Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1853 The Raging Beast

The factory owners soon banded together.

They should have united a long time ago, but they have been living only in the milk and honey of profits and divine power, forgetting the cruelty of reality!

More and more divine power is used to arm their escort.

With their descendants as the skeleton and the selected elites as the flesh and blood, a huge guard team named "Defenders of Light" appeared.

Defenders of Light, won the first battle.

They executed 3,025 workers who participated in the riot in Kaudyhammer City, and smashed 8,888 large and small statues of the God of Darkness.

It's just that it doesn't help, because the God of Darkness grants divine power, and there is no need for statues. Statues are used by people for psychological comfort to show that they are more devout than others.

The workers have dark powers, but they lack training, food, and elite grassroots officers. They can only use the powers in the roughest way. Compared with their opponents, their efficiency is only one-third or even one-tenth of theirs.

When there are enough people, it can be crushed; but when the number of the two sides is about the same, or the gap is not big, it will not work.

The underground organization of the workers also quickly realized this problem, and they began to form larger teams to explore stronger uses of dark powers.

Soon, a monster named "Rage Beast" was born.

It takes only extreme anger to form.

From birth, he was proficient in various techniques of using the power of darkness, and his combat power was comparable to that of a guard who had undergone ten years of military training.

It only takes one worker plus one week to produce one.

And there are too many such workers.

"Kill those bastards, they were bastards like us, but now they are helping those who oppress us!"

"Even if you turn into a beast, you have to bite off a piece of their flesh!"

The convoy was badly wounded.

Mainly because they can't afford to change.

The reason why excellent knights will withdraw from the battlefield is because of the use of firearms, allowing cheap soldiers to replace knights who have spent more than ten years of training.

Human history is a business history in which low cost beats high cost.

The collapse of dynasties, the advancement of science, and the revolution of industry are all related to operating costs.

The guards retreated steadily.

Factory after factory was destroyed.

Some elite workers realized that there was a problem here, and they shouted loudly: "Factories are like kitchen knives and agricultural tools. They are innocent, and the only ones who are guilty are the factory owners. We should protect our factories and take them into our own hands."

Most people are sober, or people can instinctively tell what to do to benefit themselves.

The fault of the factory is only because it is in the hands of the factory owner, but now it is in the hands of the workers. Don't work so hard and improve the environment?

18 hours a day, turned into 12 hours a day, two days off every month, salary tripled...

But here comes the question, where does the money come from, and who will the goods be sold to?

The workers who were in charge of the factory for the first time were at a loss for what to do about it.

But with power, are you afraid that no one will use it?

The sales staff of the factory and the boss's cronies were left alive, and they were no longer beheaded as before.

Instead, let them continue to run the market and sell.

Countless factory owners prayed in front of the statue, praying to the God of Light, the leader of civilization, to save them.


"Save you? Continue to play the sweatshop model? Inefficient multiplication, relying solely on cheap labor to compete." Lu Yan looked at this scene and said disdainfully.

The God of Darkness is his other side.

This is the root cause of the archbishops' inaction.

They faintly felt the divine will: after serving a person for many years, they can naturally respond to his subtle preferences.

If the God of Darkness was really that hateful, the leader of civilization would have issued an oracle long ago.

This should be the other side of God.

Some archbishops thought outrageously.

Of course no one dared to declare it.

The constant conflict between light and dark can keep innovating.

A stable society means stagnant water.

Soon the factory owners began to split, and some began to please the workers and win over the workers' elites...

The other part continued to stand with the noble king and stubbornly suppressed the workers' uprising.

The former relied on more manpower and advanced production technology, and finally won the victory, forming a situation where factory owners and workers coexisted.

Nobles and kings were overthrown, and one by one went to the guillotine.

While the clergy continued to enjoy the glory, most churches remained unaffected.

After all, most workers still fear God.

Because the God of Light really exists. Only a very small number of furious workers tore down the church and found out the church's gold division.

After the workers were promised to improve their living conditions, the power of the riot gradually slowed down.

The "power of darkness" is not a benevolent force after all, and it has a lot of side effects: the most direct side effect is to make people less human.

The "Beast of Rage" who made great contributions to the war was regarded as a monster after the war situation eased, and was discriminated against, kept away, and confinement.

Because they can't tell the difference between friend and foe.

Families of rampaging beasts, also considered kin to monsters, are alienated.

Lu Yan didn't take it seriously. After all, he is a leader of civilization, and he is very busy in daily life, busy exchanging feelings with beauties of all ethnic groups.

This is the daily life of cheaters, what are some forgotten fighters?


In a huge prison cell.

There is a "violent beast" imprisoned here. Its predecessor was a warrior. It was the first to stand up against the factory owner and the first to kill the bodyguard sent by the factory owner for the workers.

It was the first one to turn into a berserk beast and charge towards the enemy.

After the battlefield, it survived by chance and was finally imprisoned here.

It was built like a giant earthworm in marl gray, with a head like a beetle, and no human features could be seen from head to toe.

If you observe carefully, you can only see a little bit of human reason from its eyes.

The man in the black cloak came before it, appearing in its shadow.

"Tsk tsk, you are so powerful, but you are willing to be imprisoned here. Are you still using your only reason to control the anger in your body? You have paid so much for the sake of allowing your children to go to school and your wife for three years. Are you worried about the meal?"

"But look, people are cheering for victory, but your children and your wife are kicked out of the original neighborhood and wandering around."

The man in the black cloak said, and took out a crystal ball in his hand, which showed an old woman with three children begging for people.

No one knew that the old woman had a heroic husband.

"This, this shouldn't be. They promised me that they would give me enough compensation to help me take care of my family." The berserk beast said with difficulty.

"Hehe, they are busy fighting for power and profit. Of course, some people have received pensions, but more people have not, because money is limited..." The man in the black cloak shook his head.

As strong as a tribe, as rich as a tribe, there will always be things like arrears of veteran benefits and suppression of veterans, let alone here?

It's just that those people don't know that in a world with extraordinary power, offending an individual may cause the whole to perish...

This isn't the grim real world.

Even if Lord Yue is killed, Dasong can still live for hundreds of years.

Even if Yu Qian is killed, Zuo Ming can still operate for two hundred years.

This is the harsh reality.

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