Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1637 Desire and Truth

Wen Rensheng glanced at Xiawang.

The real decisive battle actually started when he entered the script.

He already understood this.

Contact the Mystic Seed and wake up from this script, and he will win.

Instead, he will sleep forever until the day of natural failure comes.

This thing is very dangerous.

He didn't tell Zhao Han, after all, after that fool knew about it, he could only increase his worries.

The real opponent is his own heart.

rather than someone else.

It is not a Tartar, it is not a world, and it is not a popular opinion.

Those things, compared with his heart, are too small and too small.

This is the same as ordinary people. For most people, their lifelong opponents are themselves.

The competitors I once thought will slowly disappear as life goes on.

But how to wake up is a difficult problem.

"Do you want to satisfy your heart?"

A person indulges in dreams, it is because there are some things in reality that can only be found in dreams.

Just like people addicted to online games.

Wen Rensheng thought back to his own heart, what else was not satisfied.

The next moment, he issued an order: "The army is dispatched, pointing directly at Donghan, not leaving a blade of grass."

Don't tell me what humanity is, don't tell me what righteousness is, at this moment his heart is only one word:


Satisfy the previous dissatisfaction by killing.

But two hours after the order was issued, his heart changed again.

"Keep the women and children, and if you haven't been invaded before, you can also stay."

The heart is like this. One moment it wants to destroy the universe, and the next moment it wants to be a hero of the Virgin Mary.

Half a month later, the Eastern Cold calmed down.

Whether careerists or traitors, they were all ashes.

And before they died, they didn't know why they failed.

After hearing the news, Wen Rensheng felt a little satisfied.

And what he did before was also satisfying his heart.

Whether it is tax exemption, three divisions, or Xiawang governing the world, it is just an experiment that has been thought of but never done.

Only now, Wen Rensheng still felt that something was missing in his heart.

What is missing?

He thought about it carefully.

Yes, are those indescribable things?

No, if you do those things, it means that you have been defeated.

There is a kind of person who will not do evil even in his dreams.

That's him.

After thinking for a long time, he had to admit that even though he was so perfect and so powerful, he still felt a headache in front of his heart.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't think about what those things were missing?

Tired heart.

destroy it.

He thought this way, and then got into the 100-meter-long and wide square bed specially built for him by the members of the Holy Church, and fell asleep.

Dream in a dream, looking for answers.


How to turn the world into a cartoon?

Zhao Han shook the dog's head and looked at the sky.

She fell into deep thought.

The answer given by the teacher is indeed subtle.

Only the world of cartoons is beautiful.

Everything that is not good will be eliminated.

Of course, some cartoons about childhood shadows are not listed here.

what a duck detective...

It's scary looking back.

How should it be reformed?

"If you want to transform it into a cartoon world, how should you proceed?" She could only ask her own evil alien.

"Cartoon world? Oh, it's very simple. You must first know the characteristics of this world, extract its laws, and then set its laws into the will of the planet. In this way, it will run according to your laws " Xiaopang said very simply.

"Isn't this the same as an elephant packing a refrigerator?" Zhao Han said angrily.

"It's just putting the elephant in the refrigerator. If you can't put it in, it's because your skills are not good enough. It's not that the topic is wrong. You need to think more about why you can't do it yourself." Xiaopang said contemptuously.

"I'm stupid, I reflect."

Zhao Han then began to reflect.

Reflection alone is not enough, you have to go out for a walk.

So it went out to Weibo for private visits.

For private visits by the emperor in micro-service, the white dragon fish suit is a big taboo.

With hundreds of thousands of people, people will be arrested and called, let alone a few people go out.

What, you said the emperor is a dog, that's fine.

Who would think of tying a dog for nothing?

Unless you know its identity.

Walking through one village after another, as far as I could see, there was joy everywhere, and there were people tying silk to trees.

Fake, too fake.

Although the new dynasty has taken many measures, it is still difficult to implement them on everyone and make everyone happy.

It will take more than five years to say the least.

It's like reducing and exempting all taxes, but if you don't pay the royal tax, the landlord will immediately increase the rent and snatch back that part of the tenant's income.

You don't need to rent, some people rent anyway.

After all, there are still too many thieves.

You do not rent, some people rent.

Zhao Han deeply understands the deep pain of the people.

Although this is a scripted world, everyone will feel sad for the protagonist's misery when watching the movie.

The plot of the heroine being abused is even more poisonous.

So Zhao Han was thinking, how to solve this problem?

She really had no idea, so she had to make a few big wishes first.

Whether it can be achieved or not, the key is to be able to comfort yourself...

"I hope that in this world, everyone is happy."

"I wish that in this world, there is nothing I can't bear to say."

"I wish this world would be reunion."

"Is this your method?" Xiaopang asked in surprise.

"If you want to despise, just despise it." Zhao Han said flatly.

While talking, Zihuagou was lying on the ground, looking up at the sky, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

It's very similar to the situation where a scumbag is facing the difficult test paper of the Mathematical Olympiad.

"No, I mean stupid people have stupid luck." Xiaopang said in a complicated tone.

Then the instinct prompt of the alien species appeared:

"Zhao Han never expected that the key to solving this problem is to make a wish and expect it to be fulfilled by itself."

Ah, did it work?

Zhao Han was ecstatic, and then he couldn't understand it.

"Smart people, perfect people, will set goals, but never sincerely expect it to be accomplished by themselves, but hope to make it down-to-earth. However, this is an ideal world. When your heart is sincere enough and your desire is strong enough , it will succumb to you." Xiaopang explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Han saw streaks of golden light flashing across his eyes.

The turf, the trees, begin to change.

The sense of reality disappears, and the sense of animation appears.

The outline began to blur, and it found that its hair had turned into a ball, and it could no longer see a trace.

"What's happening here?"

"There is a price to pay for the world to be complete. If the sense of reality is too strong, the CPU will not be able to bear it, and it will become blurred, so that the consumption rate of the CPU and GPU can be reduced, and more computing power can be put on satisfying wishes." Xiao Xiao Fatty despised again.

"Is that so? Sorry, I'm not from the computer department." Zhao Han said in shame.

Then it ran happily to a village.

In the village, a group of old farmers are begging for mercy around the only landlord in the village.

"Master Mo, please reduce the rent a little bit, it's probably too much for me."

"You don't have to rent it if you can't bear it." A middle-aged man in blue satin said impatiently.

"We will sue you at the government."

"My land, I can rent as much as I want."

Those old farmers had nothing to do, so they heard someone say: "Don't panic, everyone, the land here is too expensive, we don't rent it anymore, go to work in the city, there are people in the city recruiting a lot of workers."


"Where do you live in the city?"

"Yeah, it's always good to be at home, but it's very difficult to go out."

"I'm going to starve to death at home, but I still have a way to survive when I go out."

When everyone was discussing, a golden light suddenly flashed.

"I was wrong, how could I do such a thing? We are all neighbors, I decided that in the future, I only need half of the rent, which is enough for my whole family!" The middle-aged silk and satin man suddenly cried bitterly.

"This is really good!"

"Thank you, Master Mo."

When Zhao Han saw this scene, he was happy at first, but also a little weird.

"It just doesn't feel real."

"Sluts are hypocritical. The ones from the real department say it's miserable, and the ones from the animation department say it's too fake. What exactly do you want?" Fatty asked impatiently.

"Well, people's hearts are easy to change." Zhao Han also knew that his requirements were too high.

It is impossible to be true and complete at the same time.

Even she knows that in the real world, there is never consummation, first love is always hard to come by, green hats are common, marriage graves...

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