After Ryan and Hermione saw someone jumping into the sea from a nearby cliff, they immediately prepared to go to the bottom of the cliff to rescue people. After running to the beach, Ryan pointed to the sea, and a cloud of ice-blue runes flowed from Ryan's fingers. superior.

After the fog fell on the sea surface, it was immediately absorbed by the sea water, and then an ice ship similar to the one used by Ryan during the Triwizard Tournament appeared on the sea surface. When the three of them jumped into the boat together, Ryan knocked on the side of the boat, and the boat drove down the cliff like an arrow off the string.

But before they arrived, another figure was seen jumping off the cliff. But looking at his shirtless appearance in jeans, he should have dived into the water to save someone.

Sure enough, when Ryan and the others drove the boat under the cliff, the heads of the two people suddenly popped out of the water. They saw a Native American floating up with a girl on his back. So the three of them quickly pulled the two people who fell into the sea onto the boat.

After boarding the boat, Hermione and Rose Crystal immediately rescued the young lady. Fortunately, the girl didn't fall for a long time, and now she just passed out because of the hypothermia caused by the choking water and the icy sea water. So after Hermione cast the Revive Charm and evaporated the seawater from her with her wand, the girl woke up.

"Bell! Can you hear me?" After the girl woke up, the boy who looked like an aborigine asked nervously. He didn't relax until he saw the girl nodded. At this time, he began to notice the surrounding situation. Especially the ice ship carrying everyone, and the rose crystal sitting on the side of the ship.

"Who are you? Vampires?" He asked nervously. Ryan could see his whole body collapse, like a wolf ready to hunt. No, it's not just that, the boy turned into a giant wolf directly in front of everyone on board.

"There are many obstacles." With a wave of his wand, Ryan directly knocked the giant wolf into the water, and then the rose crystal conjured a few amethysts out of thin air and locked the wolf's body. Although he was struggling desperately, he couldn't break free from the constraints of those crystals.

"We are just British wizards who traveled here, and we are human beings." Ryan looked confused. Now it can be confirmed that there should be werewolves and vampires in this world, but the problem is that both werewolves and vampires are the darlings of western fantasy movies. There are too many stories about them, so for the time being, Ryan can't figure out which one it is. world.

"Human? Impossible. Only vampires can master this extraordinary power." The aborigine boy regained his human form in the water, and was picked up by Ryan. He said in shock when he boarded the boat. "I've never heard of any normal human possessing such power."

"Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean these things don't exist." Hermione opened her space bag, took out a thermos, and poured a cup of hot cocoa inside for the girl who was shivering a little due to the current situation.

"How on earth did you prove that you are a vampire? We can cooperate to prove that we are not."

"It's very simple. Vampires are cold. It's as cold as a corpse. At the same time, their bodies are extremely hard, like marble. And they can't appear in the sun." The aboriginal boy said, "Although it's cloudy all day long , but if you are human, your body should have temperature."

"That's it!" Rose Crystal, who received Ryan's signal, waved the crystals to disappear into the air, and then Ryan stretched out his hand. "Please let me introduce myself. My name is Ryan Liang, and I am a wizard from England. That is my companion, Hermione Granger, who is also my fiancée. We are traveling to the American continent now. As a result, As soon as I came here to the beach, I saw someone who seemed to jump into the sea to commit suicide, so I quickly used magic to turn the ice into a boat and came to save people."

"Hello, my name is Jacob Blake." The aboriginal boy extended his hand and shook hands with Ryan. Ryan keenly found that the temperature of the Native American werewolf named Jacob in front of him was warmer than his own. The temperature on the bed is higher, just like a person with a high fever. ""

"Isabella Swan, you can call me Bella." The girl who recovered after drinking a cup of hot cocoa reached out and shook Hermione's hand. "I'm just an ordinary human being."

When they came to the beach, another giant wolf rushed out. But Jacob stopped him. "Sam, I have nothing to do, they are human beings, not enemies."

The werewolf named Sam stopped after hearing Jacob's shout, and then changed into a Native American. "Are you really okay? I just saw you turned into a werewolf."

"It's okay, it's just some misunderstanding." Jacob shook his head. "They're just wizards from England, not vampires."

"Wizard?" Sam looked surprised. "I've never heard that there are wizards in this world. Can they do magic? Can they bring the dead back to life?"

"I know magic, but I can't bring the dead back to life. We are only human beings, not gods yet." Ryan interjected. "But when it comes to curing diseases and saving lives, we are much better than ordinary people."

"Really? Then can you do us a favor? We need to save a man with a heart attack. He is dying." Sam seemed excited, looking at Ryan expectantly . Considering that getting to know the locals in a new world is much better than groping alone, so Ryan nodded. "If it's not a heart attack caused by magical factors, a bottle of medicine is enough."

Although many potions are not suitable for ordinary people without magic, even some potions that cure wizards are poisons for ordinary people. However, as an alchemist, Ryan still made a lot of potions that ordinary people could drink.

"Okay, leave it to me here, you guys hurry back to the hospital, I'll find you there in a while. Thank you, Sam." Jacob helped Bella stand on the beach, while Ryan, Hermione and Rose Crystal Follow Sam off the beach.

Sitting in a pickup truck, the four rushed to the hospital together. Considering that this hospital belongs to ordinary people, Rose Crystal obediently let Hermione hug her like an ordinary doll. Although at Hermione's age, holding a doll still seemed a bit weird. But this is better than letting Rose Crystal walk into the hospital by itself.

The hospital in the town is not big, and Ryan felt that if it was put in a big city, he would not be able to die from a heart attack like this now. But now, through Hermione's life perception, Ryan knows that the person lying in the emergency room should not survive tonight if there are no other accidents.

At this time, Sam, who accompanied them, said something to a few people at the door, and soon those people managed to distract the doctor and let Ryan and the others walk in.

"Fortunately, there is still salvation." Ryan breathed a sigh of relief after pulling out his wand to check the person lying on the bed, then took out a crystal bottle containing green liquid from his arms, opened the bottle cap, and poured it down to the person on the bed. Within a few minutes of drinking the potion, the faces of the people on the hospital bed began to slowly return to blood. Seeing this, Ryan told the people outside that the people on the hospital bed were fine.

"Really - thank you so much." A young female werewolf shook Ryan's hand vigorously. "Thank you for saving my father."

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