This little expedition team walked in the desert for a whole day, and Ryan took this opportunity to teach Hermione how to ride a horse. Although Hermione had ridden a horse a few times when she was a child, at most she was riding a horse on a flat horse field at that time, and she had never really tried riding a horse on a road. So Ryan taught her how to ride a horse while he was on the road.

Fortunately, Hermione gained excellent body coordination and flexibility through multiple reinforcements before, which allowed her to gallop on a horse in just over half an hour. On the way, in order to prevent the descendants of the pharaoh guards from intercepting them in advance. Ryan released a secret magic to the whole team to cover up their figures, and at the same time asked Rose Crystal to call Jill out, using her ability to erase information to completely remove the traces they left along the way.

Just as they walked for an afternoon and an evening, the stars in the dark blue sky faded, and the eastern sky began to light up again slowly. Evelyn shouted loudly, "We're here now."

As soon as the words fell, a bright red line was inlaid on the distant horizon, and then a golden ball of light appeared in front of it, and the sun rose like this, showing its own power at the same time. The surrounding temperature immediately rose rapidly. Before the sun rose, he could still feel gusts of cold wind blowing into his clothes, but now his whole body was as warm as if he was in a heating room.

At the same time, on the deserted and desolate Gobi Desert not far ahead, the air blurred for a while, and a city made of yellow stones and earthen bricks appeared out of thin air.

"Hamna Tower, this is Hamna Tower! This is simply a miracle, I swear I have never seen such a strange sight in my life." Jonathan vented his inner excitement loudly.

Ryan, on the other hand, used the method recorded in the Shangqing Dao method to open his eyes and then looked at the ruins in front of him. The scenery in the line of sight suddenly changed, and the dazzling golden sun on the Gobi Desert was almost completely covered. A thick black mist like a mountain was shrouded in the ruins, and a human face protruded from it from time to time.

Hermione also looked at Ryan at this time, obviously sensitive to the breath of death, she also felt the power hidden in the ruins.

But this is also Ryan's goal here, so Ryan relaxed the reins, and after clamping his legs firmly on both sides of the horse's belly, the steed under his crotch rushed forward like a charged arrow. And Hermione also rode up after seeing this scene.

After entering the ruins, they walked directly to a statue in the distance under the leadership of Evelyn. Upon getting closer, Ryan found the statue with a wolf's head and a human body. It should be Anubis, the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology.

It was a place where Evelyn was at home, her knowledge put to good use. Soon she found several metal discs. According to her, this is an ancient Egyptian mirror, a special tool specially built by people in ancient times to illuminate the ground with the help of sunlight reflection, and finding this also means that the nearby There is a way down to the main ruins.

Soon Hermione found a hole leading to the ground through the breath of death leaking from the ruins, and then fixed the mirror to provide a light source for the ground.

The four of them descended slowly using magic, and then Evelyn found an ancient mirror and adjusted the direction of the mirror slightly. In an instant, the entire dark space was illuminated brightly. It turns out that there are many ancient mirrors in the room. These mirrors are cleverly fixed at specific positions. After the light comes in, it can continuously reflect and illuminate the whole room.

"This is the preparation room. The ancient Egyptians made mummies here. What we're looking for won't be here." After looking around, Evelyn gave her judgment with certainty, so everyone could only move on.

At this time, Ryan took out four helmets with headlights for everyone to wear, and then walked through a long tunnel under the illumination of the headlights to another room.

"This should be the leg of the Grim Reaper sculpture above." Evelyn said, looking at the beautifully carved stone platform in the corner of the room. This is an obvious situation, because there are two black lacquered legs Step on the stone platform.

"The secret compartment should be somewhere at the bottom. According to the introduction on the stele in the Cairo Museum, the Sun Golden Sutra is hidden at the foot of the statue of Death in the Hamna Tower..." Evelyn kept looking at the Shitai, muttering to himself. Finally, after knocking the entire stone platform once, she excitedly wanted to pry a stone slab open with the crowbar in her hand.

"Shouldn't archaeology be done with thick gloves and small brushes? What is Evelyn doing?" Hermione was shocked when she saw the stone debris that Evelyn pried with a crowbar. asked.

"This should be the characteristic of archaeology in this era, right? I remember that Schliemann, who dug Troy, dug a huge trench directly from the top of the ruins in order to dig the Trojan ruins he wanted as quickly as possible, which damaged or confused many excavations. Antiquities produced." Ryan replied after recalling a book he had read. "Of course, we can't let them be so reckless here now."

After speaking, Ryan stepped forward to stop Evelyn who was trying in vain to pry open the slate: "Miss Evelyn, you need to consider that normal people would set many traps around this kind of treasure, such as mechanism traps or worse The magic curse. And prying like you is easy to get hit directly."

"You're right, I was so excited that I forgot." Evelyn dropped the crowbar in her hand. "Then what do you think we should do? Are you willing to release magic?"

"Well, no." Ryan shook his head. "Because we feel that the entire ruins are shrouded in a special magical enchantment, once we use magic, it is likely to cause some bad consequences. But we have an alternative."

A minute later, under the shocked eyes of the Evelyn brothers and sisters, two spider-like steel robots the size of a person climbed out of a dark blue door, inserted a few steel pieces into the gap, and began to drag. Then the steel cable connected to the steel sheet was pulled outward.

The power of the machine is definitely not comparable to that of humans, and within a few minutes there was a bang. A whole black stone slab was unloaded, and at the same time a large amount of high-pressure white liquid was sprayed out. The two steel cables were corroded and broken in an instant.

"That's some kind of acid." Hermione said after seeing this scene, and then turned to Evelyn and Jonathan next to her, "So I hope you will listen to us later, and don't make your own decisions. Otherwise, some fatal Even if we have magic, we can't save it."

"Of course, of course." Evelyn and Jonathan were also frightened by the scene just now. The strong acid that can corrode steel in an instant would probably kill people on the spot if it corroded people.

After a while, after confirming that there were no other traps, they took out a large box from the hole behind the stone slab just now. Blowing off the dust on the box, Evelyn looked at the hieroglyphs written on the box lid and read: "Whoever opens this box will be killed. Once this box is opened, it was originally a grievance sealed by the Holy Law Firm." The spirit will break the curse and return to the world. He will kill all the people who opened the box, take their internal organs and blood, and resurrect them. From a cursed spirit, he will become a monster that harms the world."

As soon as the words fell, a strange sound echoed in the space. Everyone felt as if something had been activated.

"This is just a common threat in ancient Egyptian tombs, we..." Jonathan was trying to calm everyone's emotions when he suddenly saw Ryan and Hermione staring at him with extremely serious expressions. "This, can't be true?"

"It's true." Ryan nodded, "There is an extremely powerful magic item inside, and there are several other sources of curses. Once the box is opened, we think it is very likely that the curses written on the lid will become real."

"Then what should we do? Hearing what you said, I think what we are looking for is in this box. Do we just go back empty-handed like this? You are wizards!" Evelyn seemed a little excited.

"That's not necessary." Ryan nodded. "Facing this kind of resentful soul, we are professionals, but we have to make a lot of preparations in advance."

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