Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1677 Activity

"How to hold a lively and interesting event?"

Shan Zifan published this question in the office.

"I know this, the ancients have had this experience for a long time." One person replied quickly.


"It is said that in ancient times, there was a king who married a beautiful concubine, but the concubine never smiled. In order to get her to smile, he ordered people to light a beacon tower, and princes from all over the world came to rescue them. The chaotic and lively scene finally made the concubine smile. Wan Er smiled..."

The story of Zhou Youwang and Baosi?

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, this is probably the most powerful licking dog, licking away a country and his own life.

"Beautiful women and troubles" is naturally the shameless self-justification and framing of scholar-bureaucrats, but it is true that licking a dog is not a good death.

"Well, yes, yes, let's try sending out an air defense alarm for the whole city first." Shan Zifan ordered directly.

"However, should we give an advance notice to avoid a stampede?" Lang Yini, who came next to him, suggested.

"Oh, in the story of the ancient king, did the king notify the princes of all places in advance? Is this just a joke?" Shan Zifan didn't answer her question, but asked everyone.

"No, if the notice was given in advance, how could the princes bring so many soldiers and behave so realistically?" Someone laughed.

"This?" Lang Yini stopped talking.

But at this time, the middle-aged man in the prophet suddenly frowned: "No, if you do this, you will fail. The event must be lively, but there must be no innocent casualties."

Wen Rensheng's heart skipped a beat.

Originally, he thought that the other party was summoning Xiao Huan, adding this restriction, it proved his guess even more.

Other foreign objects do not have this restriction.

The only one with this kind of restriction is Xiao Huan.

Xiao Huan naturally likes real liveliness, the reason for this is, of course, because he has to be restricted by him.

As for why he wants to restrict Xiao Huan like this, of course he can't use human life as entertainment.

And why can't people's lives be used as entertainment? One is his inner moral constraints, and the other is...

Wen Rensheng was thoughtful.

Shan Zifan frowned when he heard this.

However, Lang Yini seemed relieved: "That's how it should be. If saving the world comes at the cost of harming innocent people, then let's destroy it together."

Wen Rensheng looked at her, but he didn't expect this one to have a personality.

He thought that the people who worked in the Punishment Department had already become hard-hearted.

Wait, maybe it's just a show?

"Mr. Wen, how do you think this event will be held?"

Of course Wen Rensheng could call Xiao Huan out directly.

But if you think about it carefully, that guy may not be so obedient now.

She seems to have entered a rebellious period, and she has to fight against him in everything.

If you can't call out, it will be too embarrassing.

"Well, get more toys, sweets, fireworks, sports events..." Wen Rensheng tried his best to describe Xiao Huan's favorite scenes before.

"Teacher Wen is indeed a top consultant, he came up with such a complete plan casually." Shan Yifan admired.

Wen Rensheng has long been immune to such low-level flattery.

After all, the whole world here revolves around him, so there is really nothing to be excited about.

Just, is that really the case?

Of course he understood that was not the case.

There is also a power hidden in the dark—chaotic omniscience, its power is the most important, and it controls the final outcome and future.

The voice said that there are answers to all problems hidden in this world, and there is a way to make Chaos Omniscient close his eyes forever.

Then let yourself find out.

Thinking this way, he cooperated with the Department of Punishment to organize a grand event in the largest stadium.

The stadium can accommodate 150,000 people and has hosted two World Games.

The executors of the activity were the 75,643 prisoners they urgently dispatched from all over the country, all of whom were sentenced to death and awaited execution after the fall.

As for why these people are used instead of those professional people, the Department of Punishment has its own considerations.

Firstly, these people are more motivated, secondly, if any problems arise, such as summoning some demons, there will not be too much loss, and they can be suppressed; thirdly, there is no need to pay wages.

For such a large-scale event, the consumption is in units of billions.

In case it turns out to be a scam, they can also exchange blood collectively.

Wen Rensheng felt that for these people, the third rule was the most important.


"Start now, the eighth set of radio gymnastics."

As the broadcast sounded, tens of thousands of people were doing exercises together in the big stadium, and the scene was spectacular.

It must be lively enough.

After doing exercises, the atmosphere is already heated up.

Then there are all kinds of ball games.

"Look, how hard-working they all are. If the players all choose from here, it will be too easy to qualify. If they qualify, they will be suspended. If they fail to qualify, they will execute as usual." Shan Zifan was on the high platform, holding a telescope, while Watch and talk.

Wen Rensheng was sitting beside him, and smiled slightly upon hearing this.

"It's impossible, it sounds like layman's terms." A sports consultant next to him laughed.

"Why?" Shan Zifan was not very happy.

"When the death row inmates enter the field, they will only choose the simplest method: threaten the referee and the opponent's players. If they don't lose to them, everyone will die together." The sports consultant shook his head.

Wen Rensheng nodded, this is the opinion of professionals.

On the court, if you want to deliberately kill people, it is not difficult. Players who have often dealt with various injuries in their careers definitely understand this.

There is no such thing as expecting death-row inmates to qualify through hard work and hard work.

How much can an adult achieve by short-term practice under great pressure?

How does it compare to the scientific training of pro players from an early age?

"It's because I'm out of shape." When Shan Zifan heard this, must it be like this?

Death row inmates must use their specialties to compete with professionals.

They're not stupid, and they're good at brutality and crime, not football.

"In that case, for the next event, let's have dinner." He said with a gloomy look.

Others are a little confused.

Only Wen Rensheng guessed what the other party was going to do.

Jump into new events soon.

In the stadium, rearrange the scene.

Closed buildings similar to haunted houses appeared one after another.

After appearing, someone drove the condemned prisoners and walked inside.

"What is this for?" the sports consultant asked curiously.

"It's very simple. In their old profession, ten of them go in and one comes out. I believe they will be driven by instinct to perform a sufficiently exciting, real and interesting show." Shan Zifan said, connecting the video to everyone.

In the video, the situation inside those buildings appears.

"Of the ten of you, only one can come out alive. Now use the settings and rules in the scene to find tools and work hard to survive!"

"Use your blood and lives to save this world!"

As the broadcast sounded, the death row prisoners acted quickly.

In order to look good, they have all been trained.

If there is no training, it must be a mess, which will only cause headaches.

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