Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 435: quarrel

"The mysterious land sea (

"You know her strength, although she is still very young, but I dare say that except for the gods in the entire Earth Sea, it is not so easy for other people to hurt her."

"Don't forget, she was scared back by a breath, which means that things on the surface are much stronger than her. Are you really determined to go up again?"

Charles thought a lot, and waited until the water in the bathtub was a little bit cold, he opened his mouth again to argue: "But Shining did not go straight up, maybe there is something between the sea and the surface."

Anna helplessly patted Charles with her hands. "Does it make sense for you to lie to yourself?"

Charles sat up from the bathtub with excitement. "You know, the Foundation came down from the surface. No matter the clues before, it shows that everything is normal outside the surface."

"Furthermore, you have swallowed the memories of many Foundation humans before, and you should know that they can go to the surface as long as they apply."

Anna's right hand was directly over Charles' mouth, preventing him from continuing to speak.

"Yes, what you said is true. It is very possible, but the only one most important variable you forgot is time."

"Time? What time?" There was a trace of astonishment on Charles's face.

"I ask you, when did the Foundation fall?"

Charles shook his head. "Not very clear, most of them are not recorded, but at least it will take more than a few hundred years."

Anna pointed at the ceiling with her hand, "Dawn One was built by them, right? You said how advanced their technology is, then tell me, when the foundation first came down, how many centuries? After so many years How many centuries were when you came down?"

"They were normal back then, are they really normal outside for hundreds of years?"

Charles was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly thought of a problem, that was the serious mismatch between the ground and the foundation's technology.

Human civilization entered modern society in the middle of the twentieth century, but if one fell to the earth thirteen years ago, the time when the foundation came down must be before the 15th century.

But such a contradiction emerged. It was the Ming Dynasty at that time. It was impossible for the ancients of the 15th century to let humans all over the world work together to create a collective organization like the Foundation.

Seeing that Charles wanted to understand, Anna rushed up to hold his head in both hands, looked into his eyes and said, "Wake up, the surface above is not the 21st century anymore. Don't be obsessed anymore."

Charles's mind was messed up at this time, and the two messages that Anna had brought shattered his illusion.

He quickly looked for the weakness of the news. After a few seconds, he said, "Maybe... Maybe the time in Earth Sea is not the same as the time outside. If that's the case, then it makes sense."

"Maybe the Foundation came down in about two thousand years. The hundreds of years of their demise have only been on the surface for a few years. Have you ever seen Journey to the West before? The sky goes up one day on the ground for a year."

There was a trace of irritation on her face, and she pushed Charles' head away. "It's really unreasonable, you guy is crazy!"

After speaking, she got up directly from the bathtub and walked to the clothes scattered on the ground.

Charles stood up and looked at Anna's smooth white back covered by purple silk skirt. He knew that the other party was really angry, but he didn't understand the other party's attitude.

"Anna, you understood me before. Didn't you agree that I continue to look for the surface? Why did you suddenly change your mind."

Anna turned around and looked at him coldly, "It's still my fault to say that. Have you ever thought about what you did for us?"

"Who am I yours? I feel that I am not your wife, but your tool. You are on call when you want to use me, and ignore it when you don't use me."

"Don't think that I can't live without you, my old lady is thinking about it, and all the memories between us will disappear!"

Anna's voice grew louder and louder, and in the end it almost reached the point of quarreling.

"Of course I care about you. I went to look for the surface for our family too. The sea is so dangerous. Are we going to stay in this ghost place for the rest of our lives?" Charles's voice became louder.

With a hint of ridicule on Anna's face, she walked up to Charles and kept poking her finger in his chest. "How many humans are in the entire Earth Sea? Why can they live, why can't you live?"

"Also don't forget what my daughter and I really look like. We are the monsters of the Earth Sea, and the Earth Sea is our world. Why do I accommodate you every time and when can you accommodate me?"

"By the way, and yourself! Look at your ghost appearance now, even if you throw you back to the surface, you can really adapt?"

"Tell me, how many lives do you have in your hands after so many years? Are you really able to adapt to a legal society?"

"Wake up! Charles, even if you are not the Chosen One, you are a monster! Thirteen years have allowed you to fully integrate into the Earth Sea. I tell you, you can't go back! You won't go back again! !!!"

"Enough!!" Charles interrupted Anna's words with a roar, his eyes staring at Anna like an irritated Anna looked at Charles coldly, her expression had never been like this Indifferent, she stepped forward, her eyes were only a few centimeters away from Charles.

"Never mind me, how about Shining? Do you really care about your daughter? Have you considered whether she would like to go up with you?"

"From her birth to the present, have you ever experienced the responsibility of being a father for a day? Charles, you are too selfish, you never only think about yourself!"

"Peng!" Anna smashed Charles' cell phone heavily on his chest, turned and left. "Scumbag, go with your right hand for a lifetime."

Anna left the bathroom angrily, leaving only Charles standing there.

Looking at the direction Anna was leaving, Charles picked up the phone in his hand.

The red light on the upper right corner of the phone is already on, and the battery is almost dead.

Charles enters the password, and the interface of the phone is a recording interface, which contains a few minutes of audio file.

After turning it on, the phone's speaker rang out with a sparkling sound. "Mom, can we tell Dad not to go to the sea?"


"Because Nini's father went to the sea and he never came back. I don't want my father to come back again. If my father doesn't come back, will my mother be sad?"

Anna in the audio paused for a few seconds and then said again: "Does Shining love Dad?"

"I don't know. He is very strange, he doesn't play with me. I still like my mother more."

"Mom, if Dad's head is broken, if we fix Dad's head, won't he want to go up?"

Anna in the audio did not answer this question, and Xing continued to ask: "Mom, Nini's father will play with her, tell stories to him, and bring her food."

"Why does my dad only like to go to the sea?"

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