Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1718 Refuge

"The reason is very simple, because I am a very principled person, my bottom line is very strong, and I will never do anything harmful to human beings." Wen Rensheng said as a matter of course.

"Can the will overcome those fungi?" the chief director thought thoughtfully.

"Maybe so." Wen Rensheng nodded.

It should be said that the fungus under his control will show such characteristics.

If he wants to defeat the mother body, he must first become the mother body, emit a large number of spores, and seize the ecological niche.

"Okay, that's to isolate some spores from Professor Hao's body, and do some animal and plant experiments first..." the chief director ordered.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised by this order at all, it was strange that the other party did not conduct research.

It's just what happened to McCann?

Soon, some intelligence personnel sent down the situation of McCann.

At first, with customary arrogance, the McCanns declared the plants nothing more than minor annoyances.

They dispatched tanks, self-propelled artillery, and fighter jets...with lightning speed, they blew up those mutated plants on the beach.

Those plants had no power to resist, they could only swing their branches helplessly, and then rotted on the beach.

On TV, in newspapers, on the news, hosts, and commentators cheered one after another, and they all praised their strong fighting power.

Only Wen Rensheng knew in his heart that it was useless to fight mosquitoes with cannons.

Parasite opponents like spores cannot be solved by cannons.

How to solve it?

On McCann's side, a scientist, an old black, a woman, and a man must be relied on to solve the problem.

This is Wen Rensheng's intuition.


A university laboratory in XX state.

"These plants can talk, they have thoughts!" A dark-skinned scientist, probably in his forties, said to a specimen in surprise.

"What are you talking about? Baldwin, how is this possible? Plants do not have a complete nervous system. Even if they have perception and certain emotions, they cannot speak."

"Really, they just spelled Morse code for me with sticks, begging me to spare their lives."

"Baldwin, do you know what you're talking about? A group of plants that can talk? And use Morse code? Hahaha." A white researcher laughed, "You have to talk about science if you want to be famous."

"Look at the big screen before you laugh at me, laughing at people won't bring you fame," Baldwin said.

As he spoke, he projected a PPT onto the big screen.

On the PPT, there is a continuous picture.

It clearly photographed a bunch of green and black branches brought back from the front line.

There was no abnormality at first, but gradually, they took advantage of the different lengths of the branches and began to pose in different poses.

By analyzing these gestures and comparing them with Morse code, it can be found that they are indeed expressing some meaningful words.

It is impossible to explain by coincidence.

Because the probability is comparable to a monkey typing Shakespeare on a keyboard.

"So did you communicate with them next?"

"Of course, you see, I told them, I can let you go, but you have to tell your story."

Baldwin continued to play the PowerPoint.

Everyone continued to watch.

"We come from the world of spores, where we have the difference between mother and daughter. We ruled the entire universe. Now we have come to your world. The mother wants to rule you, but we don't want to die, we want to live independently."

It was a thorough sell.

"Mother and daughter, isn't this an interstellar Zerg?" Someone laughed.

"Be serious, this may be a battle for the survival of the ethnic group." Baldwin said angrily.

He couldn't accept that these people underestimated each other.

You must know that they can talk and have thoughts.

How many beings without thought have caused mankind a great loss.

If they are still so frivolous, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Everyone quieted down and continued watching.

The PPT shows Baldwin's dialogue with these branches:

"How do you spread it?"

"Relying on spores, spores can be dispersed in the air, but your world seems to be very unfriendly to us. It can only maintain activity in the air for a few minutes before being killed by heavy metal dust and smoke."

Seeing this, there were whispers in the audience.

"So, in the future, we only need to use smoke and dust to create a safe zone?"

"Who can survive in such a place? Do you have to wear biochemical suits every day?"

"Keep reading." Someone stopped.

"What do you use as survival energy?"

"We can tap the energy of nerve impulses in living things, we can't eat ordinary nutrients."


"Only the mother can answer this question, and I have inherited very little knowledge."

"What is your social structure like?"

"It's very simple, it's the mother body and the daughter body. The other conditions are similar to yours, because our society is parasitic on different intelligent life forms."

"Can you live in peace with us?"

"The mother will not agree, because the mother said that intelligent creatures have never been reliable, and only by turning them into puppets and numb life without the ability to make progress, will they not pose a threat to us."

Everyone fell silent when they saw this.

It is airborne, parasitic, and capable of multiplying in large numbers. It also has thinking and a structure similar to human beings.

How to prevent this?

Baldwin looked at the crowd silently.

"It seems that they are very difficult to fight."

"Yeah, they're tough unless we develop some kind of antidote. They seem to be afraid of heavy metals, I think we could carry mercury with us and pour ourselves a bottle if we have a problem."

"It's a good idea. When we die, they will die too. A 1:1 battlefield exchange ratio will be achieved directly. This is definitely good news for those who are at a disadvantage in the war."

"Stop kidding, what should we do now?"

"Should, should... how should I do it, why can't I say it suddenly?" Baldwin just wanted to say something, but found it very difficult.

He didn't know that this scene was seen by Wen Rensheng.

As for Wen Rensheng's eyes, they are naturally the branches that he is using as teaching materials for his lectures.

They transmit thought waves.

After seeing this scene, Wen Rensheng was thoughtful.

In fact, the method is very simple, but why can't Baldwin say it?

There must be some kind of force restricting it.

That power must be Chaos Omniscience.

The existence that would destroy the world just by opening its eyes.

That's right, I have found the core of the opponent.

This world is.

He must study hard to find the real way to omniscience of chaos.

At this time, Baldwin worked hard for a while, and finally said: "We should relocate people to the ocean and live in seawater. They are afraid of the heavy metals in our world, and there are many heavy metals naturally in seawater. Thanks to the industrial giants. Development, so that even the deepest part of our ocean is poisoned by heavy metals. Even Antarctic penguins can detect those heavy metals."

"This is a good idea. We will immediately recommend that MPs introduce a bill to build a sea shelter. In short, get ready first."

It's a holiday, today is another chapter

Happy Friday everyone.

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