Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1668 Heir

Dufferin dealt with the earth dragon, and looked at the four tyrannosaurs.

The four tyrannosaurs turned around and ran away, like a frightening puppy.

He just drove to the hotel.

When he saw Wen Rensheng again, he suddenly had a despicable urge, can this person also be deleted?

Then he repelled this base impulse, he was really ungrateful, no matter what, his life was saved.

Although it didn't save everyone, it should be a matter of ability, not attitude.

But that kind of impulse emerged in himself, isn't it the same as those garbage that kill their benefactors if they can't repay their kindness?

He suppressed this impulse, thanked Wen Rensheng, and asked if he could stay here.

Wen Rensheng nodded.

Dufferin had the illusion that this man knew all about his future activities.

How can this be?

I have traveled through time and space.

And the other party is just a virtual data body here.

He took Andi and the others and found a suite on the first floor to live in. She and the three children lived in the suite next door.

Then he went downstairs and asked what was the man's name?

"Wen Rensheng." Wen Rensheng replied.

Dufferin remembered.

Back in the room, he called out to his Savior, who answered him.

He retyped a query.

"The data could not be found."

"Can't find it? That person doesn't exist in this world?"

Dufferin was taken aback.

"Great Father, why is this?"

Another string of incomprehensible words.

He found that he didn't understand this time, and it seemed that he was still a little far away from the Heavenly Father.

Just as he was about to get closer to some heavenly fathers again, suddenly Andi's voice came: "It's time to eat."

Have a meal?

Do you still need to eat?

One data is enough.

Dufferin, who just wanted to do this, suddenly woke up, no, eating is not the goal, but who to eat with is the goal.

Thinking like this, he gave up the idea just now and followed An Di to dinner.

A group of five people ate all kinds of delicacies in the restaurant, Australian lobster, Dongzhou potatoes, Xizhou tomatoes, Nanzhou corn...

But for some reason, he found that the three children always sat far away from him, and the other party would never take a second bite of the dishes he had eaten.

Obviously everyone uses serving chopsticks to pick up vegetables, without interfering with each other.

Alas, maybe children have cleanliness and just don't like certain adults.

That's right, he suddenly appeared and disrupted the lives of the other four. For children, it was equivalent to snatching their mother away.

Do you want to delete them?

No, no, how could I have such a despicable thought?

Delete it, and Andy will be sad.

How can An Di not be sad? By the way, go to the time before the three children met her.

But what's the difference between that and removing the children?

However, he has already done something similar: he traveled from the future time and space, which has changed the time point.


Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, he heard the voice of the child next door.

"That man is scary." Phil's voice.

"Worse than us." Layton's voice.

"He's going to eat us one day."

"Run away."

"Ask for help from the person who can't see the face."

"No, he's even more terrifying."

"Then run away."

"It's scary outside, too."

The two children were whispering, and Dufferin suddenly remembered that the little girl Phil still liked him very much when he first saw the two of them, after cleaning up.

Why is this happening now?

Yes, they are not close to their Father, that's why they hate themselves.

Let them serve their Master.

Thinking of this, he picked up the keyboard and started typing the code.

Not long after, the voice next door changed.

"Phil, did you hear something? It sounded like a guy was talking in my ear."

"I heard it, it said it was the savior, it was the Father, a joke, I prayed for so many days, and I have never seen anyone come to save us, only Mother Antie saved us. Ignore it, it must be some bad guy Demon." Phil said disdainfully.

"Will it come in and eat us?" Leighton asked.

"No, there's that man who can't see his face, so he doesn't dare to come in."

"Oh, I'm going to bed then."

You don't even believe in my lord, you two bloody little bastards...

Wait, they are just ignorant children, why should I think of them so viciously?

Two voices came into Dufferin's head.

One is an angel and the other is a demon.

Call back and forth.

It's a dead end.

It took Dufferin a lot of effort to suppress the two.

Delete them, otherwise, they will speak ill of themselves in front of Andi.

Children are sometimes vicious, because they have not been cultivated in the morality of good and evil, so they can easily do many bad things, and they don't think they are bad things.

And I have no way to teach them.

Unknowingly, Dufferin has used "they" to describe the two.

Going further back in time...

Such thoughts lingered in his mind.


"That guy is getting more and more delicious." Xiao Huan said while drooling.

Wen Rensheng was very helpless about this, why can't this Xiao Huan have a decent meal?

"Didn't you used to love eating normal food?" he said in the kitchen.

"This taste needs to be changed, and it can't always be the same."

"There's a lot of flavor in normal food, too."

"No, no, they only taste the same."

Wen Rensheng was no longer busy because he sensed new fluctuations in time and space.

Looking again, Dufferin and those people disappeared again.

Following a trace of connection, he came to the same time and space node as the other party again—just backtracking synchronously.

He and Xiao Huan are the golden data in the archive, and any archive only shares one data.

In his eyes, Dufferin and his girlfriend met.

The two met again, fell in love, and finally got married.

They quickly had a baby.

It is very fast.

Only one day.

Then three children were born.

For some reason, Andi insisted on naming the first two children "Phil" and "Leighton", but for some reason, neither of them named the last child.

With the life and experience of a family of five, their fame gradually spread.

After all, it is impossible for a person who has grasped the essence of the world not to leave a reputation in life.

"No one knows what a strange and terrible experience Dufferin and his girlfriend have gone through, and what kind of storm they will cause in the future."

In a bar, a man with a guitar was singing.

"It will change the whole world. It will overturn everyone's dreams and everyone's lives."

"Ah, the gluttonous lark, with its piercing voice, it is calling for destruction."

"Ah, the man who can't see the face clearly, walks among the shadows, he is looking for the most terrifying secret."

The singing of bards is sung in the bar.

The men drinking, the bartenders wiping the glasses, and the dancers circling around the bar all fell silent.

"The world has been destroyed once, so it doesn't matter if it happens again?"

"Yeah, let's keep drinking, keep playing, keep dancing..."

The crowd reveled,

at this very moment,

No one cares about tomorrow.

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