Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1795 Tips

"Old Wen, why did you choose such a big fool as the protagonist of the world?" Xiao Huan said while lying in front of Xiao Kong.

"It's easy for a person who is too smart to discover the truth of the world. He will only deliberately take advantage of the loopholes, instead of working for others, improving the world, and protecting the world." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"Oh, oh, you are so clever." Xiao Huan suddenly realized, after watching for a while, he left

Wen Rensheng shook his head and continued to observe the world inside the small hole.


Hao Mingke never thought of himself as a fool, on the contrary, he thought of himself as above average.

He quickly found a starting point for the new case of the murder of a takeaway worker.

He hit the keyboard again and entered the search content on the big screen:

"List all the common denominators of the slain delivery people."

Soon, a string of content appeared on a screen.

"1. They are all between 18 and 45 years old, most of them are women, and a few of them are men."

"2. Wear brightly colored clothes."

"3. The vehicle of the deceased was a white car."

Well, the difference between the tribal jungle and the alliance is that a lot of takeaways rely on cars, because the gas price is cheap there, and the land is sparsely populated.

"4. A considerable number of people will provide additional services."

"5. The weather on the day of the incident was mostly rainy."

"6. No biological traces of the murderer, such as fingerprints, hair, DNA, etc., were collected at the scene of the crime. Only one camera suspected to have captured the murderer's figure."

After reading the common points one by one, Hao Ming still felt a bit confused.

He then searched the footage captured by the camera.

In some shaky pictures, there is a corridor outside a room, a hot and spicy takeaway girl wearing a mask, is delivering a lunch box to the man opposite.

The man showed very little body part, and the face was not photographed. It can only be seen that the man is very strong, the clothes are tightly dressed, and no skin features are exposed.

About 1.8 meters tall.

Not long after, the man took out a wad of money and seemed to be inviting the delivery man into the room...

After that there are no images.

Based on the previous information, the murderer has a strong sense of anti-investigation and will often move his active location.

This is one of the most troublesome types of murderers.

It is normal for the state police in the tribal jungle to be helpless about this.

He searched again: "Who is pursuing this case?"

Soon, another screen appeared.

It was a heroic woman in her thirties, holding a lunch box in her hand, she seemed to be going fishing.

Beside her were two tall and thick white-skinned detectives with strong eyes and revolvers.

"Davenna Dalton, Felix Benson, Norbert Hannah, senior FBI agents."

Sure enough, it was handed over to the FBI.

normal operation.

A state in the tribal jungle is an independent kingdom. If you want to handle cases across kingdoms, only the FBI will come forward.

Hao Ming thought about it, and searched again: "How is their progress?"

Another pile of data appeared.

"Through criminal psychology portraits and a small amount of surveillance footage, five suspects were traced and are currently guarding."

"Among the five suspects, one is a painter, one is a writer, one is an anchor, one is a charterer who lives by renting out a house, and one is a homeless man who works as a part-time worker."

All five belong to the type that can migrate at will.

Hao Ming thought about it again, and searched again: "Are the suspects including the murderer?"

This is a test, a test for the big screen.

"The search results cannot be displayed."

What does it mean?

Got it, the big screen knows who the murderer is, but doesn't tell itself.

Otherwise, it should say "can't find the result you want".

He rested his chin and thought carefully.

After thinking for a long time, I got nothing and came up with nothing.

Forget it, just be an intelligence detective yourself...

He directly called the monitoring screens of the five suspects, and let the big screens automatically monitor them 24 hours a day, and remind him when there is a murder scene.

He carefully watched the surveillance screen for several hours, and finally had an idea.

He started contacting three FBI agents.


Dawenna had just delivered a takeaway to one of the suspects, who was a painter. The other party was very cold and didn't intend to invite her to sit in.

But this does not rule out the suspicion of the painter.

He could only continue to wait for the other party to reveal his flaws.

This is squat pit.

One of the biggest headaches for detectives and police officers.

The suspect can live a normal life, but you have to work hard.

Dawena sat back in the delivery car and pretended to drive away.

In fact, another car was changed to deliver food to another suspect.

Two suspects ordered takeaway today.

After two deliveries, nothing happened.

"Head, did you find anything?" Felix called from his partner.

"No, son of a bitch, I really don't know when we will be able to catch that damned guy!" Dawenna said angrily.

"He killed fifteen people, but none of them were found. We can only wait for his next crime. Fortunately, the five suspects are under surveillance by us and the local police. I believe he will show his feet soon." Felix said comfortingly.

"I hope so." Just as Dawenna was about to say something, the voice on the other side suddenly changed, and it became another man's voice:

"Do you want to find that serial killer? I can give you the information you want."

"Who are you?" Davenna asked warily.

The other party was able to access her confidential mobile phone, who is it?

Is it a serial killer?

Deliberately provoking yourself to find more stimulation?

"I'm a detective of the alliance. I'm interested in your case. For the sake of justice and light, I decided to help you."

Dawenna said coldly: "Are you a detective fanatic, or a fool who has watched too many movies? Or, are you the murderer?"

"Of course I'm not a murderer, I'm a good person." The other person replied, "Let me give you a hint first, the five suspects you are staring at are not correct."

"FUK!" Davenna cursed fiercely.

In fact, this is a common thing in handling cases. It took a long time to find a few suspects, but it turned out that the opposite was the case.

Especially this kind of fugitive criminal is even more difficult to lock.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"I can give you a video of their life, and you can judge for yourself."

Soon, there were five more video link methods in Dawenna's mobile mailbox.

Suppressing the shock in her heart, she opened one of them.

Then I saw the video of the painter who just delivered food by himself.

The other party took the takeaway, ate it in a hurry in the living room, and then plunged into the studio.

In the studio, the paintings are all the murder scenes where the delivery staff were killed.

If you take a closer look, you can find that these live pictures are the same as those spread on the Internet, but a lot of artistic processing has been done.

There are many novelty hunters who will secretly film murder scenes that have not been unblocked and upload them to certain websites to gain attention.

Wait, Dawenna found something suspicious.

She is a senior detective.

Rich experience is far from being comparable to Hao Ming.

Among them is a murder scene on the drawing board. Because it is extremely secret, it has not been spread on the Internet, and the police will certainly not announce it.

And some details can only be known by people who are on the scene.

Suspicion of the painter thus rose sharply.

What a crap tip, that guy is a rookie.

However, the video materials he gave are very powerful.

How did you get it?

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