Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1830 Ice and Snow

Player B never goes again.

What the hell?

It's not enough to be ashamed to claim such a big name just because of stuttering, what kind of worm, saving mankind, and resisting intelligent consciousness!

Needless to say, other resistance organizations were also deliberately released by the robots.

This is for fishing.

Instead of hitting all of them, it is better to keep some on the bright side.

He understands.

After figuring this out, player B, Shangguan Tiezhu, was completely discouraged.

Going home from work every day is a plunge into the script world.

The Chunlei organization also sent someone to contact him and asked him why he hadn't paid the most recent membership dues?

He said that the script could not be cleared, and he always collapsed halfway, and there was no reward food.

In fact, he has let the robots accumulate shares.

Now the script he plays is historical type.

The minimum standard for script clearance is to live past the age of 50; the mid-range is to dominate one side, or become an important minister; the highest score is naturally the founding of the country and proclaiming the emperor.

He has played the game more than a dozen times, and only lived past the age of fifty twice.

Wanting to live well is much more difficult than a sports script.

But the advantage of historical scripts is that experience can be accumulated and used next time.

Last time you started building a musket, you didn't make it; next time you make it again, you will know what is missing.

You failed to recruit generals last time, so you can change your approach next time.

If you offended a certain minister last time, you can befriend him next time.

Sports scripts don't work.

If you don’t hang up, the last time you ran 100 meters in 12 seconds, you will not be able to run in 10 seconds next time, even if you are exhausted.

And there was a hangup last time, next time there is no VIP to enter with you, there is no chance to kill the VIP, so there is no hangup.


Wenren was promoted to his home.

He was scanning the main world again.

Soon he discovered an abnormality. Some players in the main world often shivered, as if entering a script of ice and snow.

However, he has seen the scripts of guarding space control, and there are very few of them with a icy and snowy background.

The reason is simple, the ice and snow are not conducive to population reproduction and industrial development, so it is often not the main place where the story takes place.

Looking at novels, film and television, 90% of the stories take place in warm regions.

A certain intuition told him that there was a big problem here.

Thinking of his real opponent, his heart moved, and he wanted to spy on a certain player's script flow.

This player's name is quite interesting: Shangguan Tiezhu.

Obviously it is a standard surname for martial arts, but it turned out to be a rustic name.

deep impression.


Player B, Shangguan Tiezhu is playing the hegemony script again.

Start in the Eastern Frost Land.

The advantage of this place is that in the feudal era, the tentacles of the dynasty were difficult to reach.

Under the cold, the march of soldiers and horses, and the supply of food and grass will be greatly restricted.

The home field advantage is very, very big.

Corresponding to it is the southwest land, which is hot and humid and rugged, and it is also a place that is difficult for the tentacles of the dynasty to reach.

But Shangguan Tiezhu has a problem: he is afraid of snakes.

Moreover, there are many epidemics in the southwest. In contrast, there are far fewer epidemics in the cold east. It was originally a script for abusing the master. Of course, he had to choose a safer place.

This year is another big cold season.

However, the medicine tax, fur tax, and giant tree tax to be collected by the imperial court have not decreased, and there is a tendency to increase.

He has played the play eighteen times.

He knew that eight months later, on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, when the tax collectors came to collect taxes again, the mountain people would rebel.

If you don’t rebel, you have to flee. Where do you flee to when you leave the familiar dilapidated mud and adobe house in the ice and snow?

Although the house is dilapidated, it can still keep out the wind and keep warm.

Without it, one would freeze to death in the wild.

That can only rebel.

He presided over twelve rebellions, and the process was the same. He defeated his opponent at the beginning, and even occupied two or three counties.

Halfway through the escape, the people scattered, freezing and dying, and their prestige plummeted.

If you attack other villages and cities, you will not be able to defeat them.

The vicious circle was finally eliminated.

If you want to break the situation, you have to find a place where the imperial court's force cannot reach, and settle down to recover blood when you fail.

He carefully checked the history of Cha Manqing's family history.

He found an important place. The opponent has a wide room for maneuver from the beginning. Once the match is unfavorable, he can retreat to the farther north and recover his wounds outside the border beyond the control of the imperial court.

That's the core.

Why can't Li Zicheng do it?

Li Zicheng has been spinning around in his heart, and he has no time to build a base. If he loses once, he has to start all over again.

As a result, the elite has not been able to accumulate, and the accumulation is not much. In the final battle, this is the Achilles' heel.

Can the Donghan mountain people, the base of his rebellion, escape to the north?

The problem is that there is no communication between the north and them, and there is no way to stand on their feet when they escape.

He needs to figure out how to stand still.

He searched for several houses, and finally found one from the north.

After questioning, it was said that they were avoiding a vendetta.

It has been several generations now, and the vendetta should be gone long ago, but the connection with that side is almost broken, and he only knows a little bit of local dialect.

He decided to start from this point.

He decided to set up a back road before rebelling.

Before the rebellion, there was no good contact with the rear, and this failed.

Before the heroes of the rivers and lakes rebelled, they all knew to find the village of Luocao first.

Relying on the prestige he had accumulated before, he brought the male from a family in the far north, and a few other children, a total of 15 people, all the way north, and walked for more than a month, and came to a cottage.

It is also thousands of miles away from the nearest imperial county.

This distance is beyond the reach of the imperial court, and there are very few nearby villages, which cannot support the plunder of the army at all.

For the feudal army, it is difficult for most of the army to pass through no man's land, unless the whole country is conquered and carries a lot of luggage.

But the current imperial court cannot mobilize the power of the whole country for a cottage.

Unless he rebelled to the point of Nurhachi.

But the cottage in front of them had a very bad attitude towards them, a few bone arrows were shot at a dozen of them.

"We are here to do business and to be friends with you..." The man who knew the northern dialect shouted towards the village.

Then they took out two large iron pots.

This is one of the most irresistible commodities of the savage tribe.

Iron pots are highly technical and useful, especially in the Northlands.

Boiling hot water and soup, cooking rice, these are the living things.

No longer shooting arrows, only one person goes up and down the village.

He was a half-sized kid, the kind that would not be a pity to die.

Thin and small.

"You... sell this?"

"Sell, need 30 pieces, this kind of... fur."

The two communicated with difficulty.

Shangguan Tiezhu was holding a spear, thinking that something was going on.

However, the good times didn't last long.

Suddenly, many savages appeared around them and surrounded them.

They were ransacked...

He was shot in the throat by a bone arrow and died.

The script starts again.

This time, he didn't waste time, and made some small improvements in fishing and hunting skills as usual to establish his prestige among the mountain people.

Then set up a caravan, learn several dialects in the north, and prepare to go deep into the north to investigate the situation.

And at this moment, a voice appeared.

"Do you want to become an emperor? Do you want to pass the level once?"

Alas, there is a bad value prompt in Chapter 1826, it needs to be modified

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