Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1026 Follow up

What kind of game is "Salvation Angel"?

Han Wen quickly understood.

Just like Wen Rensheng, she also appeared behind a long table with the number 3.

There are also numbers 0 to 10, and the other seats are also full of people.

There were ten people full, their faces were full of excitement and expectation, and of course there was a trace of uneasiness.

Seat 0 is also located at the narrow end of the long table, and sits a large Ultraman toy.

"The rules are just written on the table, and you can read them for two hours. You can discuss them at will, and then the game will start." Ultraman Toys said in a "squeaky voice", like an 8-year-old child with a cold.

Han Wen looked down.

"This round of 10 players: 3 angels (an angel can save one person in the dark, and can only save one person in each night, vote to decide who to save)"

"4 patients (nothing except voting and speaking rights)."

"1 prophet (you can appoint a person every night and find out his true identity)"

"2 poisonous snakes (one person can be poisoned to death every night, the rules are the same as angels saving people)"

"Collective voting during the day to decide who is out."

"Victory or failure conditions: good people win, all patients are cured or all poisonous snakes are out; poisonous snakes win, all patients or all angels are poisoned."

"The game will implement a matching mechanism based on individual winning percentage and performance, and the same level will be in a group. If you win a hundred games in a row, you can get a real chance of healing."

The 10 people quickly read the rules, and then showed excited expressions on their faces.

One hundred rounds, as long as you win one hundred rounds in a row, you can give your family or yourself a real chance of treatment!

Their emotions and motivation were completely stimulated!

They have to play this kind of game for a hundred years!

"The point of this game is to identify the other party's identity through speech, which is similar to the Werewolf I played." Player 1 said first.

"Yes, the purpose of the poisonous snake is also the same. To successfully disguise as a patient, waste the angel's chance of healing, and at the same time find the angel to poison the angel or the patient." Player 2 said.

"It's not difficult to win once, but it's too difficult to win a hundred rounds in a row." Someone couldn't help but say.

"Then start quickly, finish playing early and accumulate experience early."

Ten people started quickly.

When the identity was drawn, Han Wen successfully got the "angel" identity.


As the first game, Wen Rensheng was of course observing the progress of the game.

It was already the second day of the game, and an angel was poisoned to death just now. At this time, it was already the speaking stage of the No. 3 angel.

"I think player No. 7 is a poisonous snake, because he didn't speak during the day and voted again. This is an obvious poisonous snake behavior. Let's vote him out first."

Wen Rensheng took a look. Player No. 7 is a prophet... This guy doesn't speak, needless to say, he just played, he doesn't know how to play, and he is voting with the trend.

"Uh, I agree too." No. 9 poisonous snake followed.

"I also agree with No. 7's statement." No. 10 poisonous snake continued.

Soon the first game was over, and Viper won...

"Uh, Lao Wen, the game you designed isn't fun, and it's not lively. It's no different from that werewolf killer." Xiao Huan muttered.

"Why isn't it fun..." Wen Rensheng said stiffly, "You do a poll, is this game good?"

"Investigate, investigate."

The ten people who participated in the game for the first time, under the inquiry of Ultraman No. 0, expressed their opinions one after another:

"It's so fun, but I can't play well." No. 1 replied very sincerely.

"Yes, this is a gift from the Colossus God. I am very grateful for everyone's votes. Thank you for voting me out in the first round..." No. 7 smiled, MMP in his heart.

Others spoke one after another.

"Look, look, they are all lying!" Xiao Huan said angrily, "They came to curry favor with me because they were afraid of losing the qualification of the game."

Wen Rensheng was an honest person after all, so he could tell that these people were not telling the truth.

"Oh, it seems that I was careless. People's fear emotions are easily aroused, but happiness is not easy... Let's find those specialized game and psychology experts to design, anyway, I have already designed the game framework for them. "Wen Rensheng decided to push three, four, five.

It is too easy to arouse fear, because as long as people take away what they have, they can be frightened; but it is difficult to arouse happiness, because people's happiness threshold is constantly rising.

This is a long-term competition.

Fortunately, he has too many cards.

"Oh..." Xiao Huan said in a long voice.

"No objection is allowed, the gift is given to you," Wen Rensheng said solemnly, "When any good thing is born, it is not smooth sailing, but it has to be polished to be perfect, and this polishing process is left to you. "

After he finished speaking, he buried his head and continued to practice his many mysterious skills.

Just tossing and tossing for a while, it is like playing chess pieces idle. It is good to gain something, but it does not matter if there is no gain.



Dongzhou, Zhongjiang City, a small meeting is going on in an office.

"According to insider reports, Sovereign Club has now come up with a new method of extracting source crystals, the horror game extraction method, we need to follow up." Director An said to everyone.

"Compared to the population base and the sphere of influence, we are much stronger than them. We can follow their path and make them have nowhere to go." An officer said excitedly.

"No, we have a bottom line after all, it is impossible to copy their model, we need to modify the model." Another deputy director shook his head.

"Yes, we must modify the model," Director An nodded, "immediately summon the corresponding experts to start a wave."

Someone suddenly said: "Speaking of which, do you still remember the mess that the Jiangnan Xie family did in Nanzhu?"

"Remember, didn't Xie Zangyue die for no apparent reason?"

"Well, his successor has cooperated very well with us. I wonder if we can use the technology and resources they have already prepared?"

"It's a good idea, every bit of resource can't be wasted." Director An nodded.

"Let the inside pass more technology back, we need to follow up at all times, and we can't fall behind. How strong is the strongest seed in our hands now?"

"About one-tenth of Wen Rensheng's strength, of course refers to his strength in the Alien Conference." Director An thought for a while.

"This standard is not good. We need to change the standard. After all, this guy is always improving."

"No, in recent days, our people have reported that his strength has not improved much."

"It may be that he puts all his energy into purchasing equipment and props. I heard that he is making holy armor, and the only thing missing is the materials."

A group of people discussed Wen Rensheng's strength for a while.

"Well, speaking of which, high-quality source crystals will be the core resource of competition in the future, just like coal and oil in the 19th and 20th centuries, and will be the point of conflict in the entire world." Director An sighed.

"Don't worry, chief. We have more than half of the population. They only have the population of the Americas. It's impossible to compare with us." An officer reassured.

"Well, I never regarded those people as opponents. What I worry about is that we are all making wedding dresses for people now. We have worked hard to make source crystals and develop technology, and finally those guys come down to pick peaches."

"After that, there will be population competition. Since this is the case, is our Star Project ready to start?" Someone said suddenly.

"Before you have the power to protect yourself, you must not start. If you start the Star Project, it means that the pollution will spread, which is exactly what they want. Because if a second planet similar to Earth is developed, our importance will be reduced." It has dropped significantly." A staff officer reminded.

"Well, that's right. Regarding this point, we have already reached a joint decision, and no one is allowed to mention it again." Director An glanced at the person who just changed the topic to the Star Project, and said very seriously.

He even wondered if the other party's mind had been invaded by disasters, after all, disasters were too powerful.

Well, after the meeting, let this guy conduct a heterogeneous identification.

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