In the next month or so, Ryan began to study the four artifacts brought out from the mummy world on the one hand, and on the other hand, continued to teach everyone in the reading club to learn magic. After a month of study, everyone learned how to stab the ground , Fireball, Wind Dart and Water Mist. Among them, the first three can be used to attack, while the last one can form a large fog to block the enemy's sight.

"Why don't we teach you some defensive spells like the Iron Armor Charm?" Hermione couldn't help asking at the end of the last gathering before Christmas.

"Please, we can't measure everyone's abilities according to our magic power level." Ryan looked helpless. "We have enough magic power and magical knowledge to conjure shields that can block the Killing Curse. Like Harry told us Dumbledore did when he fought You-Know-Who in the halls of the Ministry of Magic. But we My classmates can't do this, the magic I teach them is definitely not the most powerful and complicated, but it is the most suitable set of magic for their current state."

"A set of magic?" Hermione asked curiously, "You only taught four kinds of magic. How can you tell that this is a set of magic? Don't tell me you made it up because you have the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind." Come up with a statement like this."

"There's this reason." Ryan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and then quickly said seriously when he found Hermione's teasing eyes looking at him. "But this is only a secondary reason. I won't name it this way just because it sounds nice. You see, the fireball technique will explode and burn. It is a range attack magic. The wind dart has the smallest size, the fastest attack speed, and it is also very concealed. A good single-target attack magic. Ground stab can change the terrain and be used for sneak attack. It can be regarded as a magic used to limit the enemy. And the last water mist can form a large fog to cover the enemy's sight while absorbing the fog The voice of a middleman can be used to hide oneself or escape."

"In that case, it makes sense for you to say that what you teach is a set of magic." Hermione nodded. "Although these magics are simple, they can meet most of the needs in battle, which is already great."

"Of course, it's not a lie that I have experienced so many battles." Ryan showed a proud look. "So I will naturally choose the path that is best for everyone."

In the last few days before Christmas, it snowed heavily for several days. The thick snow covered the world outside the castle, turning everything white, and even the windows of the castle were covered with ice.

Even though Hagrid has become a professor, he still moved the twelve Christmas trees that are indispensable in the auditorium every year by himself as usual; the stair railings were wrapped with holly and tinsel; , and every other section of the corridor hung huge bouquets of mistletoe.

Since the Ministry of Magic struggles had become so public last year, there were always a lot of girls gathering under the mistletoe waiting for Harry to pass by alone. Fortunately, Harry's frequent nocturnal excursions made him familiar with the secret passages in the castle, and he was able to bypass the mistletoe route between classes when he was alone without much difficulty.

Ginny had a love/hate relationship with the current situation. She hated girls who were like hungry wolves finding meat when they saw Harry, but she was glad that Harry spent more time with her.

And Ron would laugh every time he saw Harry's embarrassment. He must have been a little jealous when he was single before, but now he just happily looked at Harry's depressed situation.

At this time, Ryan also discovered that although Lavender Brown was occasionally a little nervous, she was actually a very smart girl. For example, recently, Ryan found that this girl did not make out with Ron everywhere like in the original text, like a pair of eels sticking together, but seemed very reserved. But Hermione told Ryan that her roommate was much more outgoing when she and Ron were alone.

"I think her sensibilities and insecurities are hidden under her passionate and bold behavior, so she is trying to adapt to the new role of Ron's girlfriend. For example, she will try to restrain her behavior on non-private occasions to avoid causing us I have a better relationship with Ron and wait for other people's dissatisfaction." On the way to the library to do homework together, Hermione said to Ryan.

Near the end of the homework, the two discussed Slughorn's Christmas party. Because both of them had received invitation letters before.

"Actually required to wear formal attire, which means I need to wear high heels. I don't know why wizards learn this popular style of Muggles. It makes my feet hurt every time I go back after attending such a formal party [UUReading 00ks] .”

"It's okay. I'll get you a bottle of potion today. After the party, you can go back to the dormitory and rub it on your feet to ensure that you will feel pain free immediately." Ryan comforted.

But anyway, under everyone's anticipation, Christmas is still here. Especially now that the overall environment is becoming more and more tense recently, the school tries to make the banquet before the Christmas holiday as rich as possible, hoping to let everyone relax.

Naturally, such a party would not disappoint everyone who stayed in the school, and some gifts were placed under the twelve Christmas trees in the auditorium. Every student in the school gets one.

When the banquet started, Ryan chatted with the students around him, only to find that the number of students who plan to stay in school during the holidays this year is second only to the year when the dance was held in the fourth grade. This is because some parents choose to take their children to leave the UK. At the same time, another group of parents believed that Hogwarts Castle was the safest place in the UK under such circumstances, and hoped that their children could stay here as much as possible.

After Professor Dumbledore took less than three minutes to give his pre-Christmas blessing, some small acts were brought on stage. Lane also saw the Hogwarts choir performance that was cut out of the film.

They sang the song "Jingle Bells". The little Professor Flitwick stood in front of everyone in a tuxedo with a black tie and opened his hands. The only pity was that because of this The song is more cheerful, so each choir member is just holding a small brass bell to beat the beat, and there is no toad's harmony.

Afterwards, the rich end-of-semester meal allowed every little wizard to feast on it, but it was a bit of a torture for the students who were going to the Slughorn party later, because they couldn’t eat so much that they would be in front of many celebrities faux pas. This is especially true for girls who wear complicated dresses and make-up. Ryan saw that Ginny could only give up eating chicken legs like her brother Ron because of the makeup on her face, but could only eat something that could be cut with a knife. Food in small pieces.

Unlike Ryan, who strictly prohibited makeup in middle school in his previous life, in the UK, makeup is even a kind of etiquette, and it is even considered rude to not wear makeup when attending an important party. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to wear heavy makeup, as long as it suits you for this type of party.

When it was close to eight o'clock, Ryan pulled Hermione away from the long table to attend Slughorn's party. At this time, Harry, Ginny and the others who had received the invitation also got up and left the auditorium.

"Hey, have a good time." Ron said vaguely, because his mouth was full of roast turkey,

"You too." Ryan waved goodbye to Ron, and then left the auditorium.

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