Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 485 Voldemort's Wrath

Just when Ryan and the others had successfully returned to their manor, a shadow in a black robe appeared at the place where they had just fought the Death Eaters. After looking left and right, the black figure took out his wand and released several spells, trying to recall what happened here just now, but all efforts failed, and only a white light curtain appeared in front of him.

After several failed attempts, the man in black had no choice but to put away his wand and Apparate to leave the street. After that, he suddenly appeared from the void and appeared on another street. This street looks like it is in the wild, only the street lights in the small town in the distance. He walked a few short steps and turned around a short bush before arriving at a wrought iron gate, and then passed through the iron gate like a mist.

Walking along the gravel-paved path, at the end of the path is a two-story unremarkable red brick building. The glass of the windows gleamed faintly in the starlight. After the man in black walked up the stone steps, the door opened automatically.

In the dim light, it can be seen that the foyer is not large, but it is very ornately decorated. Gilded plaster sculptures were placed on the corners and on the ceiling, and when the man in black robe walked through the corridor on the green marble floor, the pale portraits on the wall followed him with their eyes. Then he stopped in front of an oak door. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally made up his mind and turned the bronze door handle to push the door open.

The atmosphere in the living room was oppressive, as if a thick dark cloud had enveloped the room. Even though the flames in the marble fireplace were burning very brightly, people sitting at the long table in the living room felt as if they were in an ice cellar. The source of the cold air comes from Voldemort, who has no hair and nose, eyes and red snake eyes with pale skin.

"—You are all idiots, traitors, none of you can give an early warning of the sudden appearance of the enemy. Don't you claim to be able to obtain all the secrets? Why are you silent now?" After a while hissed like a snake After hissing and cursing, Voldemort turned around and looked at the man in black who had just entered.

"Rookwood, I hope you bring good news—" Voldemort said to the man in black in a cold tone.

"Sorry, master." The man in black knelt down immediately. "I swear I did my best, but that place is covered in magic like I've never seen before, and I... I...ah—"

After being hit by Voldemort's Cruciatus Curse, everyone in the room lowered their heads as they writhed desperately on the floor like a fish landing on the shore and screamed miserably. Everyone is trying to make themselves smaller and less conspicuous. Amidst the wailing, the Death Eaters felt that two minutes felt like two days. Fortunately Voldemort's punishment was finally over, leaving Rookwood twitching uncontrollably on the marble floor.

"Okay, can any of you tell me where these new enemies come from?" Voldemort looked at the other people at the table and said, and when he found out that these people wanted to hide themselves under the table, he simply said angrily Roll call directly. "Avery, tell me."

"I think this should be Dumbledore's trick, ah—" Avery was hit by Voldemort's Cruciatus Curse as soon as he finished speaking, and he slid off the marble-lined chair and twitched on the ground like Rookwood before. with.

"I don't want to hear such prevarication remarks. Everyone here knows that this kind of murderous style is definitely not something that old guy Dumbledore and his weak followers can do." Voldemort received Raised his wand and said angrily, "Think about how many people we've lost since we got back together? Barty Crouch Jr., Wormtail, Antonin Dolohov, the Carlos, Walton McNeill, Selwyn,

Crabbe and Gore. In addition, there are five foreigners who defected to us and two dirty werewolves. "

Speaking of this, Voldemort's pale face turned black slightly, and he roared loudly: "In just one year, we have already killed 14 people, and if we add those two werewolves, it will be 16, which is not enough. Count the European giants who were almost wiped out. I don't think we killed that many people in such a short period of time in the last war."

"We never found the bodies of most of them, they're probably just missing," Travers argued in a quick tone, and Voldemort turned and looked him in the eyes until he slipped out of his chair in fright and kissed himself up to the foot of the robe.

"Travers, if you are so stupid again, then I may need to consider taking back my trust in you. Bella's message is very clear. Now there is a group of enemies that we don't understand at all. You didn’t know anything about it before. Isn’t this your dereliction of duty?”

"For too long many of our oldest families have regressed in a life of ease," Voldemort went on, as Bellatrix, empty under her skirts, stared at him earnestly, holding her breath. "You have to prune the leaves to keep it healthy, don't you? Cut out the parts that threaten the general health and rejuvenate the old stale parts..."

Most of the people at the table shrank their necks like quails, trying to avoid Voldemort's glance. Only Bella, who was unable to move now, looked at Voldemort with fanatical eyes and said: "As long as you give the order, I will do my best."

"I don't want to have such an opportunity." Voldemort glanced at those people sitting around the table, and I couldn't help shivering at everyone who was caught by his gaze. "But if they are still as incompetent as they are now, I may need to waste some precious wizard blood, leaving only those wizards with pure blood..."

Voldemort raised a wand he didn't know where he got it and waved it in the air, revealing the faces of three girls. Voldemort was taken aback when he read the appearance of the girl who fought with Bella from Bella's memory, and at the same time trembled with excitement. Because he remembered that his resurrection was due to this person's interference, which resulted in his failure to do his best. In the end, he could only spend a lot of energy and resources to solve the hidden dangers in his body, and at the same time endured the pain of body and soul for such a long time. torment.

"You need to find them now, and kill them. Otherwise—" Voldemort said, reaching out his hand without a wand to touch Nagini's nose. "I don't want to give my Nagini another meal."

The Death Eaters quickly expressed their loyalty to their master, but Voldemort only took one look at them and started to rebuild two new legs for Bella, but something happened that made him even more upset because he didn't do it at all. Knowing what kind of magic caused Bella's waist to be lost, of course, he couldn't help Bella make another silver kidney and put it on.

While Voldemort was fidgeting about this matter, Ryan and the others sat in the living room of the manor drinking tea and discussed this issue.

"You said that Jill's curse attack needs to meet three conditions: the time is night, the target is a woman, and there is fog. Then why does this kind of magic need such complicated conditions? I don't know much about curses, can you give me Tell me?" Hermione said, looking at the rose crystal with knowledge-hungry eyes.

"That's right." Rose Crystal stood up from the sofa. "Since you have come into contact with the rules now, you should understand that Jill's attack used the power of the rules. After meeting the prerequisites for the curse to be launched, Jill can use the influence and belief of his peers in this world to affect part of the The power of the world reproduces the tragedy caused by Jack the Ripper in this world."

"For example?" Ryan asked.

"Theoretically, this curse attack can dig out all the internal organs of the attacked target. But Bella, as a wizard who is proficient in black magic, is much more resistant to curses than normal people, so in the end only one of her waist was removed. .Because of this incident, Jill still felt a little unhappy. Because she felt that it was a pity that she came to help me for the first time and did not have a perfect victory."

"This is already very powerful." Hermione admired from the bottom of her heart. As Hermione who had fought against Bella, Jill, who could face Bella's attack head-on and cause serious injuries to her, was more powerful than she expected. many. At least she still chooses to dodge and counterattack in the face of Bella's attack, and she can't stand the curse head-on.

After that, everyone started discussing about curses and rules, and didn't go back to the room until midnight when the clock struck 12 o'clock.

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