Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 621: The last school day

During the days of studying in Silvermoon City, Ryan and the others established a good personal friendship with Alustri. On the one hand, due to the loneliness of a certain immortal, everyone is eager to make friends of the same kind. On the other hand, when Ryan and the others cast spells, they did not rely on the magic net of the world of Faerun to cast spells, but used themselves to manipulate magic power and elements just like legendary spellcasters and those powerful arcanists in ancient times. This made Alustriel very happy to find that he could have a companion who could discuss the magic path.

In addition, the stories about various worlds brought by Ryan and the others are also of great help to Alustri. Especially after Ryan gave her a lot of historical records about multiple worlds as a gift, she absorbed the wisdom of people in each world to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. Ryan believes that with these examples, the process of establishing the Silver Moon Federation will be smoother in the future.

After another two months, Ryan and the others decided to leave this world temporarily after they felt that they had mastered the new knowledge. After learning that Ryan and the others were leaving, Alaszhuo came to see them off.

"Take care, my friends, and hopefully we'll see each other again soon." Ryan had already told her that she would come back from time to time, so the farewell wasn't too sad.

"Yes, we will be back soon. When we come back next time, we will bring more things that can be used here. I hope to see a more beautiful Silvermoon City."

After the final farewell, Ryan and the others left the city where they had lived for eight months. After walking along the business road for half an hour, they chose to leave this world in a jungle by the roadside.

The offset points obtained for this trip are only 120 points, but the rewards are indeed very large. Ryan and the others have mastered a whole new set of systematic magic, as long as there is enough time in the future, they can even be indistinguishable from the legendary mages under the real dnd system.

"That world is indeed a powerful world." After returning, Hermione said the first sentence, "Can you imagine that there are more than 1 million people in the entire Northland, but they can have three or four legends. And our entire This number is estimated to be the legend of the hundreds of millions of people in Europe."

"So it's always a good thing to walk around and look around. Let us realize our own shortcomings before we can catch up." Ryan said with a smile, "Let us sort out these gains in the rest of the summer vacation."

For the rest of the summer vacation, Ryan and the others spent almost all of their time in their manor to learn new knowledge. Completely cut off from the wizarding world, except for a trip to a nearby hill to receive newspaper and mail orders.

Now the situation outside is getting worse, and there are often news of ordinary people being attacked. So in addition to studying, Ryan and Hermione, sometimes with Rose Crystal and her undead daughter, sometimes wandered around London trying to stop this type of attack.

However, this kind of blind action without intelligence was not effective. It took Ryan and the others a whole month to block and kill the two Death Eaters who were causing trouble. In the previous torture, they learned that most of the Death Eaters who were messing around were just dark wizard mercenaries hired by Voldemort from Eastern Europe with money, and they only got a random raid order and a few safe houses.

Ryan and the others immediately rushed to a safe house, but unfortunately the safe house was empty. And the other Death Eaters probably already knew that there was an attacker, and Ryan and the others could only give up after waiting until the day and still not seeing the others come back.

After a serious change in the plot led to a complete change in the future, Ryan has lost the grasp of the past in the future. So he didn't know what Voldemort's next plan was, so he could only remain vigilant at all times.

In this grim situation, the date for the start of school has finally arrived. The difference between this year and previous years is that there are several Aurors standing on the 9 3/4 platform vigilantly holding their wands and patrolling the surroundings.

Many parents sent their children off on the platform,

But everyone had a look of nervousness on their faces. And this year, there are fewer people standing on the platform ready to go to school than in previous years.

After getting in the car, Ryan also discovered important changes this year. As soon as I got in the car and went to the prefect's box, I found that the chairman of the male and female student council was already there. After seeing Ryan and the others enter the door, the president of the student union handed them a carriage number. They need to sit in the corresponding car, and in case of an accident, they need to communicate with the Aurors and strikers in the car to protect the students.

"So much time has passed in a blink of an eye." After arriving at the designated box to put his luggage and sit down, Ryan said with emotion looking at the steamy platform outside the window. "This should be the last time we take the Hogwarts Express to school."

"Yeah, I still remember our meeting on the train six years ago. I remember I was a little flustered when I couldn't find an empty box, and then I happened to meet you and Neville sitting in a box." Hermione Recalling, "You know, it's a nice comfort in my heart to come to a completely strange place and see people I know."

"Although this acquaintance has only met a few times before." Ryan continued, "I was really surprised at the time—"

Before he finished speaking, the door of the box opened suddenly, and Mad-Eye Moody walked in, looked around the box with his magic eyes, and said to the young Auror behind him. "Okay, no problem here, we can check the next place."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ryan and the others and said, "By the way, you are prefects. Don't patronize and chat together in the car, and keep vigilant at all times."

"Professor, haven't you all retired yet?" Hermione asked curiously, because before his participation in the Order of the Phoenix activities can be said to be private activities for the elderly after retirement, but now he is directing the Auror Checking the carriages doesn't feel like something a retiree would do.

"Yes, I did retire. But because the situation has gotten worse recently, the Ministry of Magic has rehired a large group of people to make up for the lack of manpower, so I'm back, and now I'm a special advisor to the Ministry of Magic's Auror Office." Crazy The eyeman explained, "Okay, I'm going to continue patrolling, you better be vigilant."

After speaking, Mad-Eye left the box, looked at the closed box door and Hermione turned around and asked. "What do you think is the probability that this train has been attacked?"

"Not sure, but—" Speaking of which, Ryan suddenly thought of something. "Do you know where the Slytherins sit today?"

"It should be in the first two cars. I remember that group of pure-blood wizards usually gather together." Hermione thought for a while and said with certainty.

"If this is the case, the probability of the Death Eaters coming to attack will be greater, at least they don't have to worry about accidental injury." Ryan said, "There are too many foreigners among the Death Eaters led by the mysterious man. It is impossible to judge which children are descendants of pure-blood wizards and which children are not. However, if these pure-blood descendants sit in certain compartments, there is no need to worry about such problems."

"You're right." Hermione nodded. "I think it's really a great way for a Death Eater to do things like control a child with the Imperius Curse to kill his own grandfather, and send a werewolf to attack a child. Normal practice. But—”

Hermione was still a little puzzled. After traveling in many worlds, she was no longer the simple student in the original novel. She felt that from the point of view of a power leader, Voldemort would not have sent his men to attack the Hogwarts Express just for the simple reason of clearing out those who were not worthy of learning magic.

But when she was about to discuss these things with Ryan, the whole train came to a sudden stop and then there was a harsh metal friction sound. Hermione hastened to put her hand on the seat so as not to fall to the ground.

"The train has been attacked. The staff of the Ministry of Magic and the prefects turned to the defense in the compartments where they were in accordance with the plan. The Aurors gathered at the front of the train." A man's voice echoed on the train, and the attack did indeed come.

"They actually came to attack, what is the reason?" Ryan muttered, clenched his wand and rushed out of the box with Hermione. At this time, the corridor was in chaos, and many students were running around screaming. Now, some senior students are trying to maintain order, but it seems that the effect is not good. All in all, it was a doomsday scene in the carriage.

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