once clustered, no matter how stupid the group is, smart individuals will also appear. This is the result of mutual communication and mutual cooperation.

Smart individuals can gain a greater survival advantage and have more offspring, and if they continue to choose from generation to generation, their IQ will gradually increase.

In fact, after only one or two months, the five volunteers who stayed in the first southern settlement were pleasantly surprised to find that someone could already do some extremely simple daily tasks with them without the aid of an interpreter. dialogue.

For example, "Master is good, Mistress is good."

"Today is also very good, I eat very well."

"My name is XXX and I can count to five."

"Here's what you want, sir."

This shows that the IQ of degenerate people is recovering rapidly.

In two months, learn some simple daily expressions, as long as you are brave, as long as the other party is not a vicious devil, they will be able to communicate with each other.

This brings them great convenience.

Settlement defenses are built faster.

Various tools are better prepared.

They evolved from wood and stone tools to steel tools in one step.

When Yang Weite left, he intentionally left behind a machine tool capable of making simple labor tools, as well as some materials.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve self-sufficiency.

They need to find their own special products within five years and join the trade system of the Volunteer Army and the Academy Federation.

Get rid of the role of passive blood replenishment as soon as possible.

These degenerate people are very diligent, or not diligent, and were beaten to death by the fat lord long ago.

They work as much as possible, even if it is not efficient.

The five members of the Volunteer Army followed the development plan left by Yang Weite step by step.

After the defense system is built, start some simple handicrafts.

Such as advanced food processing, making pastries, biscuits...

Nutrition cream can meet the needs of the lower class, but people with a little spending power will not eat that stuff.

Just like people in developed countries, they don't eat moldy food, or even waste it wantonly. Instead, they like some special snacks very much.

These new settlements are doing these jobs to meet the bottom-level trade needs.

Then gradually trade upgrades.

This is all available historical experience.

As long as it's not mutants and radiation monsters.


Yang Weite received a telegram from the first southern settlement behind.

It said everything went well.

There are not too powerful radiation monsters here.

Still the same sentence, the most powerful monsters are always man-made, and they will also surround the places with the most advanced technology.

In the seemingly terrifying and mysterious wild land, the monsters are actually pitifully weak, and they are just ordinary monsters that mutate naturally.

They don't have the infinite strength and gun prowess of mutants, no matter how they mutate, they are just a bunch of protein and meat, which cannot violate the natural mutation laws of this planet.

However, the man-made ones are different. People can endow monsters with mechanical deities.

They continued to travel south and had begun to find some clues.

They are looking for a production line related to making mushrooms, and this production line is located in a city in the direction they are heading.

That city has long been buried in the forest.

They are still hundreds of kilometers away from this urban forest.

However, some abandoned road signs can already be seen, marking the direction to the city.

Just southeast.

"We need to speed up." Yang Weite said to the crowd.

"Yes, Chief of Staff."

Everyone responded.

After a difficult month of trekking, they finally arrived at the city.

In the meantime, people have been injured, some people have been sick, and the only luck is that no one has died yet.

The soldiers were very excited and excited about this, and Yang Weit couldn't understand it.

Until the soldiers told him that this length of trek would basically reduce the number of people on the road by one-tenth.

They're not the Brotherhood of Steel, which have huge aircraft carriers that can be comfortably driven over from the sky.

Marching on land is too dangerous. A poisonous snake, a poisonous scorpion, or a centipede may take the life of a soldier when he camps at night.

However, although they were injured and sick, no one died. This can only be due to the luck of the commander.

Soldiers are too superstitious, because the battlefield is too stressful and scary, so everyone needs something superstitious to cheer themselves up.

"Lucky Young Witt" became his nickname.

The soldiers were willing to follow him.

After hearing this, Yang Weit felt a little flattered, after all, he was just a low-level person who was backward in the world.

"You are indeed very lucky, not just anyone can come across the old popsicle." Mr. Skillful Hand affirmed, "It seems that a god is paying attention to you."

Yang Weite was stunned. He remembered that he was captured by people in the civilized world, and he said "it was also for survival".

Could it be that they actually valued the gods behind them.

Haha, even a lowly worker like me will be favored by God.

Doesn’t God only like clean nobles, beautiful ladies, pious priests, noble kings, and beautiful princesses?

When will you take another look at these lowly workers?

Yang Weite thought it was funny, he didn't even believe it, but others would believe that he was blessed by gods?

He was lucky, however.

While entering the city, they discovered a trap just in time.

A trap enough to kill everyone.

The whole city is a nest of mutated spiders.

They are very cunning and well hidden.

They usually do not weave nets, but hide the nets in their bodies and live as nomads.

Once you find an enemy, call your companions, spray out the net, and trap the enemy in groups.

It can be said that there is already a prototype of wolf pack tactics.

This move is enough to take down most of the less powerful prey.

They have venom, nets, quantity, and patience... They can be said to be the nemesis of Yang Weite and his group.

If trapped by them, the two-headed cow will be unlucky first.

Then they lost their supplies, and they would be eaten by these spiders separately.

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