After stepping into the house, Lane found that the place was very similar to the Hall of Prophecy in the movie. The room was as high as a church, and it was lined with towering shelves filled with small gray glass spheres, each with yellowed label paper underneath. Nothing but that.

The light source of the room comes from candles in candlesticks embedded on shelves at certain intervals. Like the black rotunda, the candles here also emit blue light. Coupled with the completely different silence from the house outside, it makes people feel that this house is as cold as the snowy field.

Harry took the lead and ran to the right, following the silver numbers under the candlesticks, because he remembered it was row 97 in the dream. At this time, Ryan, who was at the end, put the box in his hand on the ground half-kneeling under the cover of Hermione, and then opened the box.

There are eight gems on the box, and each time you press a gem before opening, the corresponding doll will be released. After dozens of seconds, the eight dolls collectively stood in front of Ryan.

"This time the target is much stronger than the vampire last time, so you'd better do it together. If you're not sure, you'd rather let it go than force it. In short, this time the concealment comes first, only if you can be sure that a fatal blow will kill you. You are only allowed to take action under the circumstances. When you see the mysterious man or Dumbledore appear, you will leave here immediately, and then the rose crystal will open the door for you and return to your world."

"Understood." The little dolls agreed in unison, and then lined up in a neat line to raise their skirts. Then it flew up to the top of the shelf and disappeared.

"We need to run faster, or we won't be able to keep up with Harry and the others." Hermione said quickly as the dolls disappeared into the darkness at the top of the house. When they reached row 97, they just heard Harry shouting loudly: "God, who can save him, he is covered in blood."

Ryan quickly pushed aside the Weasley twins who were in front of him, and found Harry kneeling on the ground, while Sirius was lying in front of him, covered in blood and pale.

"He's fine." Ryan used his wand to release a trace of green light on Sirius for inspection, and said to Harry after sensing the feedback from the magic power. "I've been hit with three or four Cruciatus, and I'm a little hurt, but these are all recoverable. I'll try to wake him up first. It's just that he's very weak now, and even if he wakes up, he may need someone to take him with him. Let's go." After hearing this, Harry's face became much better.

What Ryan didn't say was that, through his inspection, it could be determined that the body to the soul lying here was Sirius, and that no one had been ripped off. This is better than the worst possible state.

But Ryan can also understand what's going on. Voldemort, as the second-generation Dark Lord, always has one or two points of arrogance and conceit. He doesn't think that a few underage wizards can take an adult wizard who has basically lost the ability to take care of themselves to escape from him and his Death Eaters. . He naturally disdains to do such a degrading practice like camouflage and sneak attack.

On the other hand, Sirius, who can't recover in a short time, can be used to slow them down and increase the chances of Voldemort's side. If they find someone to impersonate, they can make Harry and the others find that Sirius is fake and just run away. shit.

After all, Harry and the others were just students, and running away from a murderous guy like the Death Eater was the most natural choice. Harry had successfully escaped from Voldemort twice before, so it is conceivable that Voldemort and the others made more preparations this time.

Thinking that a large group of Death Eaters were ambushing around now, Ryan couldn't help but looked around vigilantly.

But he saw nothing but darkness.

Since the ambush man hasn't come out yet, it's important to wake up Sirius first. After waking up, everyone can at least know what's going on here.

"Revival of Life" Ryan used his wand to recite a Quenya incantation at Sirius, and the light mixed with red and green flew out from Ryan's wand and sprinkled on Sirius' body.

These rays of light were quickly absorbed by Sirius's skin. Under the nourishment of these magic powers full of nature and life force, his skin slowly recovered some blood color, and the wounds on his body also healed. Finally, Sirius's eyelids began to tremble slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

"Sirius, you're awake." Harry said excitedly, a smile on his face.

Sirius's eyes first rolled around, as if he was looking for something. Then he squinted at Harry, a nervous look on his face. His lips moved hard, as if trying to say something to Harry.

Harry bent down and brought his ear to Sirius' mouth. As a result, he was heard speaking in a hoarse and weak voice. "Why are you here? Hurry up, get out of here, this is a trap."

"What, the trap?" Harry raised his head in astonishment, only to find that two dozen shadows appeared around them in an instant, blocking their way; the eyes of these people glittered in the gaps in their hoods. , more than two dozen wands with shiny tips aimed at their hearts.

"Okay, Harry. Take the glass ball with your name on the shelf next to you and hand it to me. Or you and your friends, yes, and your godfather will all die here. A deliberately lowered voice came from the shadows under a hood, but Ryan could tell it was Lucius Malfoy.

Harry guessed that each crystal ball here might correspond to a corresponding person, and only the designated person could remove the glass balls from the shelf. In this way, the purpose of being lured here by Voldemort's group becomes clear. This crystal ball may well be the secret weapon that Voldemort is looking for to defeat them.

Clear was clear, but now Harry had no choice. They couldn't seem to stand out from the Death Eater circle with Sirius, and he certainly wouldn't leave Sirius behind.

Harry could only stare at the Death Eaters hiding under the hoods with stubborn eyes, maybe out of some scruples, those Death Eaters just pointed their wands at them, but didn't do anything. But he also knew that this stalemate didn't make much sense. If he doesn't respond in a short period of time, these Death Eaters may use other methods to subdue themselves once their patience is exhausted, and more people may be hurt at that time.

Just when he was anxious, suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Ryan, who was half-kneeling next to Sirius, was pouring some medicine into Sirius' mouth with the help of a few classmates. When he noticed Harry was looking at him, he lip-mouthed for the time.

Harry realized at once that Ryan, the alchemist master, would probably have medicine to treat Sirius in a short period of time. And he now hopes he can hold off long enough for Sirius to recover. That way, it's better than it is now anyway.

"Do you want this glass ball?" Harry asked. The Death Eaters laughed; among the dark figures to Harry's left, a piercing female voice said triumphantly, "The Dark Lord always knows what's going on! So you just do as we say. Do, or I'll be glad you gave me a chance to torture pure-blooded scum and mudbloods."

Harry reluctantly walked to the row of shelves, and heard Lucius Malfoy say from behind: "Yes, in the row at your eye level, you can see it in the note under the glass ball. Your name and the name of the great Dark Lord."

Harry saw the glass ball with his own and Voldemort's names written on it, and a date sixteen years ago. He hesitated for a while, thinking about letting him go, so he took hold of the dirty little ball. He thought it was icy cold, but instead, it felt as if it had been in the sun for hours, as if warmed by its own light. Very easily, he took the glass ball off the shelf.

"Hand over the prophecy ball, there is no need to hurt people." Big Malfoy said coldly.

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