Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1652 True Love

The female was silent.

She never expected that the man in front of her didn't pay much attention to appearance. Would someone talk to a beautiful woman and say something?

But soon she realized that this is a Wenqing male.

In a word, those literati and poets in ancient times insisted on playing with various sentiments.

How to deal with this kind of man?

Of course, we must prescribe the right medicine.

After a while, she changed her posture and came out.

This time it's a godlike type.

Whether it is derivative or calculus, it can be said clearly and logically when it comes to physical celestial bodies and down to fungal mitosis.

Only then did Wen Rensheng say: "Well, I planted several tea gardens on Frost Star..."

This is not fake, he did set up a few tea gardens when he was free in the last script, which can be regarded as improving people's livelihood.

"What do you mean?" The female was a little confused.

"The sales in the tea garden are not good. Pity those tea pickers who work hard every day..." Wen Rensheng continued.

The female was even more confused.

The other party mentioned the tea garden inexplicably, what is this for?

"You have captured the hearts of so many men. For those poor tea pickers, please help them and buy some unsalable tea." Wen Rensheng said sincerely.

"This, this should be." The female thought for a while and agreed.

What's the use of Wen Rensheng doing such a thing?

Of course it works.

Those tea leaves are not ordinary things, but a medium with spiritual imprints.

He just found an excuse and sold it to the other party.

"Thank you, I'll let them ship it later."

Then the two chatted for a long time.

If the following males who are competing know that the goddess in their hearts is going to speak for others about tea, they must jump up and kill Wen Rensheng first.

But at this moment, under the gentle touch of their tentacles, they all displayed the perfect image of the goddess in their minds.

This game did not come to a result until the sun rose the next day.

Wen Rensheng glanced over, and saw all kinds of things on the drawing board.

There are monsters, beauties, deformities, gods...

He was very curious about how to choose the best goddess.

Then the big announcement sounded again.

"Whoever has the most beautiful goddess in his heart lies in who has the most sincere heart to the goddess. Let us see which painting on these drawing boards can best reflect the sincerity."

Everyone suddenly said that this method is good.

"Yes, only the most sincere person, the goddess in his heart is the most beautiful."

"If you are only greedy for appearance, the one you draw will definitely not be the most beautiful goddess."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he was thoughtful.

He already understood the purpose of this farce: to project a beautiful female into the hearts of everyone.

Then let them get along day and night, and finally have love.

To put it bluntly, it is to find "love".

Sure enough, it has something to do with the star bomber and Battlestar.

They were able to project so many females into so many hearts, and they were powered by simulators behind the scenes.

It's just how to find out who is truly in love with the goddess from the tens of thousands of picture scrolls?

He glanced at them, and saw that they were so densely packed and in different shapes that it was really hard to tell them apart.

"I know this, this one must be the one that truly loves the goddess." Xiao Huan flew to a painting and said proudly pointing with his little paw.

Wen Rensheng looked up, and saw that it was a picture depicting a man who was pulling three children and holding another child...

Uh, where's the real love?

On closer inspection, true love is standing in one corner of the scroll, while the background is blurred.

It took Wen Rensheng a lot of effort to see only two words from the blurred scroll: "BMW".

Taking over for love is really great.

"This isn't true love, it's true licking, hard pick." Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

"Tch, I think this is true love. This man is so considerate. He takes care of the child by himself while his wife plays with him." Xiao Huan said seriously.

"Uh..." Wen Rensheng really couldn't talk about love with this little Douding.

I'm afraid in its heart, whoever lets it play will love it.

He could only look at other scrolls.

And some scrolls are indeed extremely beautiful, but they just float on the surface at first glance.

At a glance, there is no one he approves of.

Because he understands very well that true love is tempered in a long-term life, like-minded, kind to each other, treat each other as equals, and look pleasing to the eye...

These conditions must match, and it is said that there is only a one in 2.8 billion chance.

So how can the average person find true love easily?

Some people are quick to change their minds and say they have found true love, but they are actually color-sighted animals.

At this time, everyone began to criticize.

"My picture is fine. Look, how perfect I imagined the goddess?"

"This one is fine for me. For the sake of the goddess, I would sell one of my kidneys."

"Cut, I've sold my head."

"I sold my lower body!"

A group of people are arguing.


At the same time, no one saw that there were three people standing on the head of the giant monster Vincent.

A bun-headed girl, a chief scientist, and a secretary.

"How about it, can you choose the one who loves you from here?" Baozitou asked.

"They just love for sex, lacking a sense of epic, a sense of grandeur, and a sense of reality. At best, it is just a seed. We still need a story to package it." The chief scientist said.

"Story? Packaging? You can explain more clearly." Baozitou frowned.

"Just like now, set a certain background, choose a protagonist, and then create a story around him or her, use this story to gather the source power, and then create the love we need." The chief scientist explained patiently.

"Oh, that's it. By the way, tell me, where did the woman in the painting come from? Although we are using her now, she must have ulterior motives. Will she cooperate with this story?" Baozitou asked again .

"She must have another purpose, but it's just to extract some benefits. What we want is love, not someone. Everyone can get what they want. Taking a step back, it doesn't matter even if she dies in the end, Luo Zhudu It's a simple story, but it has been passed down for thousands of years." The chief scientist straightened his hair.

He didn't say that there was also a goddess in his mind.

That's a junior high school student who is a god of learning, the very powerful kind.

Unfortunately, as soon as I graduated from junior high school, I went abroad with my parents.

And now, presumably dead.

It's better to die, at least he can always have the best image in his heart.

He couldn't accept the situation where the other party was out of shape, married and had children.

"Oh, that's right, hurry up and make up a story, my spaceship can't wait."

"It's already compiled, and it will start to execute."

After speaking, the chief scientist clapped his hands.

Vincent, the troll under his feet, spit out clouds of mist from his tentacles.

Everyone passed out one after another, as if entering a dreamland.

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