Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1088 The Werewolf

McCann, Colossus State.

Xiao Huan arranged for a red-robed priest to stare at the two men and women Wen Rensheng asked her to stare at. She didn't have the skill to stare at others all the time.

The red-robed priest was naturally doing his best. After all, this was a task ordered by the Colossus himself. As long as it was done well, and a few more flattering words were given, the rewards would be very high.

It's just that he soon realized that something was wrong.

After the male protagonist Dufferin was broken up, he drank alcohol all day long, had an unshaven beard, and was a good sports star, but he turned into a useless person.

The savings were quickly wasted, and in the end he actually lived a life of picking up scraps and lying flat.

The ex-girlfriend An Di came to see him once, and was very angry at him for spoiling her like this. She scolded him a few times and left after leaving a few hundred dollars.

Dufferin looked dull, and continued to pick up trash after his ex-girlfriend left.

Outside a lawn, he opened a trash can, only to find a blue box inside.

From the perspective of the priest, Dufferin opened the box, only to find a bunch of sunglasses.

He looked at these things and thought they were pretty good, and they should be able to sell for some money, so he picked them up.

Then he casually picked up one and put it on his face, and walked towards the scrap shop with a wobble.

However, when he walked to the street, he suddenly froze. He looked at a rich lady sitting in a luxury car with a horrified expression, and then turned to other people.

The priest didn't know why he behaved like this, did he have some kind of hallucination?

But in Dufferin's eyes, the person sitting in the luxury car is a werewolf!

He took off his sunglasses, rubbed his eyes, and looked again. This time, he looked again and found that the other party was indeed a beautiful and reserved rich lady, just like his ex-girlfriend.

He put on the glasses again, and the rich lady turned back into a werewolf...

He suddenly remembered that when he was a sports star, a fan wrote him a letter, saying that he participated in a werewolf killing game, where everyone tried their best to prove that they were good people, but there were terrible werewolves in it.

Werewolves come out to kill at night.

And some werewolves pretend to be very good people, until the end, you can't tell...

He faintly understood that it was obvious that the rich lady was probably a werewolf in disguise.

Dufferin took a deep breath and walked on.

He resumed his previous decadent expression, took the bag of sunglasses, and came to the junk shop.

After entering the door, the owner of the junk shop asked kindly, "Flynn, what good things did you bring me today?"

Dufferin looked at the stinky wolf head in front of him, his heart jumped for a while, but he still pretended to be indifferent: "Oh, nothing, I just came to see if you have any old furniture here..."

In his eyes, the owner of the waste recycling shop is also a werewolf!

This made him break his previous thought. He originally wanted to distribute those sunglasses that could see through the werewolf's disguise through the boss.

However, since the boss himself is a wolf, of course he can't do that anymore, so he put it another way.

"Well, for the sake of friendship in the past, I still have a TV that I picked up here, you can take it back and use it."

"OK, it just happened that the one at home broke when I was drinking." Dufferin carried a small TV between his hands and a sunglasses case, and rushed home.

On the way, he suddenly dropped the small TV and walked to the nearest church.

At this time, the church was full of believers of the Colossus.

He is going to find the priests to expose this matter.

He still believed in the priests, after all, under their management, it was true that he rarely encountered those strange things again.

And outside, this kind of thing happens endlessly.

But when he came to the nearest church, he only glanced at the blue-robed priest who was preaching, and immediately turned and left.

Because in his eyes, the blue-robed priest was like a werewolf!


Could it be that even the priests were occupied by werewolves?

Dufferin returned home, holding his head and thinking hard.

At this time, he had already woken up from his slump, after all, the stimulation was too great.

He was so old that he couldn't be decadent anymore. After all, he didn't want his ex-girlfriend to live surrounded by the terror of werewolves, and he didn't know if he would lose his life someday.

But at this time, the red-robed priest who watched over him was inexplicable and bewildered.

He thinks that Dufferin is crazy, which is very logical, after all, it is normal for the other party to go crazy after experiencing the betrayal of his girlfriend.

But he also noticed that the other party only became like this when he was wearing the sunglasses.

Looks like the sunglasses were the trigger.

So the red-robed priest sneaked into his house while the other party was thinking about falling asleep, and came out with a pair of sunglasses.

Anyway, the other party did not count.

Then he put on the sunglasses, and the result horrified him.

He also saw the werewolf...

The difference is that he saw it in the mirror, and he himself was a werewolf!

how so?

He hastened to pray, and prayed that the Colossus would hear his cry.


After a night of sleep, Dufferin found a new purpose in life.

He is going to be a hero.

If he becomes a hero, his ex-girlfriend will come back to him.

He firmly believes so.

He needs to find an ally first, and if a werewolf is killed, he is a good guy.

With sunglasses, it's not hard to do that, which amounts to the prophetic status he can bestow on others.

Thinking of this, he quickly counted the number of sunglasses, there were 16 in the box.

He felt a little strange, adding his own one, it was 17.

Why not an even number?

But he didn't think much about it, probably the person who put the box here has already taken one.

He started looking for someone reliable.

He counted it in his circle of friends. When he lost his girlfriend, Ken, the guy who took pleasure in other people's misfortune and comforted him, was regarded by him as a candidate.

He quickly picked a big black guy, a kind guy who had been dumped nine times because he was too honest.

Of course, there are honest people among black people, which is very common.

Relatively speaking, he was abandoned only once, and he was so decadent, it was too low.

He found the big black man and handed the sunglasses to him without saying a word.

The other party was very confused, but after the other party put it on, Dufferin gave him a mask, and said:

"No matter what happens next, don't call out."

Then he took the other party to the church and saw the blue-robed priest.

The big black man's eyes were flustered, as if seeing a poisonous snake, the kind of instinctive panic.

"You have seen it too, right? Too many monsters have infiltrated our world." Dufferin said quietly.

"But why haven't I heard of anyone suffering in the vicinity?" The big black man wondered, "Could it be that there is something wrong with the sunglasses, which can make us have some kind of hallucination?"

The question of the big black guy is very good, many hateful chemical ingredients that cannot be mentioned can also cause this terrible effect, and even make people regard their closest family members as devils, and then cause family tragedies.

Of course Dufferin knew these things, he shook his head and said: "There are many monsters outside, we can live here safely because of the protection of the giant statue, so these monsters should devour us in another way, they control They sacrificed and blinded the giant statue, but they didn't dare to eat people wantonly, they should use a very hidden method to quietly absorb our lives."

"I even suspect that my ex-girlfriend's disease was also caused by these monsters." He finally said excitedly.

"Well, it's very possible, so the easiest way is to try to notify the Colossus?" Big Hei said seriously.

The big black guy is not stupid at all. In fact, there are many black people who have applied for management positions.

"That's right, but our difficulty now is that the channels to get close to the colossus are all controlled by the priests. They should all be transformed from werewolves. We need to find more allies and use their power to accomplish this goal. Dufferin said seriously.

The two continued to discuss.

And the red-robed priest who was monitoring them also fell into a fierce struggle at this time.

Should I kill these two guys who discovered the "truth", or take the initiative to confess everything to the Colossus God and let the Colossus kill him?

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