Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1695 Multiple Personalities

"Hey, Luo Yan, I'm going to Tianshi."

Just as Luo Xiaohuan was in the big office, looking around, suddenly, a beautiful woman appeared in front of him and said indifferently.

"Tianshi?" Luo Xiaohuan asked in surprise.

"Yes, you can't give me what I want. I thought you became a detective, but in the end you are still a waste, if you can't help it, you can't help it." The beautiful woman shook her head sarcastically.

"Detective? Are you talking about these cases? I can solve them all within ten minutes." Luo Xiaohuan suddenly became angry.

"Ten minutes? You can solve it in ten days, and I won't leave."

"Let me explain first, whether you leave or not has nothing to do with me, I just prove that I am not a waste." Luo Xiaohuan said a little angrily.

Children especially cannot bear this.

Adults may also lie flat.

"Then you can prove it to me." The beautiful woman sneered.

Everyone looked over together, with playful smiles in their eyes.

What case will Xiao Huan solve?

She would be the first to catch anyone who stole her toys or lollipops.

Ask her to solve the case, that is, the monkey will break the walnut and catch the blind.

"Look and see."

Talking about Xiao Huan, he started shaking people.

To be honest, she was still a little uneasy.

If Lao Wen said something to let her do it independently, then she would be ashamed.

She has just discovered that she cannot use any special abilities here.

But unexpectedly, Wen Rensheng came very quickly, and without her asking, he gave the answer directly:

"Five cases, well, listen to me."

"The first one, the female corpse under the bed, died of a stroke in her sleep. The reason she was under the bed was dragged in by a big pet dog."

"The second one, a severed hand in a pressure cooker, was an intern with amnesia. He took the human hand specimens from the hospital home, put them in a pot to sterilize them, and was called to be on duty. He left in a hurry and forgot. For more than ten days in a row Did not go home."

"The third case is that the driver was killed. The perpetrator was the second-to-last passenger. He went back and took the car again. This time, the car didn't issue an invoice, so he only issued five invoices..."

"the fourth……"

After listening to five in one breath, Xiao Huan recounted it triumphantly.

Wen Rensheng didn't remind Xiao Huan to pay attention to acting.

Sure enough, the beautiful woman suddenly smiled when she heard the last word: "Sure enough, I have mastered your real secret."

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Huan asked in surprise.

"If you want to know, just go to my house and find me at 12 o'clock in the evening." The beautiful woman left after speaking.

How can Xiao Huan wait until 12 o'clock?

Isn't this underestimating people?

Five minutes later, she blocked the woman at the corner of the corridor, and said with a wall, "Woman, you have successfully caught my attention."

"You?" The beautiful woman stared into "Luo Yan"'s eyes, "Well, didn't you realize it yourself? In fact, you have multiple personalities, it's just that you didn't reveal it before."

"Xiami, multiple personalities?" Xiao Huan was stunned, she hadn't learned it yet.

"Well, there is an intelligent personality, a mediocre personality, and now a little girl personality hidden in your body." The beautiful woman said calmly.

"Excellent, woman, you are the first person to see through me." Xiao Huan clapped his hands.

In fact, there are many people who see through you, but those people are all in the lower world, so I dare not say it.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

"Do you want to integrate all personalities together? Then let you take the lead?" the beautiful woman continued.

"What fun things do you have at home?" Xiao Huan's curiosity was gone, and he immediately shifted his attention.


The beautiful woman smiled and drove her to her home.

In the car, Xiao Huan found out that the woman's name was Hu Mei, her age was kept secret, her weight was 1.71 meters, and her height was 55 kg.

Hu Mei's home is a villa with two floors, and ten servants are helping.

There was a flattering smile on their faces.

"These servants are homeless, as long as they take care of food and lodging is enough," she said.


"If the city continues to have no supplies, people will leave and go to other cities, and other cities will accept them according to the situation. If they don't have professional skills and want to stay, they will have to accept the condition of no wages for three years. If there is any The employer complains, and after verification, he will be kicked out." Hu Mei wrote lightly.

"Oh, oh, I got it." Xiao Huan was obviously not interested in these things, he didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, he went into the villa and rummaged around.

Hu Mei didn't care, just stared at the figure of "Luo Yan", thinking about something.

Not long after, a phone call came.

An old man's voice came from inside.

"How is it, sister, have you figured everything out?"

"I figured it out, but there are still some key questions that I need to ask that mediocre personality."

Yes, they naturally conducted a lot of research on what happened to Luo Yan before.

Most likely multiple personalities.

This kind of thing has happened before.

A certain seemingly mediocre college student has seventeen personalities hidden in him, some of whom are particularly geniuses, who understand electronic circuits, grasping and fighting, and advanced mathematics...

"Very good. If our city wants to expand, we must rely on more detectives. There is nothing terrible about multiple personalities. No matter how powerful they are, they are still flesh and blood. Two rifles are enough."

"Understood, I will find out the reason why Luo Yan has multiple personalities as soon as possible." Hu Mei said immediately.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he already understood.

That's the logical way to go.

Others are not stupid, how could they let a gold mine like Luo Yan not make further use of it?

All the previous cynicism was just a stimulus.

Although the probability of failure is very high, as long as it succeeds, it is on the fast track.

We must know that detectives can not be achieved by hard work and accumulation, but more by talent.

After all, here is not only to solve the case accurately, but also to solve the case quickly.

If you have enough time, the accuracy rate can be guaranteed, but if you are fast, you need talent.

Hu Mei and the people behind her want to replicate more "Luo Yan" miracles.

They weren't worried about messing things up, after all, "Luo Yan" didn't have any superpowers, just a shrewd mind.

Normally, they are bound to fail.

However, Wen Rensheng's heart moved and he decided to cooperate with these people.

"Oh, is there anything interesting in your house? Hurry up and give birth to seven or eight children and play with me." Xiao Huan said while holding a dozen bags of snacks that he dug out from nowhere.

"It's ok, as long as you tell me how you were born, let alone seven or eight, seven hundred are fine." Hu Mei smiled.

"How did I come into being? I came from a world shrouded in mist." Xiao Huan is not a fool, of course, this kind of thing cannot be explained clearly.

In fact, even if she made it clear, with Hu Mei's worldview, she would think that it was the fog that created all of this.

"Sure enough." Hu Mei nodded.

The greatest possibility of causing this kind of miracle is the fog that can be created out of nothing.

But why is the other party only interested in solving the case?

Maybe it's a god who likes to watch 1000 episodes of Conan.

Hu Mei thought so.

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